A New Home

It Started With A Mistake


Into the New World – Girls’ Generation





Two days after, MinYoung and WooYoung went back to Seoul. In their private jet plane, MinYoung sat across from WooYoung this time but they remained silent for the rest of the ride.


“Are feeling well?” WooYoung asked but MinYoung nodded.

“Not feeling nausea at all?” he peered into her but she shook her head.

“Why are you being so caring, WooYoung-ssi?” MinYoung asked, intrigued.

“Nothing,” he shook his head. They fell into silence again.


They’ve got thirty minutes left before they land in Incheon Airport. WooYoung took out his phone and began browsing on it. He went to his inbox and found that he hasn’t deleted any messages from HaRin, yet. He hit ‘options’ and scrolled down to ‘delete’. All of HaRin’s messages were deleted and changed her name from “Baby <3” to “Park HaRin”.


“Sir, please switch off your phone and put on your seatbelt. We’ll be landing in a while,” the stewardess told him. He turned off his phone and put on his seatbelt.


Little did he know, MinYoung has been observing WooYoung while he played with his phone.


“Maybe this is the time I should be giving him a chance. He is the father after all,” MinYoung thought.


When WooYoung looked up, he caught MinYoung looking at him. MinYoung immediately looked at the window. WooYoung chuckled.


“Things really haven’t changed,” WooYoung thought.


Their private jet plane has landed and they both stood up. MinYoung was about to get her bags from the baggage compartment when WooYoung beat her to it. She looked at him with “what-are-you-doing look”.


“You can’t carry heavy things,” WooYoung said as he grabbed his own bag and went to the plane’s door. He stopped to look at her.

“Come on. Our family’s waiting,” he nodded his head towards to door, informing her to go first.

MinYoung timidly went by the plane’s door. She looked back to WooYoung who still had her bag on his hand.

“Go on,” he mouthed and MinYoung followed.


The couple went to the arrival area and tried to look for their parents. They immediately spotted them since they were the only ones who waved frantically among the crowd. MinYoung wanted to run but WooYoung stopped her.

“Be careful. You might get pushed by the people,” he said.

So, they both went to their parents at the same time.


“Aigoo~ I missed my baby so much!” Mrs. Shin hugged MinYoung.

“Umma, it was only just for four days. That wasn’t too long,” MinYoung chuckled.

“Was WooYoung being nice to you? Did he treat you well?” Mrs. Jang asked.

MinYoung looked at WooYoung beside him who was currently talking to their fathers.

“N-ne, Mrs. Jang,” MinYoung bowed shyly.

“Aigoo~ this kid. I’m already your mother-in-law. Call me ‘eomoni’ from now on,” Mrs. Jang insisted.

“Ne, eomoni,” MinYoung giggled.


“My little sister-in-law!!!”


MinYoung laughed when she saw GeunSuk standing behind their parents with arms stretched wide. She ran to him and hugged him tight.

“My little dongsaeng has grown up!” he pretended to wipe fake tears.

“Yah! Oppa, what the hell is wrong with you?!” she slapped his arm.

“It’s because you got married before me! And I thought you loved me,” he pouted, still pretended to wipe his “tears”.

“Grow up, GeunSuk. MinYoung’s not for you. She’s WooYoung’s now,” Mrs. Jang touched her hair. Everyone fell into deep silence. Then, GeunSuk let out a fake cough.

“I think we should bring them home now,” he suggested.

“Good idea!” Mrs. Shin and Mrs. Jang squealed together. MinYoung and WooYoung looked weirdly at them.

“Forgive your mothers. They’ve been like that since we started looking for a house,” Mr. Jang said.

“A house?” the couple asked.

“Just come along dongsaengdeul. ‘Cause we’ve prepared something for the both of you,” GeunSuk stood in between the couple and draped his arms on each shoulders and led the way to the parking lot.

“Jang GeunSuk! Don’t you dare escape from bringing their baggage!” Mr. Jang called but the three were already far from the adults.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“You call this A HOUSE?!”


[The house: http://www.dreamhomedesignusa.com/jpegs/Chateau.jpg]


They all stood outside of the house. The couple had their eyes wide open.


“What did you have in mind?” Mrs. Jang tilted her head to the side.

“When you said ‘house’ we weren’t expecting for a mansion,” WooYoung said.

“This is already big for you?” Mrs. Shin asked.

“Well, for a small family, yes, it is,” MinYoung answered.


“So we’re a family now?” WooYoung looked at MinYoung. He wanted to ask it out loud to her but he didn’t want to give their families any suspicions.


“That’s nonsense. We’re expecting you’ll give us lots of grandchildren,” Mrs. Shin smiled sweetly. MinYoung and WooYoung’s eyes widened.

“Stop with the talking and let’s check out the house,” Mr. Shin said as he dangled the key right in front of the couple’s faces. WooYoung reluctantly took it and opened the door. GeunSuk was the first one to enter.


“Umma, Mrs. Shin, you did an amazing job decorating the house,” GeunSuk wondered around.

“The both of you decorated all of these?” MinYoung asked in amazement as she looked up to the ceilings.

“Well, we asked for the help of some of the best interior designers here in Korea,” Mrs. Jang answered. They all stood in front of the staircase.


[The staircase: http://www.mpiweb.org/cms/uploadedImages/Research_and_Whitepapers/Grand%20Staircase%20-%20RC%20Berlin.jpg ]


“Is a staircase necessary?” WooYoung whispered at MinYoung but she shrugged her shoulders.

“Of course you’ll need the stairs. How else would you be able to go upstairs?” GeunSuk joked as he placed his hands on his waist.

“Are you calling me stupid?” WooYoung asked, ready to strangle his brother.

“Mehlong~” GeunSuk stuck out his tongue and ran to the staircase. WooYoung began to chase him upstairs.


Meanwhile, the rest toured MinYoung around.


[The living room: http://marquetteturner.com/files/2009/07/catalfumo-living-1.jpg]


Then, the adults brought MinYoung upstairs and continued the tour. The Jang brothers were still chasing each other.


“Hyung! When I get you…”


[The Home Theater: http://www.omahku.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/las-vegas-luxury-home-theater-interior-and-decoration1.jpg]

[The Master’s Bedroom: http://luxury-idea.com/interior-design/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/bedroom-design-huelsta-elumo-554x367.jpg]


MinYoung was taken by surprise at how the bedroom looked so serene.


“There’s also a door when you turn left. It leads to the balcony,” Mrs. Shin said.


When MinYoung heard the ‘balcony’, she immediately went there and was taken aback with what she saw: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OPVZ9-ZFnUg/TZs_96pUAdI/AAAAAAAAAhc/xCfCCJFsm0A/s1600/Mansion-luxury-home-large--house-tricked-out-incredible-expensive-cribs-4137-Boulevard-Place-Mercer%2BIsland-Washington.jpg.


“MinYoung-ah!” GeunSuk called from below.

“When did you reach there?” MinYoung looked down.

“That doesn’t matter. Can you give me a spare key to your house?” he placed his hands his waist.

“Why?” she asked, confused.

“So I can gather some people for a pool party here. You’re place would be great for the party,” he said.

“No! No, no, no, no, no! Don’t give him the spare key!” WooYoung appeared beside GeunSuk.

“Don’t listen to him,” GeunSuk pushed his brother away, “please?” he pleaded.

“I don’t want to,” MinYoung said as she stuck out her tongue and disappeared inside.

“Mehlong~” WooYoung laughed.

“Aish!~ If you weren’t her husband, I could’ve drowned you by now!” GeunSuk threatened as he ran after his brother.


“What happened to my two boys?” Mrs. Jang asked who was sitting on the bed.

“Fooling around,” MinYoung answered.

“Well, come on, let’s check out your closet,” Mrs. Shin and Mrs. Jang excitedly pulled MinYoung towards a door inside the room.


[The closet: http://closetorganizers.closetfactory.com/Portals/52105/images/closet-design2.jpg]


“It’s.. big,” was all MinYoung could say. Then the two women brought her to the master’s bathroom: http://www.invitinghome.com/molding-bathroom/pictures/luxury-bathroom.jpg


“Thank goodness there’s something simple in this house. I mean mansion,” MinYoung thought.


“Hey girls,” MinYoung’s thoughts were interrupted when Mr. Shin popped his head by the door.

“I think it’s time that the kids see it,” he was smiling from ear to ear.

“See what?” MinYoung asked but no one answered her.

“Hurry and get WooYoung,” Mrs. Jang said.

“What are we going to see?” MinYoung asked again.

“You’ll know it soon,” Mrs. Shin’s eyes sparkled


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


It was already past eight o’clock when their parents left the house. GeunSuk even pleaded one last time, in case he could convince MinYoung to give him a spare key.


“Buy your own mansion, oppa,” she told GeunSuk. Then the cars sped off.


“Get in, you might catch a cold,” WooYoung said softly as he waited by the door. MinYoung entered and looked at the huge staircase again.

When WooYoung saw her standing still, he stood beside her.

“What are we going to do in this mansion?” MinYoung asked out loud.

“I don’t even understand why they bought us a mansion when there are only two of us,” WooYoung shrugged his shoulders. MinYoung pouted. She then turned to look at WooYoung.

“What time are you living for work tomorrow?” she suddenly asked.

“Around 8:30 maybe. Why?” he looked at her.

“Nothing,” she shook her head.

“Come on, let’s get some rest,” WooYoung took her hand and they went upstairs. MinYoung felt awkward having WooYoung holding her hand. She tried to get away from his grip but he wouldn’t let go.


The couple took turns in washing up and MinYoung went first. Once they were done cleaning themselves up, WooYoung took out a blanket from the closet and got a pillow from the bed. MinYoung was already under the covers, watching WooYoung’s every move.


“Where will you be sleeping?” MinYoung asked. She was wondering why WooYoung had a blanket under his arm and had one pillow on his hand.

“I’ll be sleeping on the floor,” he said.


When she had asked WooYoung once not to sleep beside her on their honeymoon, he began to do it willingly every night and left the bed to MinYoung. MinYoung felt guilty.


“W-why would you be sleeping o-o-on the floor w-when there’s enough space on the b-bed?” she stuttered.

“You’re letting me sleep on the bed now?” he asked.

“Well, you’ve got to get some good night’s sleep if you’ll be running the company tomorrow,” MinYoung excused. But truthfully, she wanted to make up to him for being nice to her.

“Alright,” WooYoung said as he placed back the pillow on the bed and went under the covers.

“Good night,” he said.

“Good night,” she said softly.



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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: