Making It Up

It Started With A Mistake


My Boy – Secret




Sniff. Sniff.


Sniff. Sniff.


Sniff. Sniff.


WooYoung kept on turning and flipping on the bed as he smelt something pleasant surrounding him.


Sniff. Sniff.


Slowly, WooYoung opened his eyes and saw that the sun has risen. He looked around him and found himself in unfamiliar surroundings.


“Oh right. We moved to our new home,” he thought as he rubbed his eyes. He sat up a little with his elbows supporting him and looked on his side to find MinYoung out of bed.


“Where could she be?” he thought. Then WooYoung remembered that he smelt that something delicious is cooking. He saw the bedroom door open and followed the scent which led him to the kitchen. There he saw MinYoung cooking up some breakfast.


“Oh! Good morning,” MinYoung greeted once she turned around with a platter of bacon on hand. She was surprised to see WooYoung already awake.

“You just woke up in time. Breakfast is ready,” she said cheerfully. MinYoung grabbed his arm and pushed him on a nearby bathroom.

“I thought we’re going to eat?” he asked, confused.

“Not until you wash your face. You just woke up. You wouldn’t want to eat with a morning breath do you?” she asked. WooYoung obliged and hurriedly washed his face. After that, he went to the dining table and saw that MinYoung has already settled on her seat.

“Come on. We don’t want you to get late on your first day,” she waved him over. So, WooYoung sat beside her and stared at the food on the table.

“You can cook?” WooYoung asked in surprise.

“Of course, I can,” MinYoung said as she put some fried rice on his plate and gave him some bacon and eggs.

“You didn’t put any food poison in here, did you?” he asked as he poked his food.

“Yah!” she slapped his arm.

“I was just kidding,” he laughed before he took a bite. MinYoung observed him. He took another bite after another but didn’t say anything.

“Can you taste the food poisoning now?” she joked.

“Not yet but maybe later,” he said with his mouth full. MinYoung laughed. Then, WooYoung placed some food on MinYoung’s plate.

“You should eat. You have to feed yourself and the baby,” he said while he placed some more food on her plate.


After eating up, WooYoung insisted on washing the plates but MinYoung told him to go and get ready for work since he’ll have to meet with her father first. So, he obliged and went upstairs.

“She’s in a good mood today,” he guessed as he took a shower.


WooYoung has to reach the office by 8:15am and it was already 7:45am. He immediately got dressed and went downstairs.


“WooYoung-ssi!” MinYoung came running out of the kitchen.

“Hey, don’t go running to fast. You have a baby inside of you,” WooYoung reminded her. So, she walked briskly instead and handed him a bag. WooYoung questioningly looked at it.

“It’s your lunch,” she answered. Then, MinYoung noticed that his tie was crooked.

“May I?” she asked his permission.

“May you what?”

“Your tie, it’s crooked,” she said as she fixed the tie herself.


WooYoung kept his gave on MinYoung as she fixed his tie for him. Once done, MinYoung looked up to him.


“Jang WooYoung, if you keep on staring, you’re going to be late and you don’t want my father getting mad at you now, do you?” she said making WooYoung’s eyes widen in fright. WooYoung checked his watch and he got only fifteen minutes left to reach the office.

“Oh ! I have to go!” he said as he raced outside of the house.

“Drive safely!” she called out before she shut the door close.




WooYoung has already fallen asleep but MinYoung couldn’t and kept on turning to her sides.

It was already midnight and she was wide awake when her phone consistently blinked on her side table. She took her phone to see who was calling her in the middle of the night.


GeunSuk oppa.


Since she couldn’t get to sleep, MinYoung got off the bed and went to the balcony to answer her phone.



“And why are you still awake?” GeunSuk asked with a mischievous tone. MinYoung knew what GeunSuk was thinking at the moment.

“I couldn’t sleep oppa. Nothing happened,” she answered, “and haven’t you thought that maybe your phone call could’ve waken me up?” she added.

“I was thinking about that a while ago but I sensed in your voice that you’re wide awake so I thought of something else,” he chuckled.

“ert!” she scolded him. “Why did you call anyway?” she asked.

“I was just wondering if you have already forgiven my dongsaeng,” he said. MinYoung remained silent.


“Listen. I wanted to tell you this since your wedding but I’m not supposed to say this to you. I just thought that maybe this could somehow help your relationship with WooYoung,” he started.

“Go on,” MinYoung listened attentively.

“WooYoung never really stopped caring about you,” GeunSuk said abruptly.

“What are you talking about?” he got MinYoung confuse.

“You’re a special person to WooYoung. Even if he annoyed you at times or you both fight, he never stopped caring about you. Since we were kids, you’ve always been special to him up until now,” he told her.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this but I think you should know,” he spoke softly.

“Know what?” she asked in a whisper.

“You were his first love. He wanted you to be his girlfriend way before but he was afraid that he might hurt you in some ways and he didn’t want that. So, he asked someone else to be his girlfriend. But when he found out that you were going out with Nichkhun, he got really hurt. WooYoung told him to love you, to take care of you and make sure he wouldn’t hurt you. And when he met HaRin, he learned to love again but you’ve always remained as that very special person to him,” he ended with a heavy sigh.


“Why are you telling me all these now?” she asked with tears falling from her eyes.

“I just want you to realize that WooYoung didn’t marry you because he wanted to ruin your life. He did it because he knew he got you hurt and he’s taking his responsibility for his actions. He may not say it out loud to me but I know that that guy is doing everything that he can just to make you happy again because deep down inside, he still loves you,” he said seriously. MinYoung sobbed silently.


“Usually, girls give guys a second chance and that’s that. You’ve already given him that when you were in Jeju and he got you pregnant. Pregnancy doesn’t usually happen in second chances,” GeunSuk joked.

“Oppa~” MinYoung cooed.

“I’m just kidding,” he chuckled, “Give my dongsaeng the third chance. And this may be the time to settle things down,” he advised.

“Alright, oppa,” she wiped her tears.

“Now go to bed. You’ll see eye bags underneath the baby’s eyes when it comes out,” he said sarcastically.

“And hopefully it wouldn’t look like you,” she joked.

“Yah!~” GeunSuk was going to argue against it but MinYoung hung up.


MinYoung went back inside and lay down. She looked at WooYoung’s serene face.


“Was I really that special to you?” she asked in her mind as she looked at WooYoung with a soft smile.


End of Flashback



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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: