
It Started With A Mistake


Take Me To The Place – Bekah (After School)


*sorry it’s a long chapter.




“Are you out of your mind?!” MinYoung screamed at WooYoung by the hospital’s empty parking lot.

“You said I have the right, remember?” WooYoung walked his way to his car.

“I said you have the right to know but you don’t have the right to change my plan!” MinYoung screamed. WooYoung closed his door and started the engine. MinYoung stomped her way to the car and banged on the window.

“What?!” WooYoung asked, furious, as he rolled down the window.

“We’re not done talking!” she screamed.

“What’s there to talk about?!” he asked. MinYoung breathed heavily. She was about to cry.

“Why did you have to do that?” she asked as tears came out of her eyes.




“It’s nice to meet you, sir. I am MinYoung’s doctor. May we settle this matter in my clinic, please?” Dr. Park said while she shook WooYoung’s hand.

“Nurse Jung, please help Ms. Shin to my clinic,” she ordered and Nurse Jung obliged.

“What are you doing??” MinYoung immediately asked WooYoung.

“You can’t get rid of the baby,” WooYoung said.

“And why is that?” she crossed her arms.

“Because I’m the father,” he simply said. MinYoung was shocked. When she told him about the baby, he declined it in front of her and in front of the people at Sweet Cravings. And now that she was about to get rid of it, he claims it.


End of Flashback


“Like what I told you back inside, I’m the father. You’re not the only parent of that baby,” WooYoung said, not looking at MinYoung.

“But why do you have to claim it yours now?” MinYoung waved her arms.

“I know what I’m doing MinYoung. And this is what’s right. For the both of us,” he said as he switched to “D”. “Go home now. It’s getting cold. I have to set some things straight,” he said as he closed his window and sped off.

Furious, MinYoung went to her car and drove off.


WooYoung wanted to talk to HaRin. While he drove, he fished his phone in his pocket and dialed HaRin’s number. Without hesitation, HaRin immediately answered.

“Hi oppa!” she greeted brightly.

“HaRin-ah. We have to meet now. We need to talk,” he said in a heavy voice.

“Oppa, what’s wrong? Did something bad happen?” she asked, worried.

“We just have to talk now. Meet me by the park,” then he hanged up.

“What happened?” HaRin thought. She walked out of the office. The park was not far from Shin Corporation.


MinYoung slammed her bedroom door shot as she came home. She threw her purse on her bed and walked around, hands on her waist and head.

“WooYoung, why’d you have to do this?” MinYoung thought.

Then, MinYoung’s phone vibrated, signaling a text message.


To: Shin MinYoung


I’m meeting up with HaRin to tell her. Maybe you should tell Nichkhun as well.




“He’s telling her?” MinYoung whispered. A tear fell down.




“Because-because he knows that I’ll run after him if he ever cheats o-on you,” MinYoung tried to sound angry but she failed.


“Dongsaeng, I’m sure he still loves you…”


“And I want to live up to that promise now,” he said seriously as he looked deep into her eyes. MinYoung became confused.

“I want you to be the girl who I want to love forever, the girl who would love me forever, and the girl who I want to spend the rest of my life with,” Nichkhun said slowly.


“4 years ago, I told you that I love you and I asked if you love me, too, and you said yes. 4 years ago, I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes. 4 years later, now, I want to tell you that I love you so much that I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you,”


“And now, I want to ask you. Are you ready? To spend the rest of your life with me?” he asked.


“will you marry me?” he asked softly.


“Please say ‘yes’ baby,” he whispered but enough for MinYoung to hear.

“Is that what you really want?” MinYoung asked.

“I’m positive,” he nodded. MinYoung took a deep breath.

“Y-y-yes,” she stuttered. Nichkhun smiled.


“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, too,” she said softly.


“Here is yours,” WooYoung gave her a glass.

“Let’s make a toast,” he suggested.

“A toast for what?” she asked as held up her glass.

“For regaining our friendship,” he smiled.

“Did we succeed on that?” she raised an eyebrow.

“You wouldn’t be here with me if we didn’t succeed,” he pointed out.


“What happened to us then?” he asked, gazing intently at her.

“We changed, that’s all,” she said blankly as she finished her glass. She was about to pour herself another glass but he snatched the bottle and glass away from her.

“That’s not it,” he said, not convinced.


“I didn’t tell you how I really felt,” he looked up.

“What? You’re confusing me,” she said as she sat up.

“I was a coward then,” he whispered.

“WooYoung-ssi, you’re confu- - -” but she was cut off when WooYoung suddenly kissed her.


To MinYoung’s surprise, WooYoung suddenly lifted her up, bridal-style, and brought her to their room while they remained their looks at each other. Once they reached the doors, WooYoung used his foot to close the two doors of the bedroom and locked it.


End of Flashback


“I’ve betrayed my fiancée and my best friend,” MinYoung cried harder as she slowly sat on the floor and continued to break down.


Meanwhile, WooYoung was nervously waiting for HaRin by the park. He was sitting on a bench. Not too long, HaRin arrived. She immediately spotted WooYoung.

“Hey, oppa,” HaRin cautiously went near him.

“Hey,” he said softly as he made space for HaRin.

“What’s up? Did something happen at the office? Are you sick?” she placed her palm on his forehead.

“No. I’m not sick,” he took her hand and clasped it on his own.

“Then what is it? What’s wrong?” she asked as she searched his eyes.

“I-I’ve got something to tell you that you should know about,” he said slowly.

“What is it?” she asked, trying to sound excited but deep inside, she was nervous.

“A month ago, I didn’t just go to Jeju Island because I wanted to. I had a purpose,” he started. HaRin nodded, wanting him to continue.

“GeunSuk hyung wanted me to follow MinYoung so that we could fix our relationship,” he said slowly.

“I did get to see her and convinced her to start anew. We went out together everyday, explored Jeju, ate meals together outside, played on the beach, walk around the Island, and shopped together,” he chuckled as he remembered his stay, HaRin was getting very nervous by the moment. “We slowly began to open up things and talk like normal friends do. We were able to bring back the friendship that we had until…until…” he trailed off.

“Until what, oppa?” HaRin asked as she shook his hands, still clasped into hers.

“Until we decided to go to a club. We had a few light drinks. Well, maybe a few too many. We danced, talked and got drunk,” WooYoung stopped, bowed his head in shame.

“I think I know where this is going,” HaRin thought as she looked away in shock, tears were already threatening to fall.

“It was already late and I went with her up to her suite and thought that I could stay there for a while and hang out some more. I found this bottle of wine and I insisted on drinking more. Until she opened up and told me her reason for being angry at me all the time,” he continued.

“A-and?” HaRin’s voice shook.

“When we were kids, she used to like me. I used to like her, too. I was just a coward to tell her that. She was about to confess to me on my birthday but I asked someone else to be my girlfriend. She got hurt and avoided me ever since. She told me her side and I guess, instead of telling my side of the story, I-I..We..We’ll, I-I guess I did something different,” he couldn’t continue his talking.

“You did what?” HaRin asked softly, still looking away.

“I-I kissed MinYoung. And things heated up. As soon as we came back from Jeju, we ignored each other until this week. We, we’ll, MinYoung found out that she’s pregnant and..” but he was cut off when he saw HaRin bow her head and teardrops fell on top of their hands.

“I-I’m so sorry..” he said softly which made HaRin looked at him with hatred. She was no longer holding on to WooYoung hands but he still had her hands in his.

“What makes you think that I’ll ever forgive you?” HaRin asked. She was already crying hard.

“I know. I’m a jerk and I don’t deserve to be forgiven,” WooYoung shook his head.

“Well it’s good to know that you know you ARE a jerk!” HaRin stood up and slapped WooYoung hard, leaving a faint hand mark on his cheek.


“I deserve that,” WooYoung thought as he touched his cheek. When he turned to look at HaRin, she was already walking away. He let her go.

“Goodbye, HaRin-ah. I love you so much and I’ll always will,” WooYoung walked the other direction.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


HaRin walked away to the farthest part of the park where people seldom passed by. She was crying so hard that she’s almost coming to the point of being dehydrated. Then, her phone rang.


MinYoung Unnie <3


“What do you want?” she coldly asked.

“Listen dongsaeng, I’m so sorry. We never wanted this to happen,” MinYoung apologized.  

“I thought you were a friend, unnie. I thought you were my best friend! But how can you do this to me?!” HaRin poked her chest.


“And what about those ‘I’m sure he still loves you’ stuff? You made me look like a fool!” HaRin screamed.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” MinYoung cried softly but HaRin can still hear her.

“I don’t have a friend who’s a betrayer,” HaRin said coldly before she hanged up. After she did so, she cried even harder and sat on the pavement.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


MinYoung was leaning on the wall, crying, and slowly slides down on the floor. She had her knees close to her chest and held her phone tight.


It was already 2:45am and MinYoung remained unmoved from the floor. She grew tired of crying and she knew that she’ll need to save up her energy for Nichkhun on their confrontation. At the same time, HaRin already passed out in a club’s bar. The bartender has been waking her up for the past 45 minutes. Irritated, HaRin took out her phone to call for someone to fetch her.


“Hello?” a voice groggily answered.

“Oh! Oppa!” HaRin said in a high-pitched voice.

“HaRin-ah?” the voice recognized her.

“Hmmm,” HaRin smiled.

“It’s already 2:45 in morning. What made you call?” the person on the other line asked.

“Can oppa pick me up?~” she asked sweetly.

“Are you drunk?” the voice asked.

“I just drank a tiny bit,” she said in a small voice and then giggled.

“Where are you?” the voice asked in a hurry.

“I don’t know where I am,” she giggled and handed her phone to the bartender, “can please tell oppa where I am?” she asked the bartender before passing out.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Nichkhun has been calling WooYoung for the past 10 minutes while he drove his way to fetch HaRin.


“The number you’re dialing is currently unavailable or out of coverage area. Please try your call later.”


“Aish! WooYoung-ah! Where are you?!” Nichkhun asked, frustrated. Giving up, he tossed his phone on his side and sped off to where HaRin was.


In less than 5 minutes, Nichkhun arrived at Club NX2 (A/N: sorry the name xD). He immediately spotted HaRin’s drunken state by the bar. It was not hard to find her since she’s the only remaining customer inside.


“HaRin-ah. HaRin-ah,” Nichkhun poked her shoulders.

“Hmm?” HaRin lifted her head from the bar table.

“HaRin-ah, it’s Nichkhun,” he said.

“Oppa? Nichkhun oppa? What are you doing here?” she asked in confusion.

“You called me to pick you up remember?” he reminded her. HaRin laughed.

“Oh yeah. I forgot,” HaRin giggled.

“Come on. Let’s get you out of here,” Nichkhun said as he slung her arm around her shoulder and supported her by her waist. They walked out of Club NX2 and went to Nichkhun’s car.

“Oof!” HaRin exclaimed as she sat inside his car. He closed her door and went to his side of the car and drove away to drop her off to her house.

“Sorry for calling you in the middle of the night, oppa,” HaRin said softly and smiled weakly.

“It’s no problem. You’re a dongsaeng. I should be protecting you,” he said as he drove. “Have you tried calling for WooYoung?” he asked.

“Psh! I’m not calling him,” she waved her hand to him.

“Why not?” he asked.

“We broke up,” she said as she looked out of the window.

“What?!” Nichkhun asked in shock.

“We broke up,” she repeated.

“I know! I heard it! Since when?!” Nichkhun still couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Just this morning. He didn’t say anything but I know we’re done,” she said.

“What made you say that?” he asked, still confused about the whole situation.

“I thought he loves me. I guess I was wrong,” she chuckled. Nichkhun made a stop in front of HaRin’s home. He went out and helped HaRin out of the car and walked her until they reached the porch.

“You’re really kind, oppa,” she smiled at him.

“No wonder unnie loves you so much,” she added.

“It’s just a shame that she’s no longer yours,” she muttered but Nichkhun heard her. What used to be a smile on his face was replaced with a frown.

“What are you saying?” he shook his head.

“Hasn’t she told you anything, yet?” HaRin tilted her head to the side.

“What hasn’t she told me yet?” he demanded.

“MinYoung unnie is pregnant with WooYoung oppa’s baby,” HaRin revealed without thinking twice.

“What?!” he couldn’t believe what HaRin has just said.

“Shocking right,” she chuckled, “that’s why I didn’t call WooYoung oppa,” she added.

“It’s our secret, okay?” she said as she placed a finger on Nichkhun’s lips and on hers and laughed.


Nichkhun helped HaRin find her keys and once she was inside, Nichkhun stomped his way to his car. He took his phone and saw that has two unread messages and five missed calls, all from MinYoung.


From: Babe <3


Oppa, where are you? Are you already sleeping? I was trying to call you but you wouldn’t answer. We need to talk.


* * *


From: Babe <3


I guess you are already sleeping. Can we meet up tomorrow morning? I really have something to tell you. It’s urgent.


* * *


“HaRin can’t be right. Please let her be wrong,” Nichkhun prayed.


“MinYoung wouldn’t cheat on me.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


MinYoung looked miserable after a week of sleepless nights. Her hair was not as beautiful as it used to be, there were dark circles below her eyes which are swollen from too much crying, and she looked pale and weak.


MinYoung was sitting by Coffee Bean’s window and patiently waited for Nichkhun’s arrival. She has sent two text messages to him early in the morning and had missed called him for five times. She waited for a reply from him and she got a different one.


From: Khunnie Oppa <3


Okay. Let’s talk tomorrow at Coffee Bean. 8am.


There were no smileys or a heart that he usually leaves at the end of the message.


“He hasn’t found out about it yet, right?” MinYoung worriedly thought.


Nichkhun said to meet him at 8am but she’s been waiting since 7:20 in the morning. Only 3 minutes remaining before the clock strikes at eight. As expected, Nichkhun would arrive before the clock even reaches at eight. He immediately spotted MinYoung. MinYoung stood up from her seat. She let out a weak smile and expected Nichkhun to give her a kiss or a hug. Instead, he just patted her arm and sat down across from her seat.


“What’s up?” he asked as he looked out of the window. MinYoung took a seat.

“Why don’t we order some breakfast first?” she asked as she raised her hand to call a waiter.

“No need. I already had breakfast,” he stopped her but still looked out of the window.

“Is that so?” MinYoung asked sadly.

“What do you have to tell me? I don’t have all day,” he said coldly to her as he faced her.


“Do we need to stop with the preparations for the engagement party?” he asked coldly.

“Wha-what?” MinYoung asked in shock.

“The wedding’s off right?” he asked.

“What made you think that I’m here to talk to you about that?” MinYoung shook her head in confusion.

“I know it already MinYoung!” Nichkhun slammed his hands on the table. MinYoung’s face turned white.

“Who told you?” she asked softly as her tears were already pouring down.

“That’s not what’s important right now. I want to know if you’re really pregnant with WooYoung’s baby or not,” he breathed heavily. MinYoung stayed silent. She couldn’t answer him but he perfectly knew what MinYoung wanted to say.

“What did I ever do to deserve this?” Nichkhun asked. He was starting to cry as well. MinYoung shook her head. She could no longer find the words to explain it properly to him.

“Please forgive me, oppa,” she reached out for his hand but he snatched it back.

“The wedding’s off,” he announced.

“What?” she asked in shock.

“What do you mean ‘what’? I can’t marry someone who has betrayed me,” he snapped. MinYoung’s eyebrows knitted together.

“I never EVER betrayed you. If I ever did then I should’ve left you way before. I never wanted that night to happen. We were both drunk and I tried to resist but WooYoung wouldn’t let me!” she shouted.

“WooYoung what?” he leaned closer.

“I tried to resist but he wouldn’t let me,” she repeated.

“I never expected you to act like this. I was going to get rid of the baby for you but then WooYoung had to stop me. I was hoping that you would side up on me and go after WooYoung. I was wrong!” she shouted.


After hearing what MinYoung has just said, Nichkhun stormed out of Coffee Bean and drove away. MinYoung was left weeping inside the café. Good thing that they were the only customers at that moment and the employees left them alone for some privacy.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Nichkhun reached Jang’s company and stormed his way into the building. He didn’t stop to greet anyone and immediately went up to WooYoung’s office. It was already office hours and he knows that WooYoung’s already by his office now.




He has reached WooYoung’s floor. He stormed out of the elevator once it opened and didn’t bother to knock on WooYoung’s door. Inside the office, he found a miserable looking WooYoung. When WooYoung noticed the flaring figure of Nichkhun by the door, WooYoung immediately stood up. By only two seconds, he was already on the floor with a bleeding lip. Nichkhun has just punched him hard.


“I deserve that,” he said as he wiped the blood on his lip.


Furious, Nichkhun grabbed WooYoung’s collar and pushed him to the wall.

“Why did you do that?! Why did you have to do it to MinYoung?! I thought you’re my best friend!” Nichkhun was in rage. WooYoung has never seen Nichkhun that mad.

“Answer me!” Nichkhun demanded but WooYoung stayed silent. Nichkhun harshly released him.

“I can’t believe you did this to me,” Nichkhun said as he walked around with hands on his waist while he panted.

“Hey, listen..” WooYoung tried to grab his harm but Nichkhun snatched it and stood away from him.

“Why would I listen to you? Jerk.”


Nichkhun furiously went back to his car and sped off to his house.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


After Nichkhun left Coffee Bean, not too long, MinYoung left the café and drove her way to Nichkhun’s house. She didn’t have a hard time coming in since she has the spare key. She made her way up to his room and sat on his bed. MinYoung played the ring on her finger as she was in deep thought. Then, she removed the ring from her finger and placed it on Nichkhun’s nightstand, together with the spare key. MinYoung left the room and went downstairs.


Outside, MinYoung took one last glance of the house.


“Goodbye oppa,” MinYoung began to cry silently again as she slowly made her way to her car.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Not too long after MinYoung left, Nichkhun arrived in his home. He made his way inside, closed all doors and locked himself inside his room. He began to throw everything around and started shouting while his tears came out. Exhausted, Nichkhun sat on his bed where MinYoung last sat and covered his face with his hands.


“How could you do this to me?” he asked out loud. After a minute or two of weeping, Nichkhun collected himself and was about to stand up when he noticed something shiny on his nightstand. He looked closely and saw the engagement ring he has given to MinYoung and a key beside it. There was a note with familiar hand writing underneath the two objects. Nichkhun took the note.


Nichkhun Oppa.


I’m so sorry. You don’t know how regretful I am for everything. I know you wouldn’t want to marry me anymore so I’m returning back to you what is rightfully yours. I’m also returning you the spare key. We both know that I don’t have any reasons to keep it anymore. I love you so much, oppa. And I’ll always love you. I hope you remember that. I guess this is goodbye then.


Goodbye, oppa.


Shin MinYoung.




Too much drama? Kkk~

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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: