College Begins

Confession Between Two

Block B - Tell Them



The sun was shining through the curtains which made the room light up. You opened the curtains and smiled brightly at how wonderful the weather looked. "Ahh~ such a nice day to start the first day of college" then your phone rang and you beamed at the caller ID.

"Good morning Byunghun!!" you said over the phone.

"Yah!! Didn't I tell you to call me oppa?" he whined.

"But I'm older than you by a few months" you placed your finger to your lip.

"I don't care. I want you to call me oppa" he said.

You giggled, "Neh, arasso oppa" you finally gave up.

"Now that's better. Ready for college? I'll come pick you up, so better be ready. Bye bye" he said and hanged up.

You looked at the blank screen on your phone. "Yah your always wanting me to call you oppa. I should call you dongseng" you said to your phone and made a face. You placed your phone down and got ready for college.


You were in the kitchen eating your breakfast when the doorbell rang. You shoved the last piece of toast into your mouth and ran to the door. L.Joe was standing there in his uniform, which made him look very mature.

"You ready?" he asked. You nodded and he lead you to his motorbike. He helped place the helmet on your head and when you sat down he drove off.

Block B parked their cars in the car park of the college and walked to the front entrance. They all had bright smiled on their faces.

Zico stretched his arms and let out a sigh, "I can't believe that it's the first day of our second year already" he tilted his head and continued to look at the school.

Jaehyo nodded, "It's been a year and we're still the same old Block B" he smiled. Glad to know that they were still friends until today.

"Of course we're the same, what can change us?" B-Bomb asked, confused.

"Nothing~" U-Kwon answered and walked into the college with the others following him.

Just then you rock up in front of the school. You handed L.Joe your helmet and wore your bag pack like a little high school kid. L.Joe looked at the college and back to you.

"What are you staring at? Do I have something on my face?" you began to wipe your lip. L.Joe held onto your arm to stop you, "You don't have anything on your face" he sighed and you made a face. "It's just that I won't be able to see you at school anymore" he sadly said and looked away.

You chuckled, "Is that all.. babo~ you'll be able to see me still. When we don't have classes or after school" you poke his helmet lightly.

L.Joe gave out a little laugh, "Yeah I guess we can still see each other" he placed your helmet on the hook of the motorcycle and waved to you, "Guess I'll see you after school". You nodded and with that he drove off.

You let out a little sigh and turned to look at the college. Your heart was beating fast. [First day.. calm yourself down. There's nothing to be worried about, today will go by fast. Hopefully]. You swallowed hard and began to walk to the entrance. While walking into the college, your stomach felt uneasy. [Why does the college have to be so big for?]. You looked around. Just then someone walked beside you and said, "This is one big college huh..".

You nodded and turned your head to see C.A.P standing next to you. You smiled brightly, "Minsoo oppa~" you greeted. He looked back at you and smiled back, "Do we have classes together?" he asked, unfolding his paper that contained his timetable for the semester.

You took out your timetable from inside your bag and you both compared it. You made a face, "Looks like we have first period together, but then I'm alone for the rest of the day" you said. You then remembered, "Wait, your in second year, why do we have classes together?" you were curious.

C.A.P ruffled your hair, "There are classes that combine both first and second years together. It'll be okay, at least we get to see each other during our breaks" he smiled. You nodded, "Yeah".

Jihae was walking into the school and saw you with Minsoo. She ran up to you and gave you a back hug, "Soohyo~ I can't believe we're in the same college" she said.

You turned around, "Jihae!! I know but you're not in most of my classes" you pouted. You never liked being left alone.

She pumped her fist up, "It's okay, we'll be alright" she said. You giggled and nod your head.


It was first period and you were in class with Minsoo oppa. The teacher was explaining about economics when suddenly the doors opened. Everyone turned their heads to see who it was that came in late. You wrote the last word in your notebook and looked over your shoulder to see who it was. Your eyes widened at the person. [He can't possibly go to this college?].

The teacher cleared his throat, "Ahem!! Who might you be?" he asked, a bit annoyed.

"My name is Park Jaybeom" he replied with a small smirk.

The teacher nodded once, "Take a seat Mr. Park" and turned back to restart the lecture.

Jaybeom scanned the room and saw you starring at him, with wide eyes. He smiled and waved at you. You slightly looked away but decided to give him a slight smile and waved back, effortless. Jaybeom smiled to himself and decided to sit next to you. When he sat down, C.A.P gave out a little scoff which Jaybeom heard.

"What? I can't sit here?" he quickly asked, looking directly at C.A.P.

C.A.P gave him a stare, "I never said that" he said with a cold tone.

Jaybeom stared at him, "What's with the attitude? I did nothing wrong".

C.A.P let out a little laugh, "Can't believe you got into this college. What were they thinking when they saw your application form.." he smirked the other way and shook his head.

You couldn't take the chit chatting anymore. "Stop talking, the teacher is looking" you told them, with an annoyed tone. The guys looked up to see the teacher looking at them. Jaybeom smiled, "Sorry sir. I got distracted, please continue" he politely said. The teacher focused his attention to the board and continued with the class like nothing happened.

First period has ended ad it was finally lunch time. Students were walking from here to there, everywhere you looked there was people. You walked to the cafeteria and got your food. After paying for your tray of food, you took it and scanned the cafeteria for C.A.P and Jihae but they were nowhere to be found. "Where are they.." you softly said as you walked around tables.

"Soohyo, over here!!" Jihae called. You looked over your shoulder to see her waving her arms in the air. You sighed in relief and walked over to her. "So glad you called my name. I couldn't even see you through these many heads" you said and sat down next to C.A.P.

Jihae slightly leaned on the table, "I heard he's here. Is it true?" she whispered, curiously. You sadly nodded, "I can't believe it either. It's been a while and now he's here. I don't know what to do" you looked down at your soup and started to stir it.

C.A.P looked over at you, "You'll forget him. Ignore him, make him invisible in your eyes. That's the best way to forget about someone" he told.

"I hope my eyes can do that.." you weakly smiled at C.A.P.


It was the next period but you have no lesson so you decided to explore the school to get use to your surroundings. You walked down the stairs and looked at the posters that were hanging from the walls. Some were paintings while others were contests such as drawing, singing and dancing. Just then, Block B was walking the opposite way, talking loudly and laughing. Your phone vibrated and it was a text from L.Joe.

'I'm so bored D: having a lesson right now and the teacher is old ==" what are you doing? Hope you're having a good first day' - Byunghun oppa.

You smiled to yourself and began to text back. You walked past Block B without even looking up at them. They turned around to see you walked away. Jaehyo stared at your back, "I guess she's new here?".

P.O looked at you, "Why id she walking around by herself?" he asked.

After finishing texting you looked around your surroundings and asked yourself, "Which building am I in again?" you blinked in confusion.

"You're in the arts department. Where are you heading to?" asked a voice behind you.

You turned around to see 7 boys all staring at you, which made you feel a bit nervous. "Umm.." you took out your timetable and looked at your next class, which was in just a few minutes. "Do any of you's know where class 373A is?" you asked, looking at everyone of them.

"Oh it's that way in that building" Taeil pointed to his left. "The class should be on your right" he continued and smiled. You looked at where he was pointing and nodded, "Thanks" you slightly bowed to them and walked where he pointed.

Zico looked at you walking away and focus his attention back to his friends, "Let's go" he said and lead the way.


It was after school and you were waiting for L.Joe to pick you up. Just then a black motorbike appeared in front of you and the driver took off his helmet. L.Joe smiled at you, "Hey Soohyo" he greeted.

"Oppa~" you ran up to him and he passed his spare helmet to you and helped you place it on your heard. After clipping it in place, he pat onto the seat, "Get on. I'll take you somewhere fun since the first day has ended" he placed his helmet on and when you were seated he took off.

"Where are we going?" you asked him, while hugging his waist.

"Downtown to have fun!!" he shouted happily. You chuckled. "Also I heard who you met today so I want you to forget about him" he added. You smiled and hugged L.Joe's waist tighter. [Byunghun oppa, you always know how to make me happy].

"Wait.. who told you that I met him today?" you asked, curious as to who told him. He softly chuckled, "I can't tell~" he said. You pouted, "It was probably Minsoo oppa. Knowing him, he always tell you guys everything" you accused. L.Joe chuckled.

You and Byunghun arrived at the arcade and the both of you were racing each other and played air hockey. After that you both ate Korean BBQ and had ice cream for dessert. All the drama from today, you forgot and both of you were smiling and happily walking around the streets.



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c