Feelings For Each Other

Confession Between Two

G.NA - Loving You



You have been spending more time with Zico and the two of you would always eat ice cream together or he'll walk you to class. You would occasionally see Jaybeom around but you just ignored him. Zico has helped you forget about the pain.


You were sitting down in Block B's practice room, watching them dance. They were moving so smoothly and their movements were accurate and very in synched as well. After they finished you applaude and ran over to them.
"Oppas were so amazing!!" you praised. Kyung smiled proudly, "of course we're amazing" he said.
"Why do you guys always have to practice? Are you having another dancing competition?" you asked, eagerly. They nodded. Your eyes glistened, "where? When?" you wanted to know. B-Bomb chuckcled, "it's at this club. Do you want to come?".
You thought for a while. "A club?" you were unsure about the location but inside you really wanted to come for some reason. Zico smiled, "it's a party club. It's more like a dancing club" he explained. You sighed in relieve and nodded your head. "I'll come!!"
They all cheered. "Yay!! We have Soohyo to support us" P.O shouted and wrapped his arms around your neck.
"Can't wait to show my dance moves to you" Taeil pulled you closer to him. Zico's eyes widened and looked at how close you and Taeil were. B-Bomb looked over and saw you with Taeil, he smiled and when he saw Zico staring he made a cheesy smile. [Relax Zico, no one is going to take her away from you].
After dance practice, you and Block B were heading to courts. You saw people playing tennis and you wanted to join.
"Let's play tennis" you suggested. The others looked at each other. "Umm Soohyo, we don't know how to play tennis though" U-Kwon said. You shrugged your shoulders, "I don't either but it's good to try something new" you pulled Zico and U-Kwon along. "Come on oppas".
They decided to follow your instructions and walked over to the court.
You picked up the tennis racket and looked over at Block B. "Should we split into teams?" you suggested. They nodded.
"I shot gun Soohyo on my team" U-Kwon slung his arm around your neck. "Same here" B-Bomb did what U-Kwon did. They both looked at Zico to see his reaction. Zico was breathing heavily and looked at you, U-Kwon and B-Bomb. He held onto his racket tight and walked over to your side. "I'm on their team".
[Just as I thought he would do]. U-Kwon and B-Bomb both smiled to each other, like they knew what the other was thinking of.
The teams were then formed. Zico, B-Bomb, U-Kwon and You on one. Jaehyo, P.O, Taeil and Kyung on the other.
You and Zico were standing at the front and the other two were at the back. You bounced the ball up and down. "Ready?" you shouted. "Ready!!" You threw the ball in the air and when it was coming down, you swung your racket and the ball went flying to the other side of the court.
Kyung hit the ball and it went flying back. The 8 of you's continued to play and the score was even. 
"This is the last round!!" Zico said.
You bounced the ball and threw it up. As it was coming back down, you swung your racket and it flew over the net. The 8 of you kept hitting it back at forth to each other. Neither of you wanted to lose.
The ball was bounced to Taeil, he hit it and it went over to your side.
"I got it!!" you ran for it.
"No I have it" Zico ran to it.
The two of you both ran for the ball and then the both of you bumped into each other. You fell on the ground and Zico laid on top of you. You looked into his eyes and you started to feel blood rushing to your cheeks. Zico swallowed hard and could feel his ears turning red. His heart was beating like crazy in his chest, he thought that it was going to jump out of his chest any minute.
U-Kwon and B-Bomb both stared at you two. U-Kwon nudged B-Bomb and he smiled at him. U-Kwon shook his head and ran up to you. "Soohyo, are you alright?" he asked.
That made Zico snapped out of staring at you and quickly got up. He wipped himself and B-Bomb helped you up. "Thanks.." you were still shocked at what happened before.
"Are you hurt Soohyo?" P.O asked, worried.
You shook your head. "I'm alright" you smiled at them. You looked at Zico and you suddenly felt your heart beating and face growing hotter by the second. You quickly turned away and fanned yourself to cool you down. [Maybe I'm just getting hot because of the game].
Janmi was staring at the two of you from her classroom window. She was shocked at what just happened. She could feel her heart beating with rage and her stomach tensing. [Why am I feeling this way. Zico, you're an idiot for making me like this..]. She knew she was feeling jealous and she wanted to know what her feelings towards Zicowas. [I.. don't like you do I?].
After the incident of Zico lying on top of you, Block B and you decided to have a rest. You were sitting in between U-Kwon and B-Bomb, feeling nervous towards Zico. You drank your water and glanced at Zico who was standing a bit further from you. When he caught your eyes, you immediately looked away.
Zico gave you a little frown, thinking. [Was she just staring at me..]. He was wondering why you were even looking at him in the first place.
U-Kwon and B-Bomb both smirked to each other. They nodded their head and U-Kwon stood up stretching. "Mmmm I'm going to get something to eat" he said. B-Bomb stood up also. "Yeah I'm going too" he touched his stomach, "gotta eat something after playing the game" he winked at Zico and Soohyo. Both of you turned away and both was blushing.
"Anyways, let's go" U-Kwon pushed Kyung and P.O in the other direction.
"B-But we're not hungry.." Kyung said, confused.
P.O turned around and walked back to where you and Zico was, "hyung go, I'm not going" but before he could take another step, U-Kwon pulled onto his collar. "H-Hey" he was pulled back by U-Kwon.
B-Bomb pulled Jaehyo and Taeil. "Let's go, I'll buy you food" he bribed. Taeil's eyes lit up. "Really?!" B-Bomb nodded. "YAY!!" Taeil jumped up and down. Jaehyo on the other hand crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
When the others were no where to be seen, Zico and you were sitting together. You looked around, feeling awkward. Zico felt the same way. The silence was dragging on for too long so both of you began talking.
"Hey -".
"Hey -".
The two of you looked at each other and chuckled. "You go first" you offered.
"No you go first" Zico insisted. You nodded, "are you hungry? We can go to get something to eat" you waited for him to answer.
He thought for a while. [If we go to eat we might run into Block B]. He quickly blurted, "no" you looked at him. He cleared his throat and began talking calmly, "no it's alright. I'm not hungry".
"Oh" you puffed your cheeks and looked in front of you. 
Janmi was walking down the stairs and stopped to see you and Zico. She glared at you and decided to walk up to you. "Hey Zico" she waved.
Zico turned his head and looked at her. His eyes widened. "Janmi..". You turned away the second you looked at her. [Why is she here? Jaybeom isn't around]. You still didn't look her way.
"Why are you here? I haven't been talking to you for a while" she tapped her bottom lip thinking. Zico nodded, "yeah.. same here. How have you been?" he asked. She looked over at you and stared at you with hard eyes. "I was good at first but now.." she looked away with sad eyes.
"What's wrong?" Zico couldn't help but asked. She sighed, "everything that I like is being taken away from me.." she turned around and fake a sniffle. Zico immediately stood up and walked over to her. Your eyes widened at his actions. [What's he doing?]. You continued to stare.
"Don't cry. They will soon come back to you" Zico comforted.
Janmi turned around with tears in her eyes. "Really? You think they'll come back to me in the end?" Zico nodded. Janmi clapped her hands and hugged Zico. His eyes widened at the unexpected hug and Janmi glanced your way.
You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You quickly stood up. "I have to go" you said and left immediately. Zico pulled Janmi away and turned to see you running off. [Soohyo come back]. He wanted to shout it out but it was like he didn't have a voice.
Janmi smiled, proud of what she had done. [Running off leaving him with me. Thanks Soohyo]. She smirked and turned to Zico. "Let's go oppa" she hugged his arm and dragged him away. Zico still couldn't stop thinking about you and why you ran off.
You stopped running and place your hand to the wall. You breathes heavily and tears were in your eyes. "Why did she have to come? Why can't she just leave me alone.." you softly whispered.
You felt your heart beating in your chest and your stomach was tensing. You placed your hand onto your chest. [Stop beating for him.. I don't want to feel the pain anymore]. You begged your heart to stop beating but it just wouldn't. Everytime Zico popped into your mind, your heart beat always increase. [Don't beat for him.. please don't]. Tears began rolling down your eyes.
Janmi dragged Zico to the court yard and she faced him. He looked at her. "What is it?" he asked. She looked into his eyes. [I know my feelings are true]. She already planned out what she was going to say. "Oppa" she started.
"Yeah?" he was wondering what she was up to.
She inhaled and said, "oppa, I don't know why but recently I've been feeling really strange" she looked him in the eyes. "I love you".
Zico's eyes rounded. He couldn't believe what he just heard. [Did she just say that she loves me?]. He thought he heard wrong.
"Oppa. I love you" she repeated.
[I guess I didn't hear it wrong]. He was speechless. He didn't know what to say or how to say anything anymore.
You finished crying to yourself and walked to the court yard to get some fresh air which you really needed. [Fresh air is what I need right now]. You were looking down and when you heard familiar voices, you looked up. [Janmi and Zico?]. You stopped and looked at them.
"Oppa. I love you" she said.
Your legs become weak, you didn't know why but you wanted to run away. You felt your whole body become numb. You couldn't feel anything. Your heart was beating fast and you couldn't feel anything. [What did she say?]. You wanted her to be joking but to your dismay, she wasn't.
She walked closer to him, "oppa answer me. Do you love me?" she stared at him in the eyes.
He looked back. [The feeling I have when I look into your eyes aren't the same as when I look into Soohyo's]. At the thought of your name his heart began beating, it was beating because he loved you, not because Janmi confessed to him.
You stayed back and continued to watch them. [How is Zico going to answer..]. You wanted him to reject her, your feelings were mixed at the moment. You felt angry, scared, nervous and even.. love. [Zico..]. You felt your chest and closed your eyes. [Please say no].
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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c