
Confession Between Two

Rainbow - To Me


It was heavily snowing and everyone was inside since no one was allowed to go on the mountain. The lounge was full of people and you were sitting down talking to Teen Top on the couch.

"It's snowing pretty hard outside huh.." Ricky said, looking out at the window. C.A.P nodded. "And inside is packed full of people" he looked around the room with people.

"Why did it have to snow today.. I wanted to go snowboarding" Changjo crossed his arms and sadly sighed. You patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll still be able to enjoy our holiday" you comforted him. He nodded and slightly smiled.

L.Joe got his coffee and sipped it. He place it down and looked around the place. He then saw a girl who was at the counter. She seemed very familiar to him and when she stared at him his eyes widened. [Isn't that Janmi??]. She looked away and continued to talk to the counter woman.

You saw L.Joe's face and grew worried. "What's wrong oppa??" you asked him. He just continued to stare at Janmi. You frowned a bit and looked at who or what he was staring at. When you saw Janmi you too widened your eyes in shock. [What is she doing here??].

Jaybeom was walking down the stairs and when he saw you sitting on the couch with Teen Top he walked over to you. When he saw Janmi at the counter he immediately stopped walking. [Janmi is here?!].

Janmi looked up and saw Jaybeom staring at her. She waved to him. "Hey oppa!!" she shouted.

You and Teen Top turned their heads towards Jaybeom. He looked at you. Jangmi ran up to him and hugged his arm. You widened your eyes and continued to stare at the two in disbelief. "Who are you here with??" she asked him. He just looked at you and didn't answer her. She grew frustrated. "Why aren't you answering to me??" she whinned.

Jaybeom grabbed her arm and pulled it off. "Janmi, I'm here with someone else" he left her and walked over to you. "Hey Soohyo" he place an arm around your neck. You slightly smiled and looked back to see Janmi crossing her arms with a frown. [So your with her huh!! Don't worry, I'll make you fall for me sooner or later]. She smirked to herself and walked off.


You were sitting with Jaybeom and Teen Top. They were just glaring at him. You felt uncomfortable at how the atmosphere was becoming. You cleared your throat, "so oppa, why was Janmi here??" you asked Jaybeom.

"I don't know. She could of been just coming here like us" he tapped his bottom lip. You nodded. Teen Top straightened up and stood up. "Well Soohyo, we're going to get something to eat. Do you want something??" L.Joe asked you. "It's okay" you gave him a smile. He nodded and they all walked off, saying goodbye to you.

Now it was only you and Jaybeom sitting on the couch together. He hugged your waist and held you close to him. You place your head onto his chest and closed your eyes. You felt some what comfortable.

Janmi was sitting on a table just a few metres from you and was glaring at the two of you. She took a sip of her coffee and continued to stare. Someone came up to her and sat beside her. She didn't even bother to look who it was.

"What are you doing here??" asked a voice. Janmi sharply turned her head and saw that it was Zico. "Who are you??" she asked, tilting her head.

"I'm Block B's Zico" he took his hand out. She gasped. "Block B?? Oh you're Zico" she shook his hand and smiled at him.

"I didn't know that you go to this place" she said and drank her coffee. He nodded. "I always go here with Block B" he looked over to you and Jaybeom. "How did you know Jaybeom??" he asked her. She turned her head to see you two. "Me and Jaybeom used to be a couple.. but he broke up with me" she said.

Zico slowly turned away and stared at Jaybeom. "Why did the two of you broke up??" he suddenly knew that he was asking too much. "Ah sorry if I'm being too nosy" he patted the back of his neck. Janmi shook her head. "You're not being nosy. I don't really mind talking about it" she said.

Jaybeom and you walked away from the couch and over to the other side of the room. The two of you were talking and laughing and when you saw Zico and Janmi sitting together and talking. [Zico and Janmi aren't friends are they??]. Jaybeom looked over and saw Janmi talking to Zico also. He looked down at you and tugged onto your hand. "What's wrong??" he asked.

You shook your head. "Nothing" you gave him a smile and the two of you walked away. You couldn't help but stare back at Zico and Janmi.


Janmi was walking out of her room to see Jaybeom beginning to go in his room. "Oppa!!" she called out. He turned around to see her walking up to him. "Do you want to drink something??" she asked. "No thanks" he opened his door. Before he could walk in, Janmi held onto his arm. "Come on, it'll be my treat" you dragged him away. "Y-yah Janmi" he called but she continued to drag him down the stairs.

The two of them were now sitting at a table facing each other. Janmi casually drank her coffee and Jaybeom just sat there with his arms crossed. "What do you want??" he asked her. She innocently blinked at him. "Can't two friends drink coffee together??".

He scoffed. "Friends don't drag each other and force the other one to drink coffee" he said.

"Sorry~ I just wanted to talk that's all" she took another sip. She placed her cup down and stared at him. "What??" he said. She shook her head. "You haven't changed a bit" she leaned back. "What do you mean??" he asked, confused. "All I'm saying is that you still look handsome like before" she winked at him. He scoffed. "I'm in a relationship with Soohyo" he got out of his seat.

Janmi immediately stood up. "Are you that stubborn??" she asked him. He turned around. "What are you saying??".

"I'm saying, you don't even like her and your going out with her??" Jaybeom furrowed his eyebrows together. [What is this girl saying??]. Janmi cleared , "I can tell that you won't last".

"We will last!! We'll last longer than you and me" he walked off.

[Jaybeom, I'll make you fall for me again. I'll show you that you still have feelings for me, no matter what it takes]. She promised herself.

From then on, Janmi kept going up to Jaybeom and talking to him like they were a couple or something. She didn't even care about how you felt. She would talk sweet to him and always appear when you two were talking.


Janmi was sitting on her bed and looked out the window to see that it was snowing. She sighed and laid down on the bed, facing up. "How can I make Jaybeom fall for me again??" she asked herself.

She sat up and walked over to the window to see you and Jaybeom playing snowball fight. She held her hand into fists and began glaring at you. "Why do you have to go out with him?? If only you didn't say yes then everything will be fine" she continued to glare at you.

She then saw Block B on the other side and saw the way Zico was staring at you. She looked at him and back to you. "Is he looking at Soohyo??" she thought. "I can make Jaybeom jealous by getting closer to Zico.." she tapped her lips. She smirked and walked back to the bed.

"I finally got everything planned out" she clapped her hands together and brightly smiled. "I'm sorry Zico but I have to do this..".

Jaybeom and you were playing around in the snow when he looked up to see Janmi staring at him. She waved to him but he just ignored her. [What is she up to??]. He didn't care and continued to pay his attention to you.



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c