Fallen For You?

Confession Between Two

CN BLUE - Love Girl



Everyday at school, Jaybeom would always try to talk to you and you never ignored him (only occasionally). Jihae and C.A.P noticed the difference and was curious of your relationship status with Jaybeom.


The teacher was lecturing about politics but you were dazing off. Jihae nudged you and you finally snapped out of it. "What is it?" you whispered to her.

"What's your relationship with Jaybeom?" she whispered back. You glanced down at your paper, "Honestly, I don't know. He just seems.. different" you answered truthfully. She sighed, "Well all I can say now is good luck with L.Joe" and she went back to writing down notes.

You grew worried. [Byunghun would go nuts if he finds out that I'm becoming closer to Jaybeom].


Jaybeom was walking to his class when he saw you walking in the opposite direction. "Yo Soohyo!!" he grinned and waved. You waved back but you stared at your hand and placed it down. He ran up to you, "Hey, you have another class right now?" he asked.

"N-No I don;t, but I have somewhere else to go" you pointed to your left. He nodded, "Oh, then I guess I'll see you at lunch then" he waved then left.

You stared at his back and your heart started beating faster. You held onto your chest and could feel that you were blushing. You fanned yourself and began to walk to the library.

The library was quiet and you started on your essay that the teacher gave you. It wasn't hard but you wanted to get it over and done with. You were half way done when your phone vibrated. You took it out and it was a text from L.Joe oppa.

'Mianhae Soohyo T_T I can't pick you up today. Got in trouble for ditching class ==" but go home safely. Remember to text or call when you arrive home :D' - Byunghun oppa.

[He can't pick me up.. then I'll just have to walk home today. That's what you get for ditching class]. You sighed and placed your phone back into your pocket.

Block B was walking down the hallway, heading to their practice room when they saw you walking out from the library. "Soohyo!!" Zico hollared. You looked up and saw Block B. You waved.

Teail walked up to you, "What have you been doing?" he looked at the book you were carrying. "Was just studying. Where are you guys heading to?" you aasked. P.O pointed behind you, "We're going to chill" he answered with his deep voice. You nodded, " Well I guess I'll be heading off now" you smiled and waved to them.

"Okay~ We'll see you later" U-Kwon saluted you and walked off.

Zico walked passed you and gave you a smile, and you also smiled back.


It was after school and Jihae came from behind you. "Soohyo, is L.Joe going to take you home?" she asked. You shook your head, "He got into trouble so I'll be walking home tonight" you let out a heavy breath.

"I can take you home" she offered. You shook your head, "Nah it's okay, my house isn't that far from here anyways" you said. She nodded, "Okay then.. be safe" she hugged you and ran to her car.

C.A.P was getting on his motorcycle when he saw you walking home alone. He drove up to you and stopped in front of you, which made you look up. "Get on" he said. You smiled, "It's okay oppa, I can walk home" you said. He shook his head, "I don't want you to walk home alone.." he looked at the road ahead of you.

"My house isn't that far so-" and arm slung around your neck, "I'll walk her home" Jaybeom said and smiled.

C.A.P gave him a little glare and looked at you. You nodded, "I have Jaybeom, so everything will be alright" you reassured him. He nodded, "Okay, but call or text me when you're at home. Arasso?" he looked at you. "Arasso" you promised. With that C.A.P drove off.

Jaybeom let go of your neck and began to walk ahead, "Aren't you coming? I don't want to be hold responsible if you're lost" he said without looking back at you. You rolled your eyes and ran after him.

On the way home it was silent and you felt uncomfortable walking like this with Jaybeom. You broke the silence by asking, "Why did you want to walk me home? You're house is in the opposite direction.." you pointed to the other way.

"I don't want you to get " he patted your head. You pushed his hand away, "Like I'll get at this house". He wagged his finger from side to side, "Tsk tsk, you never know what kind of people live around here" he warned.

"Yeah.. and you're one of those people" you teased. He laughed and placed an arm around your neck, "Are you scared of me?" he whispered to your ear. You pushed him and walked faster, "I don't need you to walk me home anymore!!" you turned around and poke your tongue out, "ert". He chuckled and shot back, "Yah!! I'm no ert" he ran up to you.

"AHHH" you pretended to be scared and ran away from him.

You reached home and you were about to open your front door when Jaybeom grabbed your arm and pinned you to the wall. He was now staring at you while catching his breath.

"Why.did.you.have.to.run" he said through his breath. You just smiled at him. He looked at your face and looked deeply into your eyes. You could feel his breath on your skin and his eyes searching yours. You broke the staring contest.

"Why did you look away?" he asked. You still didn't look at him, "It's uncomfortable.." you answered truthfully. He tilted his head, "Uncomfortable?" he was confused, "You know.. you're being nicer to me now" he said. You looked at him, true you were being nicer to him, "And?". He smiled, "I just want to know why".

"Well, we're friends.." you studdered a bit.

"Friends? This is the first time you used that term with me.. and you said it without the tone.." he was making you nervoud. He came closer to you, "Are you nervous?".

You could now smell his scent, you tried not to look at him but you would glance at his face once in a while, "N-No, I'm not nervous".

"Then why can't you looke at me?" he asked. "Oh wait.. isn't this the moment that you push me and tell me to go away?" he continued to look at you.

You didn't know why you weren't pushing him away. Half of you wanted to but the other wanted to stay like this. "I want to.." you finally replied.

"But you can't" he finished your sentence for you. "I think I know why.." he continued. You stared at him, waiting to hear what he was going to say next, "I think that.." he came closer to your ear and whispered, "You've fallen for me" he pulled back from you, "Well then I'll see you at school, bye" he waved.

You slowly waved back to him with a blank expression. You were still shocked at what he said earlier.

He turned around and had the widest smile on his face. [Soohyo, have you fallen for me? Because I've fallen for you].

You stood outside your house and held onto your chest, it was beating fast. [Have I fallen for him?]. You were quiet for a while then something inside of you answered, "Yes" your eyes grew wide.



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c