Breaking the News to Block B

Confession Between Two

Block B - Did You Or Did You Not



After telling the news to Teen Top and Jihae. They decided to take you out to eat and have a blast of a time.

"What do you think? Do you like it here?" Jihae asked. You chewed on your rick cake and smiled. "It's delicious!!" you said. Teen Top chuckled and everyone began digging into the food.
Everyone was hypo after eating so they all decided to go karaoke. You walked into the room and Jihae picked up the microphone.
"I want to dedicate this song to my best friend!!" she winked to you. You clapped your hands together, "whoo go Jihae" you applauded.
She sang a ballad song and you swayed your body from side to side, following the rhythm of the beats. After the song was finished, everyone wanted to sing an up beat song. All of you were dancing adn jumping up and down on the couch.
"YEAHHHH~" Niel shouted in the microphone.
"GO NIEL!!" C.A.P said.
You shouted and cheered Niel on when he did a very high note. Chunji started to sing and everyone started being childish again. You laughed and looked at everyone. [I don't want to leave them.. I love being with them].
It was a long day and everyone was tired. The 7 of them walked you home and when you reached the outside of your gates, they looked up and stared at your house.
"No more walking here anymore.." Jihae said, becoming sad.
Everyone nodded, agreeing on what she said. True, they weren't ever going to this house anymore, never seeing you running out of it and never getting to hang out with you in your room or study together. You looked at all their sad faces. You wanted them to be cheerful, "hey don't be sad. I'm still going to come here and visit" you wanted to make them happy. Though it worked but for only just a few seconds.
Jihae walked up to you and hugged you tightly. "Tell when your flight is and I'll come and say goodbye to you" she said. You nodded. "I'll tell you".
Teen Top grouped hugged you and they also wanted to know what time you were leaving. "Tell us" C.A.P said. You nodded. "Of course I would. I want to see you guess for the last time as well" you grinned but could feel your eyes getting teary.
L.Joe nodded to your house. "Go inside. You're parents are going to get worried" he said.
"Okay, I'll be going now" you opened your gate and walked inside.
You were walking to school when you felt your heart beating faster and faster as you approached the school. [I have to tell them.. I can't leave them without saying a goodbye]. You walked into the entrance and saw Block B chatting happily to each other. Your heart just fell.
They saw you and waved. "Yo Soohyo~" U-Kwon hollared at you. You weakly smiled back. "Hey oppas" you managed to greet them.
They walked up to you, "what's wrong with you?" B-Bomb asked, a bit concerned.
Zico looked at your face and saw how pale you were. His heart was hurting at the sight of you like this. [What happened to her?]. He wanted to know what was on your mind. You looked at Zico and your eyes met. You couldn't look away but then the more you stared at him, the more your heart was hurting so you looked away.
"Want to see us perform?" Kyung asked. You nodded, "okay" you smiled and everyone walked to their practice room.
They were warming up first and you sat down near the front. They stretched and Zico nodded to everyone indicating that it was time.
"I'll turn on the music" you got up and ran to the cd player. "Ready?" Zico nodded. You pressed the play button and quickly ran back to your spot before and sat down.
The music started playing and everyone started to move. The dance was chilled and relaxed at first but when it got to the middle, the dance moves became intense and everyone was getting tired. You looked at all of them and smiled. You could feel that your eyes were getting watery but you tried not to cry. [Don't cry, don't let them see you cry]. You turned away and fanned your face so that your tears would disappear. They finally dried up and you turned back to see Block B finished.
"WHOO GO BLOCK B OPPAS!!" you cheered.
P.O ran up to you, "did you like it?" he asked. You nodded and smiled. "I'm glad" he patted your head.
Everyone was sitting on the floor and you wondered if it was the right time to tell them or not. [Should I tell them now or wait a bit longer?]. You didn't know so you went with your instinct but then you saw Zico and you didn't want to tell them anymore. [I don't want him to know.. I don't want him to be sad because of this]. So you decided to keep your mouth shut.
"Ahh~ I can't wait for our 3rd year, I think it's going to be a great year right?" U-Kwon looked at the others. They all nodded.
"Of course!!" P.O said.
Taeil looked over to you. "Soohyo, do you think your 2nd year will be great?" he asked.
"Second year?" you said. He nodded. [I won't be here for the second year or third]. You nodded. "Of course I am!! I can't wait for it" you pulled off a smile and chuckled.
Zico was staring at you and noticed that something was up. [Why did I have a feeling that she faked the whole thing. What's wrong with her?]. He was curious at why you had to fake being happy.
You were walking to the vending machine and Zico followed you. "Soohyo" he called. You turned around and your heart heat faster. "Z-Zico oppa..". He came closer to you. "Was just wondering.. are you alright?" he asked.
You snapped out of your daze and nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. Why's that?" you asked, trying act like nothing was bothering you. Zico saw straight through you, "you don't have to lie. You know you can tell me anything" he said.
You slowly nodded your head, "of course I know that" you playfully slapped his arm, "I'm really fine. Nothing is bothering me. Do you want water?" you tried to change the subject. He held onto your hand and turned you around to face him. "Don't change the subject. I know something is bothering you. Tell me" he was practically begging.
You looked down at his hand in yours and your heart skipped a beat. [Don't hold my hand like that..]. You looked up to see his eyes and you stared at it for a long time. [I don't want to leave you.. don't make me feel like this. It's going to be harder for me to leave you].
"Why are you staring like that?" he asked. You shook your head, "I just never thought that you would hold my hand" you looked down. He looked down and he quickly let go of your hand. "S-Sorry" he patted the back of his neck and looked away, nervously.
You chuckled and turned to the vending machine. You clicked on the water bottle button and it came down. You got it out and opened the lid. You held it out to Zico, "do you want some?". He shook his head. You smiled and drank it. [I'll just have to keep it to myself for a little longer].
It was after school and you only had 2 days left in Seoul. You looked at your watch and decided that it was time to tell Block B, but you didn't want Zico to be there since it would be harder for you to tell them.
You were waiting for them outside and they all walked up to you. "Where is Zico?" you asked, looking for him. Kyung titled his head, "you told us not to tell him anything. So he just went home" he pointed to his motorcycle racing away. You nodded and was relieved.
He turned back to face you, "so what is it you wanted to tell us?" he asked.  You looked at the ground and was nervous if you should mention it or not. You were thinking of ways to tell them that wouldn't make them shocked but either way they will still be shocked and surprised.
B-Bomb looked at you, "what's wrong Soohyo?" he was concerned.
You still didn't answer.
Kyung chuckled. "What's wrong, it looks like your going to say something important..".
You nodded. "It's very important. I want to tell you guys that.." you paused when you saw them all looking at you. You studied their faces and tears appeared in your eyes.
"Ngaw don't cry" P.O came to you and hugged you. 
"You're making it seem like you're never going to see us again" Jaehyo joked.
Taeil nodded, "looks like your moving away or something" he chuckled.
"That's it" you said. "WHAT!!" they were now wanting you to continue.
You sighed, "I'm moving to America.. I'm leaving in 2 days" you announced. Their jaws dropped and they looked at each other, surprised and confused. 
"Did you say that you were going to move to America?" Kyung had to know that he was't hearing things. You nodded. U-Kwon walked up to you, "are you ever coming back?" he wanted the answer to be yes.
You shrugged your shoulders, "I don't know.. My parents haven't said anything about visiting Korea.." you were trying hard not to cry. U-Kwon hugged you tightly. "My dongseng.. I'm going to miss you" he said.
P.O and Taeil were holding each other crying. "I don't want you to leave~" Taeil said, sniffing. You hugged the two of them. "Trust me, I don't want to leave as well" you said.
Everyone was getting teary and B-Bomb noticed something. "Why didn't you want to tell Zico?" he asked. You paused and looked at him. "I.. I don't want him to know about this. He'll be sad and I don't want that" you said.
U-Kwon walked up to you, "why don't you want him to know?" he asked. You looked at him. "He'll be -".
"Don't say he'll be sad, because I know that's not the reason why" he looked directly in your eyes. "Soohyo.. listen to your heart for once. It's telling you something different.. the feelings you have for him his far greater than just friends".
You looked down. "But he's just a friend.." you tried to say the sentence. B-Bomb came up to you. "He's not just a friend to you.. he's something more?" he wanted you to admit it.
"Y-yah!! He's just a friend" you protested.
"Then why didn't you want him to know like us?" Kyung asked. P.O opened up his phone, "I'll call him now to tell him to come back" he dialed in Zico's number.
You panicked, "no oppa don't!!" you reached his arm and shook your head. "Please don't..".
P.O smiled at you, "see, your seeing him more than a friend..".
"You care for him too much.." Jaehyo said.
"Listen to what your heart is saying.. it's beating because it's feeling something else" U-Kwon held your shoulder and looked at you.
"Listen to my heart.." you touched your chest and your heart was beating. [My heart is telling me..]. Your eyes widened. [I've found the answer. My heart was right all along].
You looked up and Block B and they all smiled at you. [Finally you realized].
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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c