Chapter 27 :

My Seoul


A tear dropped from my face. I couldn’t let him see. I can’t let them see. I ran. As fast as I could I ran out of the big building. I was just so confused and frustrated. I don’t know what to do. I didn’t know where I was. I ran and ran and I ran into someone. “~~~~? ~~~! I finally found you! Why are you crying?!” I heard Zico’s voice. He hugged me tightly but at the same time loosening the grip, scared that he’ll hurt me. I just cried in his arms. He smoothed out my hair while I cried. “It’s alright ~~~. I’m here to protect you. No one’s going to hurt you. I promise.”

Junhyung P.O.V

I ran after her. When did she get so fast? I finally caught up with her and found her in Zico’s arms. . Why does everything bad always shower on me? With a heavy heart I left.

Zico P.O.V

After 30 minutes of standing there hugging her, it started to rain. I let go of the hug and carried her bridal style to the car. I put her in the seat and put her seat belt on. During the ride home she fell asleep. How can a girl be so beautiful? When we got home I opened the house door. I carefully laid her on her bed and covered her with a warm comfy blanket. She looks so peaceful. I stared at her sleeping face. Her long lashes, cute nose, and her… lips. I leaned towards her face and kissed her. Her lips fit perfectly with mine. I know it was wrong but I couldn’t resist. She’s so beautiful. She’s the perfect girl for me, but what can I do if her hearts not completely mine? She has my heart in the palms of her hands. I can’t make her love me just like that. If I could, she wouldn’t have been crying over him. She wouldn’t be so heartbroken, she wouldn’t be so..lost in love and hate. I went to my room and fell asleep thinking about her.

~~~~~~ P.O.V

What time is it? I looked at the clock on the night stand. 3:00 am. Ugh. Wait. How did I get on my bed? It was probably Zico. I don’t think he’s eaten anything yet. I went to his room to check on him. He was in deep sleep. I went down stairs and looked in the cabinets and fridge. Pasta it is! I took out the materials I needed and got crackin’. Not literally. I finally finished 30 minutes later. I put the Farfalle in a bowl and covered it in plastic wrap. I covered the sauce with the cover. I stretched my back. The door opened and a drunken Junhyung walked him. He was all wobbly and stuff. I wonder how he even got home in one piece. He fell on the floor and I ran to help him up. He yanked his arm away from me. I was a bit appalled. Wait, why am I helping him in the first place? I pulled him up and half carried him to his room. I opened the door and dropped him on the bed. He was so heavy. I heaved a sigh and walked out but he grabbed my wrist. “Please don’t leave me. I love you…*hiccup* Please…” he said with welled up eyes. I looked at him. “I’m not going anywhere. Just go to sleep you drunk ajjushi.” I said to him sitting in a chair near his bed. He fell asleep but his hand was now interlaced with mine and his grip was still tight. I got sleepy and laid my head on his bed and fell asleep. 

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Op-Oppa Gangnam Style!~ Hellurr. I should be sleeping for school Tomorrow. It's such a . T~T I wanted to say Thankyou for reading this story! ^_^


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Chapter 14: i think its funny how at the end of each chappie it ends with a dot dot dot. and then..... he said..... it
Chapter 71: its overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Chapter 71: it was great!
Junhyung is really nice in here <3
how i hope she end up with him till the end.
nah~ it's ok. your story is great anyway ^.^v
Chapter 71: noooo its ova huhu~
i had fun reading it
wintxry #5
Chapter 71: Darn I was hoping for her to end up with JunHyung.
Don't worry, I thought that ending was still great!
I'm looking forward to what stories you'll come up with.
WatashinoOrenji #6
Chapter 71: Nooooo this is the end!!! D;
But im glad she ended up with Zico! >.<
I really love your story!!I cried TT________TT
wintxry #7
Chapter 72: I voted for Junhyung but there's a god freaking tie between the two ship.

Well i hope you're able to update soon!