Chapter 39 :

My Seoul

Zico and they others turned to look who it was. "Didnt I tell you. If you lose your focus you lose." I said doing what I was going to do. "~~~~~!" "Wae-tu?!" I said getting agitated. "Z-Zelo's here." why the hell is he here for?  I pull Zico back up. "You already lost. Besides if we continue you might die. So let's stop this. Get ready for our date next week." I said whispering the last sentence in his  ear and patting the side of his face lightly.. I pulled Zelo out of my house. "Why are you here Zelo?" I said looking up at him. "I-I came to apologize. I'm sorry hurt I you. Jealousy just got in the way. I wanted to make up for what I did. If you'd let me that is." he said looking into my eyes, rubbing the back of his neck. "Fine with me, but I'm not going to accept it now. How are you going to make it up?" "Secret. Go get ready." he said putting his index finger on his Lips. He pushed me inside. They tried to stand there looking like they weren't easedropping, but it was kind of obvious. I quickly took off the sneakers and sweats. I put on the wedges Hyuna lent me. Everyone was watching me. Taeil was helping Zico walk to his room. "I'm going out!" I said grabbing my shoulder bag and phone. "Mmm." Jiyong mumbled carrying the big first aid kit upstairs. I walked to Zelo. "Did you replace Cherry Tomatoes?" Cherry Tomatoes was his favorite motorcycle's name. He named it after one of his favorite things. "No! I would never! I just remodeled, and toughen her up a bit more.." he said handing me a helmet. "You still kept that?!" I said pointing at his helmet. "Of course! You spent a long time decorating it and stuff. Why would I throw away someones hard work?" I bought it for his birthday. I redecorated just for fun. I mean I put black shiny rhinestones and gems on it. I thought he would just put it aside since it was shiny and a bit girly. "I also kept this too. It's my favorite." he said taking the skateboard Out.. My eyes widened in surprise. "I kept a lot of things you gave me. We can talk about this later  We should get going, as I remember Jiyong Hyungs curfew for you was 10:30PM."he said putting his helmet on. I put mines on and held onto his shoulders. " You always put it there, but they always end up somewhere else when I start driving." he said chuckling. He sped off. I quickly grabbed onto his waist. I could tell that he was smiling. I held onto him tighter. "Can't you slow down just a bit?" "Sorry Baby." he said slowing down. We finally arrived. "Where are we?" I said handing him the helmet back. "Somewhere special." he said smiling meekly. We walked into the Ramyun shop and was greeted by a lot of people. We sat down at one of the counters. We could see the chef cook. The chef turned around to take our order. "Yongguk?!" "That's CHEF Yongguk OPPAAAAAA to you." "I'm not going to call you Oppa, but I'll think about Chef." He gave me a big gummy smile. "You're still the same." "Why would I change?" I said giggling a bit. "We have a LOT of catching up to do." "Where's Daehyun Oppa?" he frowned. "You call him Oppa, and not me?! That's so unfair!!" he said in a whining tone. "I'm her favorite after all." I felt someone put there arm around me. As a reflex I quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it. "Appo! Appo Appo! ~~~~ it's me." "Mianhe Oppa. And you know I'm not calling you Oppa because you're my 'Favorite'." He pouted slightly. Yongguk had to go back to work. B.A.P talked on and on while I just sat there and listened to them. It was time for the shop to close. I was amazed at how well the shop was doing. Yongguk could actually make a delicious bowl of ramyun without poisoning it. "Annyeong Chef." he smiled widely when I said that. "I just realized something everybody." Yongjae said. "What?" "~~~~~~ wearing something girly. Look! She's wearing wedges. I think I'm going to cry. Omg. My dongsaeng is finally becoming a woman!" I raised my fist at him. Everyone laughed when he wiped his fake tears. "Excuse me Miss, on a scale of 1 to America how free are you tonight?" Himchan asked me. "North Korea." everyone burst out laughing. ( I got this joke from Tumblr Hehehe.) we were now at the Ice-Cream cafe/shop eating/drinking and talking. It wasn't so packed today. Zelo took a big bite out of my Ice-cream cone. "Yahh!" "What? Yours looked yummy too so I took a bite." he said giving me a puppy face. I gave in and pinched his cheeks lightly. I took a look at everyones else cone and they all had a big bite on them. The door open and I looked to see who it was. Ahh . I need to ing hide. Someone help me lord Jesus. Can you hear me? Krisus. Please save me. I tried covering my face with a piece of paper. They were looking at me weird. Trying to find who I was trying to avoid.  "Well Well Well. Look who we have here." ! Someone save me. 


It wasn't Hyemi, but she'll appear soon though. Sorry for the late update. I was moving this week. ^-^

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Op-Oppa Gangnam Style!~ Hellurr. I should be sleeping for school Tomorrow. It's such a . T~T I wanted to say Thankyou for reading this story! ^_^


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Chapter 14: i think its funny how at the end of each chappie it ends with a dot dot dot. and then..... he said..... it
Chapter 71: its overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Chapter 71: it was great!
Junhyung is really nice in here <3
how i hope she end up with him till the end.
nah~ it's ok. your story is great anyway ^.^v
Chapter 71: noooo its ova huhu~
i had fun reading it
wintxry #5
Chapter 71: Darn I was hoping for her to end up with JunHyung.
Don't worry, I thought that ending was still great!
I'm looking forward to what stories you'll come up with.
WatashinoOrenji #6
Chapter 71: Nooooo this is the end!!! D;
But im glad she ended up with Zico! >.<
I really love your story!!I cried TT________TT
wintxry #7
Chapter 72: I voted for Junhyung but there's a god freaking tie between the two ship.

Well i hope you're able to update soon!