Last 7 presents

Confession Between Two

Author Note:

Hey subscribers, sorry i havent been uploading in a while and hopefully none of you have forgotten about me and my story yet. I have been so busy, but i will try to upload at least 3 chapters a week, so please be patient :)

I love all of you and am really thankful that you are reading my fanfics :) <3<3



K.Will - Love 119



As you were running to the bus stop while wearing heels, you stopped because your feet was hurting. You saw your bus coming and waved to it so it could stop. You walked in and sat at the back near the window, You looked at your phone and saw no text from Zico.

"Why isn't he texting back??" you texted again and still he didn't reply. You sighed and decided to call him. It rang for a while but he still didn't pick up. You leaned your head on the window and closed your eyes. [Zico oppa, pick up the phone]. Just then your phone rang. You opened your eyes and saw the caller ID, Zico.

You answered, "Oppa!".

'What is it Soohyo??" he asked.

"Where are you right now?? I'm coming to give you your presents" you gripped onto the bag.

"I'm at U-Kwon's house. Where are you??" he asked.

You looked outside the window. "I'm on the bus heading to Seoul's shopping mall".

"Okay, I'll meet you in front of the ice cream store we went yesterday" he said.

"Okay". You hunged up and the bus stopped. You walked out and proceeded to the ice cream store yesterday. Although it was late, there were still a lot of people on the streets.

You were waiting outside th store and looked both directions to see if Zico arrived. Just then a motorcycle appeared in front of you. You looked at the driver and he took off his helmet. You smiled, "Oppa" you ran up to him.

He got off the motorcycle and looked at you up and down, seeing that you were wearing a coat and stockings. You felt embarrassed so you tapped the top of your feet on the ground. "You should of told me that you were wearing this" he looked over at his motorcycle.

You shook your head, "It's okay" you walked over bt your feet was hurting so you stopped and rolled your ankle. Zico looked down, "Are you okay??" he asked, worried. You nooded, I'm alright, let's go" you walked to the motorcycle.

Zico took the bag from you and hanged it on the motorcycle at the front. He held onto your waist and helped you to the motorcycle. You sat with your body facing the side, since you were wearing a dress. Zico placed a helmet on your head, trying not to ruin your perfect hair-do. He placed his helmet on and took off.

On the way, Zico said, "I was starting to think tht you wouldn't come". You were hugging his waist, "Sorry I lost track of time. This morning I was with Teen Top and my parents then I had to go and meet-"

"Jaybeom" Zico murmured underneath his helmet. "What was that??" you asked, not hearing what he said. "Nothing" he quickly replied. You frowned a bit. [Did he just say Jaybeom..]. You continued, "I was with Jaybeom and we both exchanged gifts. Then when I came home, I remembered you guys, sorry" you apologised again.

"Stop apologising" he said. You nodded and hugged him tighter. 


He stopped at a house. It looked like any other normal houses. It wasn't a two story house like your's but it was a decent looking house. He parked his motorcycle in the garage and placed the bags of present on the ground. He walked up to you.

You took off your helmet, "Here you go" you handed it to Zico and flatterned out your hair. Zico walked over to you, "Does your feet still hurt??" he asked.

You looked at your feet and slowly nodded, "But I can still walk" before you could place your feet on the ground, Zico bent down and too your heels off. You stared at him with wide eyes. For some reason your heart was beating fast at his actions. He placed your heels near the bags of present and turned his back to you. "Get on" he said. You nodded and stepped down and wrapped your arms around his neck. He lifted you up in a piggy back and walked to the door.

Everyone was inside laughing and playing video games. When the doors opened, U-Kwon looked up from the couch. He saw you being piggy backed by Zico and sat up straight away, "Soohyo, are you alright??" he asked.

Zico placed you down on the couch and you nodded, "I'm alright. My feet just hurt" you said.

"Go get her slippers" Kyung ordered U-Kwon, who was sitting next to him. U-Kwon got up to get a pair of slippers. He came back and place them in front of you. You slipped your feet into them.

The rest of Block B stopped what they were doing and gathered their attention to you. You looked around and didn't see Janmi anywhere. "Where is Janmi??" you asked.

Zico answered quickly, "She couldn't make it". You looked up at him and nodded. Some what you felt relieved that she wasn't here. You stood up and walked around the living room, "Where are your parents??" you asked U-Kwon.

He leand back on the sofa, "They left. I don't live with them anymore. They bought me this house so I can live by myself" he smiled. You turned back, surprised, "You live alone?!". He nodded. "Don't you get lonely..". He shook his head, "Block B would come over all the time. I can never get lonely when I'm with them" he wrapped his arm around B-Bomb's neck. You chuckled.

"So what brings you here Soohyo??" Taeil asked. You remembered, "Oh that's rght, I have presents for you" you smiled and walked to the garage. You got the bag and walked back to the living room. You placed the bag in the middle of the room and all of Block B's eyes were on the bag.

"Here are your presents" you handed their presents one by one. "Teail oppa, B-Bomb oppa, U-Kwon oppa, Jaehyo oppa, P.O oppa, Kyung oppa and Zico oppa". They were all holding onto the wrapped presents. They didn't dare to open it.

You looked at them weirdly, confused at why they weren't opening the present. "Why aren't you opening it??" you asked them.

"I feel bad.." Teail started. P.O nodded. U-Kwon looked up at you, "I didn't get you anything.." everyone nodded, agreeing.

You smiled softly, "It's alright. I didn't expect you guys to get my anything. I just want to thank you for being my friend" you sweetly gave them a smile. "Open it" you said.

They slowly ripped the wrapping paper and when they saw a blouse with a matching tie folded nextly in a box their eyes widened. "Whoa.." Kyung couldn't believe his eyes.

"I love it!!" P.O said. "Thank you sooo much Soohyo" Jaehyo thanked you. "Damn.. you know how to choose a present" U-Kwon stared at the blouse and tie. "You really spent your money on us.." B-Bomb still couldn't believe it. "Soohyo, you're the best" Teail exclaimed.

Zico remained silent. He didn't know you would chose such a present for block B. He saw a grey scarf and took it out. Everyone looked at him. "How come he has a scarf??" P.O pointed, pouting.

Everyone stared at you for an answer. You looked at them and slowly smiled, "It's just that Zico oppa has helped me a lot" you explained. Jaehyo placed his hand up, "I want a scarf next time as well" he said.

"Me too!!" everyone said. You smiled, "Don't worry, I'll sure to keep that in mind". 

"Merry Christmas everyone!!" U-Kwon suddenly shouted. You laughed, "Merry Christmas Block B oppas!!".

"Merry Christmas Soohyo" they all said.

After everyone placed their presents away, U-Kwon decided to order pizza. He called them up and in just minutes, the pizza arrived at the door.

"I'll pay for it" you offered. U-Kwon held out his hand, "You already gave us presents, this is the least we can do" he got out his wallet and paid for the pizza.

Everyone was already in the kitchen waiting for the pizza. You and U-Kwon placed the boxes on the table and everyone started to grab a slice and place it on their plate. You stood back watching them. Though the atmosphere was different from this morning, you still felt happy.

Zico saw you with no pizza and took a slice, place it on his plate and gave it to you. You looked at the plate and back up at Zico. He smiled and took your hand to hold onto the plate. "Thanks" you said and ate the pizza.

After eating, everyone gathered around the lounge room to spend the last few minutes of Christmas. The 8 of you were just sitting around and talking. It was getting late and you needed to go home. You said goodbye to everyone.

"Bye bye Soohyo, thanks for the present" U-Kwon thanked you and hugged you tightly. 

"Thanks Soohyo!!" everyone hugged you one by one.

Teail looked at everyone, "Who's going to take her home??" he asked. Everyone looked at each other and Zico held up his hand. "I took her here so I'll take her home" he smiled. Zico and B-Bomb looked at each other and nodded. "Okay, be careful" Kyung said.


Zico gave you a helmet and he placed his helmet on. He hoped onto the motorcycle and turned the engine on. He then took off with you hugging his waist tightly.

"It was nice spending Christmas with you oppa and also Block B oppas" you said. Zico coouldn't help but smie, "It was nice spending Christmas with you Soohyo and thanks for the scarf".

You smiled and leaned your head onto his back. For some reason you felt happy being with Zico like this.



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c