Fallen In Love

Confession Between Two

Park Jin Young - Fallen



Zico walked into his room and swung his bag onto his chair and laid down on his bed. He was facing the ceiling and made a heavy sigh. The image of you laughing was in his head, he couldn't stop thinking about you.

"OMG!! Is that Kyung oppa" you pointed at the phone. Kyung was wearing a girl's wig and walking around femeninly. Zico nodded and you cracked up again.
Zico looked at you, "Soohyo.." you looked up at him, "what is it?" .
He stared into your eyes. [I don't know what the feeling is but hopefully I will figure it out]. He shook his head, "nothing"
You smiled at him and went back to looking at the video clips.
He turned to his side and he looked at his study table. There was a picture of you and him placed in a picture frame on the table. He sat up and walked over, he picked up the frame and stared at your face. A smile grew on his face.
"First time we hanged out" he remembered the moment at the amusement park and he couldn't help but start laughing at the memory.
He placed the picture and down and at that moment his phone vibrated in his pant pocket. He took it out and saw that it was a text from you. His heart skipped a beat at your name.
'I'm sorry for what happened before. Forgive Jaybeom oppa >< I hope we can still be friends??' - Soohyo.
Zico smiled. [She's apologizing even though it wasn't her fault]. He started to text back, 'Don't blame yourself, Jaybeom is just protective of you. Of course we're still friends :D' he press send and place his phone down.
'YAY!! Meet you at school tomorrow oppa!!' - Soohyo.
"Babo~" he said looking at the text.
The next day, Block B was in the practice room and were dancing to random songs. Kyung pressed the stop button on the cd player and everyone was breathing heavily.
"Let's take a break" he grabbed his towel and wipped the sweat off his face.
Zico walked over to get his drink. He opened it and drank the water. He looked at the entrance and saw you standing at the door. He choked on the water and started coughing.
You ran up to him, "oppa, are you alright?" you asked him, worried. He looked into your eyes and immediately looked away. "I'm fine" he straightened up. U-Kwon and B-Bomb looked at how he was acting and smirked at each other. [What's happening here?].
You sighed in relief. "That's good to hear. Don't drink too fast next time" you said. He nodded and took a towel from the chair and wipped his face.
Kyung walked over to you and Zico. "Soohyo, came to see us dance?" he placed his arm around your neck.
You laughed at the sight of Kyung. He looked at you in confusion. "What are you laughing about?" he scratched his head. "It was just that Zico showed me a video of you" you burst into another round of laughter.
Kyung looked at Zico and back to you, still confused. Suddenly his eyes widened, "YOU!! YOU SHOWED HER?!" he pointed to Zico.
Zico shrugged his shoulders, "she enjoyed watching it" he smiled. Kyung threw his towel down and chased after Zico. The two of them were running around and you were still laughing. Block B was also amused at the sight.
"Yah!! That was suppose to be private!!" Kyung shot. Zico turned around and ran backwards, "mianhae" he apologized. Kyung fastened his pace, "come here you brat!!" but Zico ran faster. Everyone was laughing.
After that, you were sitting in the library, studying for your exams. You were looking back and forth from the textbook to your note book. There was a shadow that hovered over you. You looked up to see that it was Zico. "Oppa" you gave him a smile.
He sat in front of you. "Studying for your exams?" he looked at your notes. You nodded, "it's stressing me out" you pouted.
"Like I said, you'll pass it" he said.
"Yeah.." you looked at your notes and back up at Zico. The both of you stared into each others eyes and Zico could feel is heart beating fast. He broke the staring contest and looked away. "What's wrong?" you asked him.
"N-Nothing" he stuttered.
You gave him a look and went back to writing your notes. Zico looked over at you and stared at the way you were writting. A smile crept on his face. [Why do you make me feel like this].
Kyung and B-Bomb were staring at the two of you from behind a book shelve.
"Why is Zico looking at her like that?" B-Bomb asked, staring at Zico's expression. Kyung smiled, "I think our Zico is in love~".
B-Bomb turned to Kyung sharply, "Are you sure?" Kyung nodded, still looking at the two of you. "Can't you tell?" he nodded towards Zico. B-Bomb stared at Zico. "His staring at her in a different way than before" Kyung pointed out.
B-Bomb nodded, finally understanding. "That Zico" he smiled. Kyung and B-Bomb hi 5 each other. [Zico is in love~].
Jaybeom walked into the library and saw you with Zico, talking to each other. He exhaled deeply and stormed over to you. He stood next to you and glared at Zico.
You looked up and your eyes widened. "Jaybeom oppa".
Zico looked at Jaybeom and stood up, "hello" he causually greeted. "Get away" Jaybeom said through gritted teeth. He didn't want to rage inside the library.
Zico crossed his arm. "Am I prohibitted to talking to her?". Jaybeom stepped closer to you, "what happens if you are?" he challenged.
You stood up and held onto Jaybeom's arm. "Oppa, let's go" he stopped glaring at Zico and packed up your things. He carried your books, glared at Zico and grabbed your hand.
"Bye oppa" you waved to Zico and walked off with Jaybeom.
Zico stared at the two of you walking away and his heart fell. He felt his chest and he continued to look at your back, walking further and further away from him. "Soohyo" he whispered under his breath.
Kyung and B-Bomb looked at each other, shocked at what happened. They decided to walk up to him. Kyung placed his hand on Zico's shoulder. "It's alright" he comforted.
"She'll come to you in the end" B-Bomb said. Zico stopped staring at you and faced both Kyung and B-Bomb. "W-What did you say?" he thought he heard wrong.
B-Bomb lightly chuckled, "I said, she'll come to you in the end" he repeated. Zico widened his eyes, "w-what are you s-saying" he couldn't believed what he heard.
Kyung nodded, "we know" he leaned in closer to his ears, "you're in love" he whispered. Zico's eyes bulged out of their sockets. He pulled back and stared at both Kyung and B-Bomb. 
"N-No I'm not" he denied.
Kyung wagged his finger, "tsk, don't deny it, we all can see" B-Bomb nodded in agreement.
Zico's ears were red and he flushed a pink. Kyung and B-Bomb chuckled to themselves. "See" they looked at his embarassed face.
"Shut up!!" Zico quickly walked away. Kyung and B-Bomb laughed and followed Zico.
You and Jaybeom reached the oval and he let go of your hand. He turned to look at you, "why were you with him?".
You stared into his eyes. "He came up to me.. but why-".
"I told you not to talk to him anymore!!" he shot at you. You stepped back, surprised at his sudden out burst on you. He realized what he did and calmed down. "I'm sorry" he apologized.
"Am I really prohibited to talking to Zico?" you asked, wanting to know.
Jaybeom stayed silent. He didn't want to appear as a protective boyfriend. You stepped closer to him and looked into his eyes. "You don't need to worry. Me and Zico are just friends" you said.
Jaybeom nodded. "I know" he smiled at you.
Zico stood behind a wall and heard everything that you just said. "We're just friends.." somehow his heart was being torn apart from just those 3 words. He didn't know why but he suddenly became teary.
"Soohyo.. we're just friends" he sighed and left.
It was lunch time and everyone was in the cafeteria. Zico looked around, trying to find you and when he saw you walking in with Jaybeom his face fell. [She's with him..]. He looked down at his food and began poking it. 
Kyung looked at him. "What's wrong?" he asked. Zico shook his head. Kyung looked around the cafeteria and saw you walking with Jaybeom. He slightly smiled and looked back at Zico. "So that's why you're sad".
Zico shot up. "No it's not!!" he blurted.
Kyung chuckled. "Don't need to be so defensive" he shook his head and place a kimchi in his mouth. Zico deflated his shoulders and began slowly eating his food.
After lunch, Block B headed to their practice room. Zico forgot his water bottle and decided to head to the vending machine to buy one. Kyung and B-Bomb followed him, since they needed some answers to their questions.
"So when did it started?" Kyung asked. Zico looked at him, "when did what started?" he didn't know what he was talking about.
"Soohyo". At the name Zico stopped walking. Kyung turned back, "so when did it started?" he asked again.
Zico started to walk again. "I don't know what you're talking about" he said. B-Bomb blocked his path. "Zico, you can't hide your feelings from us" he stated.
"I told you, I don't know what your talking about" he stepped aside and walked past B-Bomb. He saw you walking with Jaybeom and stopped.
Kyung and B-Bomb looked at where he was gazing at and their eyes planted on both you and Jaybeom. You noticed someone staring at you and you looked up to see Kyung, B-Bomb and Zico all staring at you.
"Oppas, hey" you waved to them. Only Kyung and B-Bomb waved but Zico was still staring at you.
Jaybeom saw Zico staring and wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer. Zico's eyes widened at the action but looked away.
Kyung and B-Bomb looked at Zico than back at you.
"Where are oppas going?" you asked them, as you walked closer to them. "We're just going to the vending machine" Kyung pointed behind you. You turned around and saw the vending machine. "Oh" you turned back and saw Zico. "Are you alright oppa?". 
Zico nodded his head, "just tired" he fibbed. You nodded. Kyung and B-Bomb noticed the sudden mood change of Zico. 
"Let's go" Jaybeom said and pulled you slightly.
"Oh okay. Bye oppas" you waved to them. You looked at Zico, "I hope oppa is alright" you smiled at him. He looked at you and saw you smiling, his heart was beating and his ears turned red. He nodded and turned away to prevent you from seeing his red face. Jaybeom glanced at him and saw his face. [Is he blushing?].
"Bye bye" you said and walked off with Jaybeom.
Jaybeom glanced one more time at Zico as they walked past him and turned to you. [Was he blushing because of her??].
Kyung and B-Bomb placed their arms around Zico's neck.  "Guess someone has fallen too deep" Kyung teased.
Zico protested, "it's not what you think!!" he shooed of their arms and walked ahead. Kyung and B-Bomb smiled to each other.
Zico walked to the vending machine and place the coins in. He pressed the button for the water bottle and it fell to the bottom. Zico opened the flaps and got the bottle. He remembered your face and the way Jaybeom was holding your waist. [Soohyo.. have I fallen for you?].
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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c