Teen Top

Confession Between Two

Teen Top - No More Perfume On You



It was a Saturday and you were studying at home when your phone rang. You looked over your study book and picked it up, "Yobeosayo?" you answered.

"Noona~ do you want to hang out?" Ricky asked.

You looked at the small calendar on your table, "Today? I'm busy though.." you flipped through the pages of your book.

"Naww come on noona~ I haven't seen you in ages" Changjo whined.

"Yah!! Am I on loud speaker?" you asked, surprised.

"Mianhae, this is the only way that we can all talk to you at once" Niel's voice said.

"Aigoo, you little punks" you said with an annoyed tone. You really hate it when people place you on loud speaker.

"So are you going to come?" Chunji begged over the phone.

You sighed and finally gave up, "Fine, I'll see you guys later". You could hear them shouting and cheering over the phone. "Gosh and these guys are suppose to be gangsters?" you asked yourself.

"What's that noona? You said something?" Ricky asked.

"Oh nothing. Anyways, see you later" you said and hung up quickly. You leaned your head back and sighed, "I wonder how these kids got into college.." you shook your head and began to look through your wardrobe for something to wear.


You were waiting for them at their college and then just 6 motorcycles drove up to you and surrounded you. The owners parked their bikes and took off their helmet. You smiled to yourself as you saw 6 boys walking towards you wearing all black clothing.


Your eyes widened as you saw who the bunch of people were. [I was wrong.. these kids look so mature]. You stood up, "Took you guys long enough, now where do you want to hang out?" you got straight to the point.
"No hello hug?" Ricky whined. You sighed and stretched out your arm, "Come here Ricky" you said. Ricky smiled and was about to go over but L.Joe came and hugged you first. "YAH hyung is unfair, I asked for the hug first" Ricky pouted. L.Joe had a sly smile on his face, "Well too bad" he poke his tongue out. You chuckled.
"Anyway" C.A.P stretched his arms, "Let's hang out today" he walked over to his motorcycle.
L.Joe hopped onto his motorcycle and looked back at you who was still standing still. "Soohyo, let's go" he motioned you to come over. You smiled and ran over to him and hopped onto the back. 
"Let's have a fun day today~" Ricky shouted as he started the engine. You shook your head. [I can't believe these kids can drive already]. L.Joe turned his head, "Are you ready?" he asked. You nodded and he started to speed off.
While you were holding onto L.Joe's waist, you looked at your surroundings and it didn't seem familiar at all. You started to grow nervous and scared, "Where are we going?" you asked L.Joe. "Somewhere fun of course" he answered. You started to grow anxious, "And where will that be?". L.Joe shrugged, "You just have to find out" and he continued to follow the others.
You stayed quiet and decided to patiently wait to where they were taking you.
The motorbike finally came to a stop and when you took your helmet off you were standing in front of a theatre. "What are we doing here?" you asked, a bit confused.
"We want to show you something" C.A.P grabbed your hand and lead you inside. It was a big and spacious hall. Everywhere you looked, there were chairs and the stage was huge, it was big enough to fit 100 people or more. Your eyes were admiring the place and all of a sudden you bumped into L.Joe. You turned around, "Oh sorry oppa" you shot him a smile.
He smiled back, "Stay here, we want to show you something" he winked and walked backstage.
You waited for a while and then you saw the 6 of them standing on stage. You were confused at what was happening. [What is this? Are they going to do something..]. There were a million questions running through your head right now.
"We just want to give you a performance noona" Ricky shouted from the stage. You tilted your head, "A performance?" you asked yourself. He nodded and then out of nowhere the music started. It was an up beat music but the lyrics was really cute. You smiled to yourself as they started dancing and singing. [Never knew these punks know how to dance and sing]. You thought to yourself.
L.Joe started to rap and his voice sounded so manly, it wasn't the L.Joe that you were always around. His attitude changed dramatically but in a good way. [Byunghun isn't the same.. he's changed completely]. After the show, you started clapping and cheering them, "Whooo go Teen Top!!" you shouted. They smiled at you and jumped down from the stage.
Changjo ran up to you, "Noona~ did you like it?" he jumped up and down. You nodded, "Of course, I never knew you guys were good at dancing and singing" you ruffled his hair.
"Well now you do" Ricky clapped his hands together. Neil grabbed your arm and hugged it, "Noona~ that was a present for you. We wanted to show you something special since we don't get to hang out much often because we go to different schools" he pouted. You smiled, "Don't worry, we'll still be able to hang out" you reassured him. He instantly smiled and nodded his head eagerly.
"I'm hungry" Chunji rubbed his stomach, "Let's go eat bipbimbap" he sang. C.A.P shook his head, "Do you always want to eat that?" he asked. Chunji nodded his head, "Hyung let's go" he dragged C.A.P, who looked annoyed.
You and L.Joe both giggled. You looked over at him and praised, "You were really good up there oppa" you pumped your fist up. "Really? Or are you just saying that?" he gave you a look.
You shook your head, "Aniyo~ I'm being serious" you made a serious face. He turned the other way and smiled. "Anyway oppa, let's go eat. I'm hungry also and I bet your hungry as well" you predicted. At that moment his stomach growled which caused the both of you to laugh. "Let's go" you grabbed his arm and the both of you left the theatre.
All of you arrived at a restaurant and everyone ordered bipbimbap, well Chunji ordered it for all of you's. In just a moment, all of your food arrived and everyone started eating.
"My beloved bipbimbap~ oh how I miss eating you" Chunji was stuffing his face with it. Everyone looked at him weirdly.
"Eat properly, we're in a restaurant and we have Soohyo here as well" C.A.P warned Chunji. "Hyung, noona knows how I love bipbimbap" he shot you a smile, "Right noona?". You smiled, "Neh, you haven't changed a bit have you?" you shook your head playfully. 
"So how is school noona?" Changjo asked.
You froze for a moment because it brought back memories of Jaybeom. C.A.P looked at you and ordered Changjo, "Eat your food, it's getting cold, hurry up and eat". Changjo looked at C.A.P and frowned at bit, but ate his food without asking any further questions.
L.Joe mouthed, "Are you okay?". You nodded and continued to eat your food.
After eating, all of you decided to head to the park. You were sitting at the bench while watching the others play basketball. Just then an ice cream appeared in front of you. You looked up to see that it was L.Joe holding it. "Here you go" he handed it to you.
You took it, "Thanks oppa, aren't you playing?" you asked, then your ice cream. He looked over at the guys playing basketball and back at you, "I don't want to leave you here alone" he shot you a smile. You sighed, "I wish we all went to the same school, so we can see each other more often" you said.
"Like you said, we'll still see each other, just not as much but it's better than nothing" L.Joe said. You pouted and nodded, "I guess so..". You missed hanging out with Teen Top everyday.
After finishing your ice cream, C.A.P called you, "Hey Soohyo come and play basketball with us" as he bounced the ball up and down. "Coming~" you sang as you ran over to him. 
He bounded the ball to you and told you to shoot. You threw the ball bit it rebounded off the ring and bounced back to you. L.Joe, who was watching you laughed to himself. He had fun watching you play.
You turned to L.Joe, "Yah Byunghun come and play" you shouted. He gave you a look and you remembered, "Ah mianhae, Byunghun oppa" you corrected yourself. He smiled and went over to you and snatched the ball from you. "Yah oppa~ give it back" you ran after him. He bounded the ball and passed it to Chunji who caught it and shot it in the hoop.
You pouted but L.Joe came up to you and rubbed your head, "Babo~" he softly said and handed you the ball, which made you smile again.
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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c