Off To Jeju

It Started With A Mistake


You Know – 4Minute




The next morning, MinYoung went to her office to settle some paper works before she goes to her trip to Jeju. She has assigned HaRin to take charge on their department while she’s gone. MinYoung went home extra early to pack her things that she’ll need to bring.


“Just call me if you’re having any problems here in the office,” she told HaRin.

“Okay, unnie. By the way, don’t forget to bring me some souvenirs from Jeju!” HaRin said before MinYoung left the office.


The next day, MinYoung was ready to go. She was talking to Nichkhun on the phone while she placed her personal belongings in her bag. Mr. and Mrs. Shin were waiting for her downstairs.


“Are you sure you don’t want me to come and drop you off by the airport?” Nichkhun asked while he browsed through some papers.

“I’ll be fine, oppa. Besides, you have some work to do,” MinYoung said as she zipped her bag.

“I’m so sorry if I can’t go. WooYoung left me with loads of paper work. He said he’ll be gone for a while and I don’t even know where he went!” he complained as he scratched his head.

“That’s old news. He always leaves his dirty work to everyone,” she said as her eyebrows met.

“Anyways, I have to go. I’m having a meeting in five minutes. Have a safe trip. Text me once you get there,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” MinYoung saluted. Nichkhun chuckled.


“I love you,” he said sweetly. MinYoung instantly melted.

“I love you, too,” she said before she hanged up.



“Princess, are you ready to go?” Mrs. Shin called from downstairs.

“Yes, umma! I’ll be down in a minute!” she shouted from upstairs. She checked her bag one last time before she closed her room and went downstairs. Her parents were waiting for her by the door.


“Are you excited for your vacation?” Mr. Shin asked with a grin.

“Yes, appa!” she said enthusiastically.

“You’ll need A LOT of rest and relaxation,” Mrs. Shin chuckled.


Soon, they were driving their way to the airport. As they neared the airport, Mrs. Shin, who was sitting beside MinYoung, placed her hand on top of her daughter’s and gave it a tight squeeze. MinYoung looked at her and gave her mom a sweet smile.

“I’m fine, umma,” she said. MinYoung knew that her mom was checking up on her. They soon reached the airport within thirty minutes. Mr. Shin brought out MinYoung’s suitcase from the car’s trunk.

“I’m ready to go!” MinYoung announced.

“Have fun at Jeju, honey,” Mrs. Shin hugged her daughter and so did Mr. Shin.

“You’ll be sitting at the business class,” he told her, “call us once you get there or if you’re having any troubles, alright?” he added. MinYoung nodded in agreement.

“Appa! Umma! Thanks for putting me into business class!” she waved at her parents before she went inside the airport.


Meanwhile, someone was buying a ticket to Jeju.

“How many will you need, sir?” the lady asked.

“Just one,” he said. The lady on the desk began to type away on the keyboard and had her eyes glued on the monitor. Then the lady smiled.

“Well, sir, this may be your lucky day. We only have one seat left but it’s in the economy class. Will that be alright?” she asked as she looked up to him.

“I’ll take that then,” he said as he took out his passport and handed it to the lady.


“Enjoy your trip to Jeju, sir!” the lady said after he has paid for the ticket and she handed it to him. The guy turned around and went to the departure area.



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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: