The Letter

Confession Between Two

Kim Jaejoon - I'll Protect You [Protect The Boss OST]



Block B, Teen Top and Jihae watched as the plane took off. They saw the plane go higher and higher until it disappeared into the clouds.

Zico watched the plane and his heart was hurting but remembering what you said just before made his lips curved into a smile. 

Tears were in your eyes. "DON'T WORRY I WILL ZICO OPPA!!" you shouted back. 
Teen Top, Block B and Jihae walked out of the airport and it stopped snowing. Suddenly the sun was shining through the clouds and the snow was slowly fading away. [It's Spring, the snow is melting away]. zICO smiled and walked over to his motorcycle.
Kyung was holding onto the letter and he remembered that he was ordered to give it to Zico. "Yo Zico, Soohyo gave you something" he held out the little envelope. Zico stared at the letter and slowly took it. He looked at the front and saw his name, Zico oppa <3. His heart smiled at the name and the love heart. [Can this girl be anymore cuter]. He smiled.
"Anyways, I'll see you at school.." Kyung looked at Zico. "Or maybe I'll just see you later" he waved and left.
Zico leaned by his motorcycle and opened up the letter, but before he could read it, L.Joe drove past Zico. He stopped and took his helmet off. "Yo Zico" he called. Zico looked up, "what is it?".
"Since you and Soohyo like each other.. better take care of her" he said. "Or else I'm going to kill you" he threatened. Zico just smiled. He didn't care what L.Joe said and chuckled, "don't worry, I will never hurt Soohyo like him".
L.Joe nodded. "Better not" he placed his helmet on his head and drove off.
Zico saw L.Joe driving off and looked down at the letter. His heart skipped a beat at every word that you wrote. [I can't believed that she had time to write this].
The letter read,
Dear Zico oppa,
Umm.. hey :) well if you're reading this I've already gone on the plane. I wanted to see you for the last time but if I see you, I'm scared that I won't be able to let you go. I want you to be happy and seeing you sad will make my heart torn apart.. hey I don't know why but tearrs are covering my vision right now.
Thanks for everything oppa. I know that you've been with my through all of my problems and of course you were the first person that helped me get through my problems. I know that I was selfish and didn't care for your own feelings but you should of told me how you were feeling.. you love keeping your feelings to yourself don't you?
Zico stopped reading. His eyes were teary. 
"Soohyo.. how well do you know me" he was surprised at what you wrote. "You're always getting hurt. You deserve happiness".
Hanging out with you and Block B on Christmas was probably the best times I have during winter break. The ski resort was very fun and of course thanks for teaching me to ski. I know I at first but it was my first time. I'm not going to mention anything else and continue to embarass myself anymore. :P
You know, whenever I look into your eyes, I've always have this feeling.. it could be the same that you are feeling as well. I know, realizing this feeling now I'm so stupid eyys?
When you confessed to me that you loved me, I was shocked. I never knew a guy like you would ever like me. It made my day, and the kissed that we shared was.. okay I'm blushing so I guess you know how I'm feeling. Anyways, I'm glad that I have someone like you in my life.
Finding out that I had to move to America, my life just collapsed. The first person that I thought of was you. I didn't want to leave you at all. I thought back at the times we hanged out and my eyes grew teary. I couldn't stand leaving you.
Kyung oppa told me that I was feeling something else towards you. He was right.. the feeling that I have right now is love. I never knew that I would love someone like you. I don't know when the feeling started but I realized now that it's getting stronger.
I promise that I'll come back safe and sound. Can you wait for me? If you can't then I understand why. I love you , Zico please don't leave me..
He read the last sentence. "I love you UZico, please don't leave me" he smiled. "I would never leave you Soohyo. I've waited for you this long and I can wait for you until forever".
He pulled himself off his motorcycle and looked up in the skies. A tear rolled down his eyes. "I'll miss you a lot Soohyo" he placed his helmet on and drove off.
You were on the plane, you couldn't sit still because you were too busy thinking off Zico.
"I can't believe I that I love him.." you were still surprised. "Hearing his voice call my name" you felt your heart beat. "I'm so happy that he came though" the thought of seeing his face made you squeal.
Your mum looked your way, "sweetie, are you that excited about going to America?" she was confused, just a minute agao you were crying and now you're squealing.
You shook your head, "it's something else~" you smiled to yourself. Your mum gave you a look and shrugged her shoulders and went back to reading a magazine. While your dad was fast asleep. You took out your phone and scrolled through your text. You read every text that you and Zico shared. You smiled at the texts and continued to read them through the plane ridw, to help you keep your minds of things.
Block B arrived at school and headed straight to their practice room. They sat in a circle and all of them laid flat on their bakcs, facing the ceiling.
"Man I'm exhausted.." U-Kwon started to complain.
"I'm glad that we got to send her off like that" Kyung smiled at the thought.
B-Bomb sat up, "Soohyo loves him" he tapped his bottom lip, thinking about the time. Everyone was quiet and started thinking. Taeil began, "I knew she will admit it".
Everyone nodded. "She finally realized her own true feelings" U-Kwon smiled. [She realized.. finally]. "No wonder Zico was being all weird towards her in winter break.." he said.
"No I think it was way before that. He started looking at her differently when Jaybeom and her started going out.. or before that" B-Bomb pointed out.
They nodded. Everyone was scattered on the floor and closed their eyes. They soon drifted off to sleep.
Zico walked over to the front of your house and looked up at it. "I'll miss going here" just then he saw people walking out of the house. [They must be selling the house]. He didn't want to appear as being a stalker so he started his motorcycle engine and he drove off.
Teen Top and Jihae was eating at a restaurant. They were eating Korean BBQ and everyone started digging into the food.
"We should of taken Soohyo here.." Jihae said while picking up a pork and placed it in . She chewed on it carefully. L.Joe stared at the cooking meat on his side. "I wonder if she's eating right on the place.. has she ever eaten plane food before" he wondered.
Ricky shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. None of us tried it before right?" he asked the others.
Niel nodded. "I guess it tastes the same as regular food..". Jihae chuckled. "So plane food isn't regular food then?" she gave him a look. C.A.P slapped his arm, "you're such an idiot" he shook his head.
Niel touched his sore arm, "ow I'm not stupid" he was pouting.
The others chuckled and everyone started eating again. L.Joe looked at everyone and his face fell a bit. [I'm going to miss see Soohyo's face. It's going to be a while since I get to meet her again].
The plane landed at New York airport and you opened your eyes to see land. You rubbed your tired eyes and looked around. [We're here]. You were half excited and half not. Leaving the others behind still made you feel sad. You took your suitcase and rolled them out into the airport. 
The three of you looke around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Then there was a guy holding up a sign with your name on it. He walked up to you and asked, "are you the Lim family?" you all nodded. "Follow me" he lead you out of the airport.
Parking outside was a black car and you gasped at how beautiful it was looking. "Damn this is a nice car" you praised the car.
Your mum tugged on your arm, "sweetie, calm yourself" she smiled. You nodded and closed your mouth but still admiring the car.
The three of you sat inside and the driver drove off. [Wonder what our house is going to look like]. You were looking out of the car window and saw that it was a total different atmosphere than Seoul. In Seoul, everywhere you looked everyone was Korean but here there were different skin and hair colour everywhere.
The car approached a white two story house. It was just like your's back home but just a slight bigger. Your eyes widened when you saw the house. "WOW!!" you were amazed.
You got out of the car and walked to the door with your mum and dad. It clicked open and the three of you walked inside. The interior was amazing and the way everything was set out really reminded you of home.
"Do you like it?" your mum asked. You noddded, "feels just like home" you smiled to yourself. Your dad walked over to the lounge room. "It feels like we never left Seoul right?" he turned around.
You shook your head, "yeah, inside the house is Seoul but then when you walked outside it's New York" you sighed.
Your dad chuckled, "don't worry, we'll fit in" he patted your head. "Now go upstairs and see your room" he said. You nodded and headed up stairs to your room.
You opened your door and saw that it was the same as home. You smiled to yourself, "this will be better if Zico was here.." you looked down at your bag and opened it. The first thing that you placed on your table was a picture of you and Zico.
You stood back and looked at the picture. "Perfect" you smiled to youself.
It was dinner time and the three of you were sitting in the dinning area, eating. You weren't still familiar with the atmosphere but since the house really did feel like home you didn't even know that you moved to New York.
"You'll be starting school here next week" your mum stated. You nodded. "I hope you have fun though" she smiled at you. You nodded again, "I hope so too" you flashed her a smile.
Your dad chuckle, "you might not know but you could meet your future husband here" he joked. Your mum slapped his arm. "Oppa, don't joke around like that" he just continued to laugh. Your mum laughed also. You couldn't help but smile at his joke. "I don't think so" you looked down at your food. [I think I already found my one and only]. "Zico oppa.." you said under your breath.
"What was that sweetie?" your dad asked.
"Nothing" you replied.
The three of you continued to eat and started talking about life in New York.
Night was falling and you looked at the clock. [Korea must be morning right?]. You weren't very familiar with the time change. You laid on your bed and closed your eyes. [I'll be able to see them very soon right?].
Soon you drifted off to sleep.
School started for you and it was the new semester. You walked into the new school and looked around. [Feels so different being here]. You walked into your classroom and sat down beside the window.
"May I sit here?" someone asked in english. You looked up and it was a guy. He looked just like Zico. "Yeah of course" you answered back. [Luckily I learnt english before hand]. You sighed in relief.
"Oh my name is Steven" he introduced.
"My name is Soohyo" you greeted. He nodded. "Nice name" he gave you a smile and looked at the front. [I think it's going to be an interesting semester]. You looked around the classroom and saw many different hair colours.
It was finally the end of school and everyone was walking home. You saw a black car and it was yours. You walked up to it and sat inside. The driver than drove off without a word.
"Did you make any friends miss?" he asked.
You thought about Steve. "I think I've made one?" you were unsure too. The driver nodded and continued to stare at the road.
You leaned back and thought about Zico. [Oppa.. how have you been? It's been a week that I haven't seen you]. You closed your eyes and started to rest.
Zico was in his bed and was thinking about you. [I wonder what time it is over there]. He stared at his clock and turned over. He hasn't talked to you these past days and he was missing you a lot. [Come back again Soohyo]. He wanted to see you again, but he promised himself that he'll wait for you no matter how long it is.
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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c