2 Years Later

Confession Between Two

INFINITE - Cover Girl



Two years have past and you have just finished your last year in college. In these years you, Block B, Teen Top and Jihae occasionally wrote to each other. Soon enough it was your winter break. You were cleaning your room when Kim and Sarah opened your bedroom door and ran over to you.

"Let's go shopping!!" Kim said. Sarah nodded, agreeing. "Let's go!!" she dragged you out of your room.
"W-What?" you were confused at what was happening.
In just a few minutes the 3 of you were standing infront of the busy streets of New York. You looked around and sighed, "do we really have to go.." you didn't feel like shopping.
"Ngaw come on. It's fun to shop!!" Kim was keen.
Sarah nodded, "plus it's winter break so let's go~" she dragged you into a store. Her eyes lit up and started running to where the most expensive part of the store was. You shook your head. [She really reminds me of someone]. You smiled and thought back to when Jihae dragged you to go shopping.
Kim walked around the store calmly and looked at the clothes. She would occasionally pick some up from the rake but then placed them down again when she saw the price. She knew it was too expensive for her.
"Why don't you pick this one" you held out a skirt and showed her. She looked at it and checked the price. "It's too expensive.." you said, a bit disappointed. Sarah came by and looked at the skirt. "OooOO I want this" she grabbed it and went to the changing room with the other clothes she was carrying. You shook you head, "will she ever change" you giggled. Kim giggled along with you.
Sarah changed and walked out of the changing room, "what do you think?" she twirled around with her new clothes. The two of you examined her and shook your heads. "It doesn't match" you said.
She looked down at herself. "Really?" she pouted and walked back into the changing room. She tried on a few more clothes and eventually ended up buying everything. 
The three of you walked down the busy streets of Times Square. You saw an ice cream store and dragged both the girls there. "Let's have ice cream!!" you insisted. They followed you and the three of you sat by the window and your ice cream cone.
"So what are you planning on doing for winter break this year?" Kim asked the two of you. Sarah her ice cream. "My parents are planning to go overseas. We're going to visit my grandparents who lives in Boston" 
"That sounds so fun~ Remember to take a lot pictures okay?" Kim was jealous. Sarah nodded. "Of course I will" she grinned. She turned to you, "Soohyo, what are you planning on doing?".
You looked at the two and shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know. Since I've finished college, I should start looking for work right?" you smiled.
"That doesn't sound fun. You should go back to Korea to see your boyfriend" Kim nudged you and winked. You smiled at the though, "like I have money to go all the way there.." you were sad because you couldn't visit Zico this year.
Sarah patted your back. "Don't worry, when you have a job then you can save up and be able to go to Korea every month!!" she exaggerated a bit on the every month.
You giggled, "like I would go to Korea that much.. My money will run out hell fast" you chuckled and your ice cream. [But it would be nice to meet Block B, Teen Top and Jihae again]. You looked out the window and sighed. [Hope I can see them].
After eating ice cream, the three of you headed to many other stores and bought more clothes. Sarah was the one buying the most where Kim and you were only buying things you needed. 
It was the end of the day and all of you headed home. You looked at your watch and saw the time. You remembered that it was morning over in Korea. [I wonder what their day is going to be like]. You walked up to your room and saw a pile of new letters on your table. You beamed and walked over. 
You picked up the letters and flip through them, "why does the letters seem so thick.." you wondered why and opened them up. To your surprise it was pictures of them and they told yo in their letters of where they went that day and how much they wished you were there with them.
You flipped through the photos, "I wish I was there with them too.. I miss Seoul so much" a tear rolled down your cheeks and you wipped away. You sniffled and read the letters they sent.
After reading them, you got a pen and paper and started to reply to all of them. You wrote one to Teen Top and after reading through what you wrote, you began to write to Block B then to Jihae. You wrote to Zico more than the others.
You placed the last letter into the envelope and walked to the post office to send them away. You walked into the post office, place the letters in the letter box and walked out. It was cold and you placed your hands in your jacket pockets and headed home.
In Seoul, it was snowing and everyone started to go to Kyung's skiing resort. Block B were on top of the hill and placed their goggles on. 
"Ready?" U-Kwon asked.
B-Bomb nodded his head. "Let's do this!!" he cheered.
Taeil put the flag up and swung it down, "GO!!" he shouted. Both U-Kwon ad B-Bomb raced down the hill. Block B stood behind and cheered them on. 
Zico stood at the back and looked at them. He smiled and remembered the time when he helped you ski. He smiled at the memory.
"Apparantely I can't" you sighed and held onto the ski sticks tightly.
"Here I'll teach you" he offered.
[I had fun teaching her. I wonder if she's better at skiing now?]. He wondered and continued to have a flashback.
"You move your hands like this" Zico demonstrated.
You nodded, understanding. "I get it now" you faced the front and started to slowly glide down. You only reached a few feet when you lost your balance. You fell and laughed.
Zico shook his head. "I thought you knew how to do it now" he took off his ski and walked over to you.
"I guess I still need to practice" you chuckled and got up. 
After that flashback, Zico suddenly remembered when you feel ontop of him. He giggled to himself at the memory and the others looked at him like he was a weirdo.
"What are you laughing about?" Taeil asked, giving him a look. Zico looked at him. "Nothing, just remembering back then.." he smiled. Jaehyo turned around and crossed his arms, "thinking about Soohyo eyys" he raised his eyebrows.
Zico nodded, admitting it. "Yeah, she just came into my head".
The other smiled and shook their head. [This guy.. wonder if Soohyo thinks about him like he thinks about her]. They turned around and saw U-Kwon waving, "I WON!!" he shouted. 
"GO ZICO HYUNG!!" P.O shouted back.
"BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME MINHYUK!!" Kyung shouted. B-Bomb just looked away and glared at U-Kwon.
Zico smiled at the scene infront of him but his mind was somewhere else. Thinking about you of course.
Meanwhile in New York, you were in college just collecting your report. You sat in the office and looked around the office. You walked over to a board where there were students who have just graduated. You saw a picture of yourself with a teacher and you looked very happy.
You smiled to yourself. [I've finally graduated from college. It's been two years already.. time really goes by fast]. You looked down and saw a travel brochure to Seoul, Korea. You picked it up and took a closer look at it. It told you all the attractions that Seoul provided and some of them you never even heard of. [When I go back to Seoul, I want to travel to these places with Teen Top, Block B and Jihae]. You smiled at the thought.
"Ms Lim?" a teacher called.
You turned around. You walked over to her, still holding onto the brochure. "Yeah I'm here Ms" you said politely.
She handed you a hard cover folder, "this is your records and your report. In it is your grades and what you have achieved. Have fun and have a great future" she congradulated you.
You took it and bowed. "Thanks Ms. I'll be leaving now" you slightly bowed again and walked out of the office. You looked at the brochure for the last time and placed it inside your folder. [I've finished college!!]. You jumped up and down and when you saw everyone looking, you cleared your throat and began walking home. You smiled to yourself, proud that you have finished college.
When you reached home, no one was home. You decided to walk up to your room and placed your folder on your desk.
You grabbed the picture of you and Zico. "Oppa!! Today was the day that I have finished college. I got my report. See" you held up your folder. "I hope that after this, I will be able to get to see you. I missed you sooo much, did you miss me too??" you smiled at the Zico and mimicked his voice, "yes Soohyo, I missed you a lot too" you giggled and returned to your normal voice, "you better!!" you winked at him. You placed the picture down and looked around your room.
You walked over to your bed and saw a handkerchief on the lamp table. You took it and smiled, "I remember when he gave this to me.." you hugged it close to your heart and had a flashback.
"Here" you handed him the handkerchief. He looked at it and back at you. "I always forget to return this to you" you sweetly smiled at him.
He took the handkerchief. "You know, you didn't have to return it to me" he said. You looked at him. "I have many of these at home" he handed the hankerchief to you. "Here, you can have it" he smiled.
You stared at the hankerchief. "Are you sure? I mean, it's still your's though.." you felt unsure.
"No worries, here take it" he insisted. You nodded your head and finally took the handkerchief. "Thanks" 
He ruffled your head. "Yah~ you're messing up my hair" you pouted and flattened your hair down. He chuckled. "Let me mess it up again" he bagan messing up your hair. "Yah~" you tried to move his hands away. You giggled and began to mess up his hair. "Unfair!! You have short hair.." you crossed your arms and frowned.
He laughed then he poke your forehead softly.
"Ow.." you rubbed the spot he poke. He just gave you a smile and leaned back into the sofa.
You looked at him and squinted your eyes, thinking. [I should poke him back.. payback]. You leaned in closer to him and quickly poke him on the forhead. He blinked in surprise at you. You smiled in satisfaction and leaned back. "Payback~" you poke your tongue out.
"Yah!! Come here" he got up, but you quickly sat up and ran away from him. He ran after you.
You ran everywhere. You ran behind a table and teasingly poke your tongue out at him. "Not going to get me~" you challenged. He stopped and smiled. "Of course I'm going to get you" he said and ran after you. You screamed and ran away.
"I hope we can have more memories like that again oppa" you smiled.  You laid down on your bed and soon feel asleep.
When you woke up, you looked at the clock and it was 8pm. You sat up tiredly and rubbed your eyes. "Wow I slept for that long.." you opened your phone and there were text messeges from your friends.
'Have fun in the winter break!! Remember to tell me what you did' - Kim.
'Don't worry, you'll have in winter break. I hope you get to travel to Seoul this year, I know you missed it there a lot' - Steven.
'I can't wait to go to Australia!! I want to see the kangaroos and koalas.. do you think they bite? I hope not >< anyways, I'll take lots of pictures. Hope you have fun this winter break!!' - Sarah.
The text messeges made you smile and you texted them back. You placed your phone down and walked to the bathroom to wash up before dinner. After washing up you walked down stairs to the kitchen. You sat down at the dinner table and looked at the food that was prepared.
"Wo mum, why did you cook so much for?" you asked, astounded.
She shrugged, "wanted you to be happy that's all" you looked at her and frowned, confused. "What do you mean by that?". She chuckled, "hunny you tell her" she said to your dad. He walked over to you from the lounge room and patted your head. "Will you be surprise if you get to do something exciting this winter break?" he asked.
You titled your head, "what? Are we going somewhere this winter break?" you asked.
Your mum and dad looked at each other and smiled. Your mum walked over and hid something behind her back. You stared at her weirdly, "what are you hiding mum?" you tried to look but she walked further to prevent you from seeing.
"Sweetie.. will you be happy if you found out that.." your dad looked at your mum to let her finished his sentence.
You were eager to know what was going on. "Tell me!! I want to know what's happening" you begged.
Your mum smiled brightly, "sweetie.. we're going on a trip!!" she held out airplane tickets. You looked at them and sighed, "not again mum. I don't want to go to Las Angeles or Hollywood.." you crossed your arms.
Your dad chuckled, "babo! There not tickets to go to Las Angelas or Hollywood" you turned around and stared at the tickets closely. Your eyes widened at the words of the city. [NO WAY!!]. You stood up immediately.
"Yep!! WE'RE GOING TO SEOUL, KOREA!!!" your mum announced.
You couldn't believe it. You and your family are going to Seoul for this winter break. You can't believe what is happening right now. "W-We're really going right?" you touched your plane ticket.
"Of course sweetie. We're leaving in 3 more days" she said.
Your smile grew wider. "I gotta go and pack!!" you ran to your room and began packing up your clothes. You basically brought everything with you. You had over 2 suitcases. You were excited to go. [YES!! I'M GOING TO KOREA!!].
You walked over to your desk and held up the picture. "Zico oppa, I'm going to Seoul in just 3 more days. I'm really excited to meet you!!" you hugged the picture frame.
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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c