Fishing With Block B

Confession Between Two

Block B - U Hoo Hoo



The next morning, you were at the buffet getting food onto your plate when you saw Jaybeom walking in to get a plate. He glanced up at you and both your eyes met. You looked down at his lip and there was a red mark from yesterday. You felt guilty so you looked away and continued to select your food. [Why am I feeling guilty towards him? Didn't he deserve it anyway?]. You walked to your table where Jihae and C.A.P was sitting.

"What's wrong with Jaybeom's lip?" Jihae asked, which nearly made you choke on your food. C.A.P stared at Jaybeom and had a slight smirk, "He probably deserved it". The answer made Jihae confused but she didn't bother asking further questions. C.A.P looked at you and mouthed, "Are you alright?". You nodded and took a bite out of the bread.

After breakfast everyone decided to split up and do their own thing. The teachers decided to let everyone do whatever but the curfew was 10 pm.

Jihae and you were walking towards the beach and saw a huge boat. U-Kwon popped out from nowhere and surprised the both of you. You held onto your chest, "U-Kwon, what are you doing here?" you asked him.

He yawned, "Was bored so decided to take this boat out to fish. Do you guys want to come?" he offered. You both looked at each other and nodded to him. "Great, let's go" he went to help the two of you up the boat.

The three of you were fishing when another boat came up to your's. It was the rest of Block B. They all waved at you and when the boats were close to each other, they decided to jump over to U-Kwon's boat instead.

Kyung jumped and landed on his two feet, "Isn't this nice, fishing in this weather" he stretched.

When everyone was on U-Kwon's boat, the driver on the other boat drove off. You and Jihae stopped fishing and sat back to enjoy the sunshine. Jihae soon got sleepy and decided to head down to the little room the boat provided and take a nap. You were on the deck and saw every Block B member laughing and having fun.

Zico saw you and called you over, "Where is your friend?" he asked. "Oh she's sleeping" you replied and looked over at the water.

Kyung was sitting down and reading a book, you walked over and sat beside him, "What are you reading?" you asked. He looked at you in shock, no one has ever wanted to talk to him before and here you're trying to make a conversation with him. You stared at him and waved your hands in front of him, "Hello~ can you hear me?".

He snapped out of his thought and replied quietly, "It's a book my mum gave me when I went overseas". Your jaw dropped at the mention of him going overseas, "You went oversea? Where did you study?" you were eager to know. 

"New Zealand" he answered.

"Oh there. I always wanted to go there one day. How is it? It's different than Seoul right?" you asked and tapped your fingers to your lip. "I guess it would be because it's another country, I mean all countries have their different aspects of how they live so yeah.." you stared at the book.

Kyung looked at you and back to his book, "Do you want to read it?" he offered. You shook your head, "It's okay, you can read it" you smiled at him, "And it's probably all in English which I can't read nor understand" you chuckled. Kyung chuckled at what you said.

P.O then shouted, "OH MY GOD! I CAUGHT A BIG ONE!!". He struggled to get the line in. Everyone gathered around him.

"Is it a big one?" you asked, curious.

Jaehyo shrugged, "It could be, looks heavy though just by watching the way Jihoon is pulling the line" chuckled Jaehyo.

"Jihoon?" you were confused at who he was referring to. Zico explained it to you, "Jihoon is P.O's real name". You nodded, "Seems like most of you have nicknames" you laughed a bit.

"Nicknames are better than our real names" U-Kwon gave you a thumbs up.

P.O finally got the fish and it was huge. Everyone cheered on P.O and decided to fish some more. B-Bomb was listening to music and you didn't want to disturb him so you just watched him from afar. [He looks like the quiet type to me]. You continued to look around and Jaehyo was looking straight at you. You smiled at him and he waved back.

He walked up to you, "So you're Soohyo". You nodded. "Well I'm Jaehyo, even though I maybe handsome, I'm clumsy" he rubbed the back of his neck.

[He admits that he's handsome? Well it is true though]. You looked at him and his face was like a god. It was perfect. "You don't look clumsy" you said.

He smiled, "looks can be deceiving" he winked at you and walked away.

U-Kwon was eating snacks and when he saw you he gestured you to come over. You sat down beside him and he gave you a chocolate bar. "Thanks" you said and took it.

"Listen.. I'm not usually nice to strangers but since you're friends with Zico, I guess it won't hurt to be nice right?" he smiled.

You looked at him, "So you don't talk to strangers that much?" you asked. He nodded, "To be honest, you're the first girl that I ever talked to this much" he said and sat up, "It's getting late, we should head back".

You walked over to the railing bars and looked at the sunset. It was beautiful. Just then Zico came and stood next to you, "Seems like you know Block B now" he said.

You smiled and turned around facing them, "Yeah.." you looked around and saw them laughing and mucking around.



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c