The Past I Want To Forget

Confession Between Two

A'ST1 & T-MAX - Something Happened To My Heart



L.Joe had just dropped you off in front of the college and you walked into the college. You walked to your lecture class and opened the door to see that no one was there. [I'm the first person here]. You took a seat near the middle back and took out your pen and notebook ready.

You heard the door open and looked up, expecting the person to be the lecturer but to your surprise it was Jaybeom. Your eyes widened and he looked over at you and waved. You slowly looked the other way, trying to avoid him. 

He smiled to himself. [Her and I in the same class together? I'm starting to like my Tuesdays more]. He walked over to you and sat down next to you. He was about to open his mouth to start a conversation with you but luckily the lecturer came in. You silently sighed in relief. [Thank goodness he came in just in time].

Jaybeom smiled to himself and didn't talk to you. Soon, the class was full of students and the lecturer started the class.

In the middle of the lecture, Jaybeom looked over at you and started a conversation with you. "So how are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine" you quickly replied, not looking up at him and went back to writing.

Jaybeom smiled at you, "I can't believe there we're in the same college. Is this fate or what?!". You heard a bit of excitement in his voice. You didn't answer him, trying to ignore him as much as possible. Jaybeom continued to start conversations with you but you didn't answer anyone of them.

The teacher could hear chit chatting and looked over his shoulder to see Jaybeom talking to you. "No talking, if you don't want to listen then be quiet for the ones who want to listen" he told Jaybeom.

Jaybeom looked up, "Sorry sir, I'll be quiet" he apologized.

You looked away and sighed. [I'm starting to like this lecturer, he always know when to make this guy shut up]. For the rest of the hour, Jaybeom didn't tried to talk to you at all.

When class was over, you quickly walked out of the classroom to avoid Jaybeom but he called your name and ran after you. You pretended like you didn't hear him but then someone caught your arm and turned you around to face them. You saw Jaybeom standing in front of you and you struggled to get out of his grip, "Let go of me" you shot.

He still didn't let go of your arm. "I just wanted to walk you to your next class" he calmly stated. You shot him a glare, "I don't need you, I'm fine going by myself" you spat. You twisted your arm and it finally got free. You then quickly turned around and walked away as fast as you could.

"Wait!!" Jaybeom cried and ran after you.

When you turned a corner, you were now facing a blonde hair boy. You heard Jaybeom calling your name from behind you and without thinking, you quickly hid behind the boy. You looked up at him, "I'll explain later" you whispered. He still had a confused expression on his face. [What the..].

Jaybeom turned the corner and saw you behind another person. "There you are, why did you walk so fast for?" he was trying to catch his breath. 

You poke your head from behind the guy, "I told you I don't need you to walk me to class" you repeated.

The boy was so confused at what was happening. He stood in the middle of you two and finally caught Jaybeom's eyes. He stared at him up and down and smirked a bit, "Don't tell me this is your boyfriend?" he questioned.

You looked up at the boy and back at Jaybeom, "I don't have a boyfriend!! And why do you care?" you shouted back. Jaybeom scoffed, "I never knew you would go out with a Block B member" he looked at the guy again, this time with a slight glare.

You blinked, "Block B? Who are they.." you whispered to yourself. You lightly shook your head and looked back at Jaybeom, "I can go out with anyone I like, so don't follow me and leave me alone!!" you shot back.

He took a step forward, "I still care for you, so I do mind who you go out with" he softly said with a serene expression. You were shocked at what he said and froze up. He looked at you and back to the guy, "And you, why are you still standing here?" he asked, rudely.

"It's not like I want to be here, but to the looks of it, she doesn't want to talk to a guy like you, so why don't you leave her alone" he guy finally spoke.

Jaybeom scoffed, "She does want to talk to me, she's just shy" he said, looking over at you with a smile. The guy looked down at you and back at Jaybeom, "She doesn't look shy to me, so maybe you should leave" he politely said.

"You really think that I'm afraid of a Block B member?" Jaybeom looked the other way and smirked.

You were getting frustrated and couldn't take Jaybeom's presence anymore so you shot, "Park Jaybeom, just leave right now!" you were on the verge of crying. Jaybeom saw that you were going to cry so he decided to do the right thing. He nodded and walked away without hesitation. After he left, you couldn't hold in your tears and it came flowing out. The guys saw you and was about to ask if you were okay, but you ran away before he could say anything.

"WAIT!!" he called and ran after you.

P.O and Kyung was walking casually down the hallway when they saw Zico running towards them. Kyung tilted his head, "Zico, why are you running?" he asked. Zico slowed down but eagerly looked straight ahead, "Something happened. Explain it later" he said and ran off again.

Kyung and P.O gave each other looks. "Weird kid. I wonder what happened.." P.O asked but shrugged his shoulders and the two of then continued to walk off.

You reached balcony and fell to the ground, sobbing. All the memories of you and Jaybeom started flowing back into your head. To the day you first met to your first date. Everything that you thought you have forgotten had started flooding back.

Everyday after school, you two would always go out and eat even though it was raining or snowing hard or too hot, Jaybeom would always take you out no matter what.

"Oppa~ I like being with you" you said as you hugged his arm while walking down the Han River. He chuckled, "Babo, of course you do. Who else would make you this happy?" he poke your forehead. You touched the sore part, "Oww" you pouted and rubbed it. He smiled and pinched your cheeks, "You're so cute!!" he exclaimed.

Suddenly everything changed. Jaybeom started to text you lesser and took you out only twice a month. He would always make you wait for him when he decides to hang out with you. He wouldn't tell you where he was going and when you want to hang out with him, he would always say that he's busy.

You walked out of your classroom and saw him walking away. "Oppa~" you shouted and ran up to him. You hugged his arm and smiled, "Do you want to hang out later?" you asked.

He pulled his arm away, "Sorry Soohyo, but I'm busy now. Next time" he rubbed your head and gave you a smile then walked off.

You sighed, "You're busy again.." you softly said and walked off in the opposite direction.

It was Valentine's Day and you received a text from Jaybeom saying 'meet me in front of restaurant Blizz. Happy Valentine's Day hunnie~'. You smiled at his text and decided to go there later today.

You were waiting in front of the restaurant and looked at the present you bought for him. You opened up the case and it was a bracelet which had the words, 'I Love You Forever~ SH&JB'. You smiled to yourself, closed the box and placed it back into the bag. The wait was getting longer and longer and still there was no sign of Jaybeom.

"Where is he? I should call him" you took out your phone and dialed his number. It went straight to voicemail, "Sorry but the number you are dialing is currently unavailable please record your messege or try again".

"Unavailable?" you asked yourself. You decided to leave a voicemail, "Hey oppa, it's me Soohyo. I'm waiting in front of the restaurant right now and was wondering when you're going to arrive. Please call me after you received this" you then hanged up.

Minutes turned into hours, still there was no sign of Jaybeom anywhere. You felt like you were being played and decided to leave. You placed the present in front of the restaurant door and left. "Guess I was wrong, he didn't turn up after all.." you tried not to cry and walked away.

Footsteps approached you and suddenly a packet of tissues was in front of you. "Thought you need this". You looked up to see the guy you id behind before, smiling down at you, "Thanks" you softly said and took it.

The guy sat down beside you with his legs stretched out and his back leaning on the concrete wall. He began to gaze at you, "Is there something wrong?" he finally asked. You shook your head, "Ani, it's nothing big" you answered. You then remembered at what he just experienced before, "And sorry about before. I didn't mean for you to be in between the situation" you apologized.

He smiled, "It's okay, I don't know what happened between you two but I hope that you sort it out sooner or later" he gave you a light pat on the back. You sighed, "I never want to talk to him again" tears began to flow down your eyes. You couldn't keep it in anymore, "I hate him!! Why did he have to come here.. when I tried so hard to forget about him" you sobbed.

The guy was shocked to see you crying, "Hey there's no need to cry, the situation will become better" he tried comforting you. "I'm sorry for mentioning it, I understand you don't want to remember the past?" he asked you.

You sobbed, "I tried to forget it but somehow it always seem to come back to me somehow" you buried your face in your arms. He cleared his throat, "Can I ask you a question?" he looked at you. You looked up at him and nodded. He began to hesitate a but, "I'm curious that's all, but do you.. like that guy?".

You thought for a moment and then answered, "I try not to anymore" you sighed, "I don't want to fall for someone too deeply". He nodded. The two of you sat in silent for a while. Then you suddenly remembered you had another class, so you stood up and bowed to the guy, "I got another class, and sorry if I bothered you" you patted the back of your neck, shyly.

"It's okay, I just hope that you feel better" he gave you another smile. You smiled and walked off, but turned back, "Oh by the way, my name is-" you got cut off by C.A.P. "Soohyo~ you got class now, you're going to be late" he came running to you. You nodded and turned to the guy and gave him a quick bow, "I got to go" and ran off with C.A.P.

"There you are Zico, let's go we have class" B-Bomb came up to him. "I know!!' Zico said and looked at you running away then followed B-Bomb. 

Jaybeom walked out from where he was, "I hurt her that badly.. and she still likes me?" he was surprised but a smile slowly appeared on his face. "Glad that she likes me still..".



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c