Boyfriend and Girlfriend

Confession Between Two

Park Shin Hye - Lovely Day



Block B and you went to the arcade and of course U-Kwon wanted to verse you in everything but he decided to let you win. After that, all of you went to eat rice cakes at the stalls and then just walked around the town, talking about what life in America was and how Block B graduated from college and what they are planning on doing in the future.


They walked you home and when you were in front of your house, they did a group hug. "Don't leave again!!" they said. You chuckled, "I can't promise that~" you teased. They all frowned. "We don't want you to leave again" they pouted.

You shook your head. "Well I'll still come and visit very often" you held out your pinky. "Promise!!" they all held out their pinkies. "Promise!!"

All of you said your goodbyes and you went inside your house. You closed the front door and walked up stairs. You just reached the first step when your mum called you from the kitchen. You walked over and popped your head inside, "what is it mum??".

"Come over" she waved you over. You straightened up and walked over. You sat down at the kitchen table and looked up at her, waiting for her to continue. She sat down on the seat next to you, "sweetie, I need your honest opinion here" she was being serious. "Do you want to go back to America or..".

"Stay here??" you guessed. She nodded and you gasped. "Really?? I can stay here??" you were shocked at the sudden quesiton but really excited at the same time.

"I've done some thinking and you have already graduated college. Your officially an adult so I've decided to let you choose. Either go back to America or stay here" she looked into your eyes, "what do you choose??".

You thought for a moment. To be honest, going back to America is fun because you have Steven, Sarah and Kim but then over here you have Teen Top, Block B, Jihae. You didn't know what to choose. Half of you wanted to go back but then the other half wanted to stay back. [What would I choose??].

Your mum sighed, "you don't have to answer me now. I just want you to think" she stood up.

You shot your head up, "mum are staying or going back??" you wanted to know her decision. She looked back at you, "I can't leave my work. I have to go back after this" your heart just dropped. You didn't want to leave your parents, but then you are an adult now and old enough to support yourself. "I.. I..".

"Don't worry, just take your time" she said and walked off. "Goodnight sweetie".

"Goodnight" you said and looked blankly ahead. [What would be my answer??]. You thought for a long time and finally made up your mind. [I can't leave my parents alone, I want to see them everyday.. hope I made the right desicion]. You walked up to your room and took out your phone.

"Zico oppa" you whispered and texted him. Your heart was beating full of nervousness and happiness. "I can't wait to see you".

'Meet me at the Han River' - Soohyo.

You placed your sunglasses on and coat. You then walked out of the house and headed towards the Han River.


Zico was at home when he recieved the messege. He looked at his phone and his eyes enlarged when he saw your name. [Soohyo sent me this messege??]. He opened up the messege, 'Meet me at the Han River' - Soohyo.

His heart was beating fast. He didn't know what to do but one thing is for sure, he wanted to head to the Han River to see if you were really there. [This better not be prank.. Block B better not play with my heart again]. Zico remembered the time when Block B were saying that they saw Soohyo and he believed them. In the end, he found out that they were just joking and he was really mad.

Zico drove to the Han River as fast as he could. He didn't know why but he knew that he'll meet you there. [Are you really back here in Seoul Soohyo?? Please let it be true]. He drove faster.

You were sitting on the bus, looking out the window and then a motocycle passed. You didn't noticed that it was Zico because your mind was thinking about the talk that you had earlier with your mum. [Please let my desicion be the right one]. You closed your eyes and prayed.

The bus stopped and you walked out. You placed your sunglasses on and headed to the Han River.

Meanwhile Zico was running to the river and looked around. He was breathing heavily because he was running fast. [Where is she?? Where can she be]. He searched everywhere. You were walking the opposite direction and Zico didn't recognize you, so he ran right passed you.

You walked to the railing bars and looked out at the waters. You placed your arms across it and laid your head down. [Zico where are you??].

Your phone started vibrating. You took it out and saw a text from U-Kwon saying, 'Where are you?? I'm at the Han River' - Zico.

[He did come]. You looked around but didn't see him. "I'm here as well' - Soohyo. You pressed send and started running around to look for him. [Where are you oppa]. You searched the whole area.

Zico on the other hand stopped running and began searching with his eyes. He saw a girl but he knew it wasn't you. He saw a couple and he looked away. He looked around the whole river and began running again. He was too busy looking around and didn't watch where he was going and bumped into someone. He feel and she also feel. He got up and apologized, "sorry, I didn't watch where I was going" he bowed.

"It's okay" the voice said. He paused a bit. [The voice sounds so familiar]. He looked down and saw his phone and her phone was on the ground. He went to grab his phone and she went to grab her's. He looked at her fingers and they looked familiar to him. [I think I've seen those somewhere]. He looked up at your face but you were wearing sunglasses so he didn't know who.

The girl didn't look up, "sorry" she apologized and walked off. He didn't turn around but decided to ring you instead. [It's more better if I ring her]. He dialed in your number.

You phone rang and you picked up. "Yeobeosayo??" you answered.

"It's me Zico. Are you really in Seoul??" he asked. You smiled at the sound of his voice. "Yes oppa, I'm really here" you were tearing up.

Zico heard a familiar voice and turned around. He saw a girl standing infront of him with her back faced to him holding her phone. "Where are you??" he asked, still staring at the girl. She answered, "I'm at the Han River. Didn't I say to meet me here??"

His eyes widened. [That's Soohyo. It's really Soohyo!!]. He couldn't believe his eyes. You were in front of him. He walked closer to you, "do you know where I am??". You shook your head. "Are you at the Han River??".

"Yes. I'm closer than you think.." he stepped closer to you and stopped. You frowned, confused, "closer than I think.. what does that mean??" you scratched your head.

He chuckled. [Babo Soohyo]. "Turn around.." he said. You slowly turned around and when you saw him standing right infront of you, you frozed. You arm holding the phone dropped down to your side. [It's Zico.. It's really him]. You took your glasses off. His eyes widened.

"Oppa. It's me, Soohyo" you said, tearing up. He couldn't believe it. You were standing in front of him. After all these years he's been wanting to hear your voice. "Soohyo" he ran up to you and hugged your tightly. "I missed you so much!!" he whispered.

You hugged him, "I missed you too!! Everyday" you admitted. He pulled back and looked closely at you, "you've grown, but you're still the same Soohyo of mine" he smiled at you.

You missed seeing him smile. You missed hearing his voice, just in general you missed everything about him. "You too oppa, look at you. I didn't even recognize for a bit" you chuckled. "It's been 2 years that I haven't seen you. I'm surprised you still remember me. I thought you would of forgotten me" he turned around, pretended to be sad.

You smiled and grabbed his hand. He looked at you. "It has been 2 years. Of course I remember you, I can never forget someone like you" you beamed up at him. He looked down at you. "Did you make any friends over there??".

You nodded, "only 3 though.. Steven, Sarah and Kim" you asnwered. "Good!! I don't want you to have another 7 friends. They might replace us" he looked away.

You shook your head, "oppa, why would I have that much friends over there?? I can only have that many friends here in Korea" you said. He smiled and held onto your hand tighter, "let's go for a walk" he lead you away.

The two of you were walking down the Han River, hand in hand. You talked about college and how fun it was to graduate college. You also told him about the times you hanged out with Sarah, Steven and Kim. He then told you what Block B did for the past 2 years and how they were thinking of what to do for their future.

Both of you stopped at a bench and sat down.

Zico looked at you, "I'm curious.." you looked at him. "Did you have a boyfriend over there??" You widened your eyes, "w-why would y-you ask that??". He shrugged his shoulders. "I just want to know" he looked at you, "well did you??".

You thought about the time Steven, Sarah and Kim came over your house. You smiled and looked at Zico, "Oh yeah I have a boyfriend. I even showed them a picture of him" you smiled.

His eyes were bulging out. "What?! You have a boyfriend?? When did his happened??" he asked, angrily. You bit your tongue trying not to smile., "hmm it was really unexpected though. He confessed to me and yeah that's how" you shrugged.

Zico couldn't believe what you were saying. [She has a boyfriend?! Who is this dude??]. "Who is this dude?? I'm going to kill him" he made a fist. You chuckled, "I think you know him. He's very close to you" you tried not to laugh.

He stood up. "Is it one of Block B?? If it is I'm going to kill him!!".

You stood up and held onto his hand. "I'll show you a picture of him okay??" you stood back and took out your phone. You were pretending to search for a picture, but you were actually taking a picture of Zico. [Got it]. You walked back up to him. "You want to see who is my boyfriend??" you asked.

He nodded. You thought for a minute, "actually, why are you getting mad though??". He looked away. [I have to say this now, or else I'll lose her again]. He looked back into your eyes deeply. His heart was beating fast. He held both of your shoulders and leaned in to your level. "Soohyo. These past few years of not seeing you, it was driving me nuts. When I recieved your letters, I would re-read them every time I start missing you. I just want you to know that I love you a lot!!" your heart was beating and a smile crept on your face. Zico inhaled, "Soohyo.. Will you be my grilfriend??".

You looked into his eyes. [Babo~ why would you ask me that]. Your heart was beating full of love and your stomach had butterflies. You looked at your phone, "do you want to see who my boyfriend is??" he nodded. You held up your phone, "this is my one and only boyfriend. I love him" he looked at the phone, expecting it to be someone else but his eyes widened. It was him.

"You took a picture of him just then.." he looked at you, surprised. You nodded, "I told you, I was going to show you my boyfriend" you smiled sweetly. He chuckled. [Oh my god Zico, your such a babo. Of course Soohyo would be yours forever]. He felt more better and he laughed. You laughed along with him.

The two of you looked at each other. Zico was gazing down at your eyes then to your lips. He held onto your shoulders. He started to lean in. Your eyes widened and when your lips touched, he kissed you smoothly. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. You haven't felt his touch in such a long time. You wrapped your arms around his neck and the kiss began to get deeper.

He pulled away and looked into your eyes. "I love you Soohyo. Forever" he whispered. You gazed back into his eyes, happy that he confessed to you again. "I love you Zico oppa. Forever" you whispered back.

He smiled and hugged you. You pulled him away, "I have some news to tell you" you said. He looked at you, "good or bad??".

"You can be the judge of that" he gave you a weird look. [What does she mean by that??]You cleared your throat. "My mum asked me if I wanted to go back to America or stay here"

"And what did you choose??" he wanted to know your answer. You paused and looked at his eyes. [I've made up my decision]. You stepped closer to him. "I chose.." you peaked his lips, "to stay here forever with you" you whispered.

His heart was beating for joy. His body was filled with happiness and he couldn't believe it. You were really staying here with him, forever. He picked you up and swung you around, "You're really going to stay here??" still spinning you.

You chuckled, "yep!!" you smiled. "Oppa I'm getting dizzy.." he stopped and placed you back down. "I'm just so happy!!" he jumped up and down. "Well you should be!! I made that desicion because I can't leave you anymore. The 2 years was too long.." you pouted and crossed your arms.

He turned to you and beamed, "I LOVE YOU SOOHYO~" he hugged you.

You giggled. "I LOVE YOU Zico OPPA!!" you were so happy to be by his side.

The two of you hugged each other tighter and both of you were happy to have one another in your life. [I love you forever, it's not too late to realize it].



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c