A Copy

It Started With A Mistake


꿈에서라도 – G.O (MBLAQ)





MinYoung sat quietly on her seat as she sliced her steak into bites. Suddenly, WooYoung took her plate and replaced it with already sliced up steak. MinYoung blinked her eyes at WooYoung.


“Eat up,” he said as he finished slicing the steak that was on MinYoung’s plate.

“Thanks,” she said softly as she began to eat. WooYoung began to eat as well.


They were supposed to be eating by the balcony, but since it was too breezy, WooYoung has suggested for them to stay inside. As MinYoung slowly ate her food, she looked out the window of the restaurant. By the beach, she saw a family going for a stroll by the shoreline. The father carried his son on his shoulders and he held son’s legs with his right hand and had his left arm around his wife’s waist.


“They look so happy. I wanted to build a family just like that,” MinYoung thought as she continued to watch the family. WooYoung followed MinYoung’s gaze and also saw the happy family. WooYoung looked back at MinYoung and still saw her looking out on the window. MinYoung let out a heavy sigh and continued to eat.


“You should be eating your vegetables. It would be healthy for you and the baby,” WooYoung said.

“Yes~” MinYoung said softly.


“I know he married me because of the baby but can’t he show concern JUST for me, just once?” MinYoung asked herself.


Once dinner was done, desert came and MinYoung didn’t touch it. Chocolate pudding was served to them.

“You don’t like it?” WooYoung asked.

“I don’t feel like eating it,” MinYoung pushed the plate away.

“Well, what do you want for desert?” he asked.

“I.. I want a strawberry shortcake,” she said shyly.


Then, WooYoung called the waiter and asked if he could change the pudding to strawberry shortcake. MinYoung was surprised to see that WooYoung gave wanted she wanted. Soon, her desert came and she happily indulged into it. WooYoung found MinYoung cute when when she ate her desert: she had her eyes closed while she chewed the cake and the corners of her lips.


“She’s craving for strawberry shortcakes,” WooYoung guessed.


Within 5 minutes, MinYoung has finished her desert while WooYoung still ate his.

“Want another one?” WooYoung asked. MinYoung looked surprised and shy at the same time.

“You seemed too happy when you ate you desert,” he chuckled but she remained silent. Then, he placed his fork down.

“So, do you want another one?” he asked again but MinYoung was too shy to say yes.

“You should be eating what you’re craving for,” he said as he ate his pudding.

“How did you know?” she asked, surprised.

“You didn’t want the chocolate pudding and you didn’t think twice when you said you wanted strawberry shortcake. You could’ve eaten the plate as well when you finished the cake,” he chuckled. MinYoung furrowed her eyebrows.

“Are you trying to insult me?” she asked in a low voice.

“No. I just noticed it. You should be eating what you want, you know,” he said as he continued to eat.

“I’ll get you another one,” he said as he called a waiter and ordered strawberry shortcake for MinYoung. The waiter placed it in front of her but she just stared at it.

“You don’t want it anymore?” he asked but she remained silent.

“Fine. I could just have it then,” he was about to get her plate when she slapped his hand.

“This is mine,” she said as she forked the cake and popped it into . WooYoung chuckled.


“Listen MinYoung-ah. I know we’re both unwilling to get married and I know I said that we’re doing it for the baby but I want you to know that I’m willing to work things out between us so that wouldn’t go on pretending that we’re happy when we both know that we’re not. It’s not easy to act,” WooYoung said slowly which made MinYoung stop eating.

“Then what do you propose?” she challenged.

“Let’s start again,” he said without thinking twice. MinYoung leaned back to her seat.

“I don’t think that would be easy for me,” she said.

“Well it’s not easy for me either but I’m willing to do so,” he told her. MinYoung thought for a while.

“So what is it?” he said, not wanting to give up.

“How would I be sure that you’re not going to hurt me again?” she asked softly but WooYoung heard it clearly.

“I’m only human and I also commit mistakes but I’ll try my best not to hurt you again,” he said with sincerity.

“Fine. But I need to get warmed up a bit. I’m not yet ready to give my full trust, yet,” she told him her true feelings. “I’m sorry,” she added.

“It’s okay. We don’t need to rush it. This’ll be a good start,” he assured her. Then, they began to finish their deserts. Before WooYoung ate his final piece, he spoke.

“By chance, would you have a copy of the ultrasound of the baby?” he asked. MinYoung looked up at him, surprise.


“He didn’t open the paper bag, didn’t he?” MinYoung asked herself in panic. She tried to remember if she left her bag open or closed when she got ready for dinner.


“Have you gone for an ultrasound? I want to have a copy of it. I want to see what the baby looks like,” he gave a small smile.


“Guess he didn’t saw it,” MinYoung exhaled.


“I.. I don’t have any picture of the baby yet. I’ll get you a copy on my next visit,” she told him and WooYoung nodded his head as he popped the last fork of pudding into his mouth.


“I wonder why she lied about having an ultrasound,” WooYoung thought.



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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 66: Omgg!! This nice storf shouldn't be end just like thiss!! It's too jjang!! Make a sequel pleasee? ;;) *bash eyelashes*
Chapter 66: Aww sad that this ended :c
AvenAcademyNichkhun #3
Chapter 66: awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
rawrrria #4
Chapter 66: I really like this story!!! Please make sequel ^__^
joanmayg #5
Chapter 66: Cute ^___^
EpicPinkPanther #6
Chapter 66: Gosh what's with all the boys and their ual needs? _______ed Woohyun using his daughter as an excuse to get his wife into bed with him. Tsk tsk tsk... Naughty WH! Sweet chapter BTW~^^
Chapter 66: i love the ending!!!!!
marikrismas #9
Chapter 66: Trying to make a sibling for YoungHee while there's guests in the house?! Tsk tsk haha jk :P
Nice story! (: