
It Started With A Mistake


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“Holy !” WooYoung cursed, “hold on MinYoung-ah,” he added.


WooYoung careened to the hospital after MinYoung fainted on his arms when she started to bleed. He drove as fast as he can and almost ran over an old lady crossing the street.


He stepped hard on the break and the car’s tires screeched on to a full stop in front of the hospital.


“Emergency!” WooYoung shouted outside.


Guards called for doctors and nurses to attend to MinYoung’s needs. They brought out a stretcher and carried MinYoung out of the car and rushed her to the emergency room. WooYoung followed.


“I’m sorry, sir, but you’ll have to stay outside of the emergency room,” a female nurse stopped her.

“But my wife’s in there,” he wanted to argue.

“Just stay outside, sir, and we’ll take care of your wife. Her doctor’s on her way here in less than ten minutes,” the nurse told him. WooYoung’s eyes widened.

“You’re going to wait for the doctor to come for ten minutes?! You’ll leave my wife and daughter’s life in danger for the next ten minutes?!” he asked in rage.

“We’ll try our best to stop the bleeding for the mean time but please listen to me and stay here. Like I said, the doctor’s on her way,” the nurse said.


Suddenly, Dr. Park came.

“No need for waiting. I’m here,” she announced.

“Please Dr. Park. Do everything you can,” WooYoung pleaded and was in the verge of crying.


“The patient’s bleeding won’t stop,” a nurse said who just came out of the room.

“What?!” WooYoung asked in shock but Dr. Park ignored him and stayed calm. The nurse handed over a clipboard.

“We need to stop it now,” Dr. Park said after browsing through the papers.

“Please wait here, Mr. Jang. I’ll come out soon,” she told him before entering the room.


WooYoung sat on the chairs. He ran his hand through his hair, not knowing what to do. Then, he decided to call everyone, including Nichkhun and HaRin.


“Your phone is ringing,” HaRin said when she noticed Nichkhun’s phone was constantly blinking.

“It’s WooYoung,” he said bitterly.

“I think you should answer it,” she suggested.


If not for HaRin, Nichkhun wouldn’t have answered his phone. He pressed “answer” and placed his phone on his ear.


“What do you want now?!” he asked impatiently.


“What?!” Nichkhun barked.


He didn’t wait for WooYoung to finish before hanging up. Nichkhun made a sharp turn that HaRin had to hold on her either side.


“What happened?” she asked worriedly.

“MinYoung was rushed to the hospital,” he answered.

“Oh my gosh~” HaRin covered in shock and started to cry.


When Nichkhun and HaRin arrived at the hospital, they saw the couple’s parents and altogether, they rushed to the emergency room. WooYoung felt grateful to see them arrive soon.


“What happened to my baby?” Mr. Shin asked worriedly.

“This is all my fault. Please forgive me,” WooYoung immediately stood up and bowed his head in guilt.

“How could this be your fault?” Mr. Jang questioned. WooYoung looked up to see everyone waiting for his answer.


Nichkhun wanted to speak but HaRin held him back.


“We fought this morning at the house. MinYoung wanted to leave and was packing her things when suddenly she felt pain in her stomach. I was about to bring her here when I noticed that she was already bleeding and then she fainted,” WooYoung explained properly.

“How could this let this happen, WooYoung-ah? We didn’t raise you to become like this,” Mrs. Jang said in disappointment.

“I’m so sorry, umma,” he bowed again.

“Let’s hope that MinYoung and the baby will be alright,” said Mrs. Shin. WooYoung could only nod.


HaRin offered to buy coffee for everyone and Nichkhun accompanied her. GeunSuk then dragged WooYoung away from the elders to talk in private.


“You do know that you’ve put your what-supposed-to-be-family in danger, right?” GeunSuk grabbed WooYoung’s collar.

“This wouldn’t have happened if you kept you mouth shut,” WooYoung hissed. GeunSuk slowly released him.

“Don’t give me that clueless look, hyung. MinYoung told me…” WooYoung was about to rant.

“I know what I did, WooYoung-ah,” GeunSuk cut him off, “but I think it’s time you stop living in lie. We both know what MinYoung really means to you. She’s not just a wife and the mother-to-be of your child. She was your first love!” he reminded WooYoung.

“Take note: WAS. Meaning it was in the past,” WooYoung lifted a finger.

“That’s bull, WooYoung-ah!,” GeunSuk barked at WooYoung. “Call me crazy but you guys are meant for each other!” GeunSuk argued.

“What are you trying to say, hyung?!” WooYoung asked in rage.

“I want you to see something that’s been standing right in front of you all along!” GeunSuk answered without thinking twice.

“Why can’t you just admit that you really love MinYoung?” he asked, almost fed u

“That’s because I’m afraid of hurting her!” WooYoung snapped. GeunSuk became silent. “I’m scared that I’ll break her and I don’t want to become that person,” he added.


“Well, guess what? You’ve become that person,” GeunSuk said sarcastically. “The first time you hurt her was when you asked someone else to become your girlfriend on your birthday. Second was when you got pregnant and this is your third time,” he added. This time, it was WooYoung’s turn to become silent.

“Think about this WooYoung-ah: She wouldn’t have gotten hurt again if you just faced your feelings for her on the first place,” GeunSuk told him.


“He’s right,” WooYoung thought.

“I know I’m right,” his brother said as thought he has read WooYoung’s mind.


“Mr. Jang?”


WooYoung heard Dr. Park. He immediately approached her with his family and friends behind.


“How’s MinYoung doing, doc?” WooYoung asked while his body trembled in worry.


“We were able to stop the bleeding but we have to keep an eye on the mother and baby,” Dr. Park announced. Everyone sighed in relief. “If Mrs. Jang wasn’t rushed here immediately, she could’ve lost the baby,” Dr. Park said. Mrs. Jang, Mrs. Shin and HaRin gasped.

“Mrs. Jang lost a lot of blood and we need someone who could donate to her,” Dr. Park said.

“I’ll do it,” GeunSuk immediately offered.

“Are you sure, honey?” Mrs. Jang asked. GeunSuk nodded.

“We’ll run some tests first. Please follow me,” Dr. Park said and left everyone with GeunSuk following her.



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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: