The Reason. The Unthinkable.

It Started With A Mistake


Make Love – TaeYang (Big Bang) ft. Kush




“Sssshhh!!!” a woman in her late 60’s came out of the room.


It was already 3:00 in the morning and the two friends were making their way back to MinYoung’s suite; unfortunately, they went to the wrong floor which caused both MinYoung and WooYoung to laugh loudly.


“Sorry!” WooYoung squeaked and tried to low down his laugh.

“Stop squeaking!” MinYoung playfully slapped WooYoung’s chest and tried to low down the volume her laughter.


MinYoung and WooYoung went back inside the elevator and made sure they pressed the button right this time. Once at the 20th floor, the two began to lean each other for support as they were both already drunk. WooYoung took MinYoung’s key card from her and tried to swipe it by the door, but instead, they key card fell on the floor making them laugh like idiots again.


“Sssshhh!” MinYoung placed a finger on her lips.

“Oh right, shhh!” he imitated her gesture before swiping the card again.


Once the door opened, both MinYoung and WooYoung stumbled inside causing the both of them to fall on the floor. They laughed and rolled on the floor.


“You’re drunk!” she accused him.

“No you’re drunk!!” he accused back.

“We’re both drunk,” MinYoung tried to stop laughing but failed.

“Stand up! We look like stupid fools!” he helped her stand up and made their way by the couch.

“I’m thirsty!!” he complained as he removed his jacket.

“Then get yourself a drink, babo!” she laughed. WooYoung tried to walk straight by the suite’s mini-kitchen and tried to look for something to drink. MinYoung continued to laugh at the tipsy figure. He came back with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

“I thought you said you were thirsty?” she asked.

“I was trying to look for water but I found this bottle and thought we could finish it,” he said as he opened the bottle.

“I ain’t gonna drink anymore,” she waved her hands in front.

“You can’t say no, we’ve got to drink this. Our names’ written all over it!” he poured a glass for MinYoung and himself.


While they drank the wine, they began to have a heart-to-heart talk, beginning with everything that happened between them and their significant others (Nichkhun & HaRin). They’ve talked about their memorable moments, their struggles and problems they have encountered in the relationship. When the bottle was half-empty, WooYoung dropped the bomb making MinYoung stop.


“What happened to us then?” he asked, gazing intently at her.

“We changed, that’s all,” she said blankly as she finished her glass. She was about to pour herself another glass but he snatched the bottle and glass away from her.

“That’s not it,” he said, not convinced.

“What do you want to know WooYoung-ssi?” she asked as she leaned her head back, still looking at him.

“I want you to tell me how our friendship disappeared into thin air,” he said.

MinYoung sighed.


“It wasn’t gone WooYoung,” she rolled her eyes away from him.

“Then what?” he asked.

“I decided that we should just end it. It was my fault. I ruined our friendship,” she said softly as she turned to him.

“Why?” he continued to ask.

“What do you mean why?” she raised an eyebrow.

“Why did you decide to end it?” he was already looking intense to her at that time. MinYoung chuckled.

“I can’t believe you’re already getting old, Jang WooYoung,” she pinched his nose. He didn’t understand her.

“You’re still too young to forget things,” she smiled like a fool.

“What happened? I don’t understand you,” he said as he shook his head and tried to absorb what she was telling him. MinYoung blew air.


“Almost eight years ago, I was 12 years old and you just turned 13. It happened on your birthday,” she began.




“Happy birthday WooYoung oppa!”


It was WooYoung’s 13th birthday party and his parent’s prepared a pool party. MinYoung bought a silver chained bracelet, with white diamonds in front and “Forever and ever” engraved on the back, as her gift for WooYoung:


WooYoung gladly took the pouch from MinYoung and told her to go at the back of the mansion for the pool party as he continued to greet the guests. MinYoung knew some of the kids at the party but she waited for WooYoung. That night, she wanted to confess her feelings to him.


“I hope oppa loves my present,” MinYoung hoped.


MinYoung continued to wait for WooYoung. She even looked for him around the party but she just couldn’t find him. Sad, she made her way to the mansion’s gazebo and decided to stay there until the guests would leave. To her surprise, she found WooYoung there standing while he held unto SeungYeon’s hand. MinYoung was standing far away by the gazebo so she couldn’t quite understand what they were talking about. She wanted to go near and eavesdrop but she stopped in her tracks when she saw WooYoung hug SeungYeon tightly. Heartbroken, MinYoung ran back to the party as fast as she can while tears fell from her eyes. GeunSuk saw her and immediately approached her.


“Hey, what’s wrong? Didn’t it go well?” he asked. GeunSuk knew everything about MinYoung’s feelings ever since she fell for WooYoung. He knew that MinYoung would confess her feelings for him that night.

“I—He—Seung--,” she couldn’t finish her sentence as she was sobbing.

“MinYoung-ah!” she turned around. WooYoung was the one who called her. MinYoung’s heart broke even more when she saw him walk with his hand laced into SeungYeon’s hand. MinYoung couldn’t either move or breathe. GeunSuk was rubbing her back to calm her down but tears were continuously falling from her eyes.

“Hyung, MinYoung-ah, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Han SeungYeon,” he introduced his girlfriend.

“Nice to meet you,” GeunSuk shook her hand. WooYoung turned to MinYoung.

“Hey are you alright?” he asked as he rubbed her arms. MinYoung removed his hands angrily from her and ran inside the mansion. She searched for her gift to him and brought it her out of the house. Then, she went to their family car and instructed the driver to bring her home. Once she reached home, she went to her room and locked herself up; she removed her bracelet that was similar to her gift to WooYoung, but smaller and thinner compared to it and had “JWY&SMY” engraved on it. MinYoung took out WooYoung’s supposed to be bracelet and placed the engraved part beside her bracelet and read the writings out loud.


“Jang WooYoung and Shin MinYoung, Forever and ever,” she read softly. More tears came out of her eyes.

“I can’t believe my first love was the one who would break my heart,” she sobbed softly.


MinYoung placed both bracelets inside the pouch and kept it on one of her drawers. WooYoung tried to call her in her cell phone and on their home phone but she just wouldn’t answer as she knows it was him who was calling. He left 5 voice messages on her phone asking where she was, did something happened or was she alright. Irritated, MinYoung turned off her phone. She cried all night in pain.


End of Flashback


“You can say it was a lame reason for deciding to end our friendship but I just couldn’t walk up to you the next day and say ‘Hi’ and act like nothing happened. We were still young back then and I was so naïve and assumed that you had the same feelings, too” she said. WooYoung was silent all the while. MinYoung threw a pillow at his face to bring him back to reality.

“Yah, speak up!” she laughed.

“Where’s the bracelet then?” he asked seriously.

“Somewhere in my drawers I guess,” she shrugged.

“I’m sorry,” he said softly.

“You don’t have to apologize. You didn’t know anything anyways. I’m supposed to be the one who’ll apologize for breaking our friendship. I should’ve known my boundaries as being your best friend,” she smiled. WooYoung bowed down his head.


“I was a fool, too,” he spoke.


“I didn’t tell you how I really felt,” he looked up.

“What? You’re confusing me,” she said as she sat up.

“I was a coward then,” he whispered.

“WooYoung-ssi, you’re confu- - -“ but she was cut off when WooYoung suddenly kissed her.


MinYoung didn’t quite understand what WooYoung was saying or what was going on. She had her both hands in front of his chest as she held tightly onto his shirt and prepared to push him with all her might. But she failed to do so and found herself responding back to his kiss. The kiss was full of passion, intense and contained all of the hidden emotions they had for each other. Then, WooYoung felt something wet drop on his cheek. He broke the kiss and found MinYoung crying.


“Hey, why are you crying?” WooYoung asked as he wiped her tears. She shook her head.

“I just remembered the time when I saw you and SeungYeon kiss when we were in first high school. It just hurt to remember those hidden feelings I had for you then,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered back. After five seconds or so, he began to peck her lips until he fully kissed her. MinYoung didn’t resist.


After the three minute make-out session, the both of them broke the kiss and gasped for air while they had their foreheads against each other and looked longingly at each other. He held on to her waist and she had her arms laced on the back of his head.


To MinYoung’s surprise, WooYoung suddenly lifted her up, bridal-style, and brought her to their room while they remained their looks at each other. Once they reached the doors, WooYoung used his foot to close the two doors of the bedroom and locked it.


That night, WooYoung and MinYoung lost it.




I couldn’t say (type, rather) that they made love since they weren’t really in love with each other at that time. They were just drunk. For the rest of the night, it’s up to you and your imagination on what happened.


Sorry if this chapter . I don’t know how to write R stuffs. Even if this , I hope you enjoyed. :) Don’t forget to leave some LOVE for this story! :)


*** Let’s drink just to get drunk and tell each other everything for a drunken mind speaks with a sober heart.

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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: