Winter Break

Confession Between Two

B1A4 - Wonderful Tonight


It was finally winter break and outside was snowing. You were packing your clothes into your suitcase to go to the ski resort with Block B. Since you promised to go there with them during the break but you also took Jaybeom and Teen Top. Jihae was busy with her family vacation, so she couldn't come.

You walked around your room to re-check if you had forgotten anything. Something caught your eyes, the handkerchief that Zico gave you was hanging out of your bag pack. You walked over and took it, "I forgot to return this to him.. I should return it today" you held onto it and walked down to the kitchen.

"Come out now. I'm waiting outside" - Byunghun oppa.

You read the text and opened the door to see L.Joe's car waiting for you outside. You rolled your suitcase outside and held onto the handbags. L.Joe walked out of the car and helped you. You hopped into the passenger seat and place the seatbelt across your body.

L.Joe opened the door and sat down in the driver's seat. "Ready??" he asked. You nodded and he started the engine.


L.Joe stopped the car at the ski resort. You opened your door and stepped outside. It was freezing cold so you were jumping up and down, then someone place a warm jacket around you. You turned your head to see that it was Jaybeom. L.Joe just rolled his eyes and walked into the entrance to meet up with Teen Top.

Jaybeom walked with you to the entrance. He held onto your hand to keep them warm. "Did you bring any gloves??" he asked. You nodded. "Of course. I'm not that stupid" you chuckled. "My girlfriend can never be a babo~" he gave you a smile which made your stomach flip.

Block B was walking the opposite way when they saw you walking in with Jaybeom.

"Soohyo~" Kyung hollared. You looked up to see Block B in front of you. You waved. "Oppas!!" you smiled. They walked up to you. "You finally made it!!" Jaehyo said.

"Yeah and the place looks so beautiful" you looked around the lounge room. All of the interior was covered with wood but the decoration seemed very house warming and comforting. "I'm glad that you like it" Kyung was thrilled by your compliment.

You nodded your head while smiling. You saw people snowboarding and skiing outside and pointed to them exitedly. "I want to ski!!" you clapped your hands together and looked up at Jaybeom. He looked outside and back to you, "sure" he smiled at you. You looked ahead to see Block B. "Do oppas want to join??" you invited.

They looked at each other and agreed. "Great!! Let's get changed and meet here in a few minutes" you said and got your suitcase. "Meet you later" you rolled your suitcase and held onto your handbag.

Everybody changed into their skiing suits and met at the lounge room. After that, you all walked outside to wait for the cliff hanger. You and Jaybeom waited and when there was an empty one, both of you hopped onto it.

While you were sitting, you felt Jaybeom's arm wrapping around your waist slowly. You felt butterflies in your stomach and looked away because you knew your face was going red. Jaybeom quietly chuckled to himself.

Right behind you was Zico, who was sitting with Kyung. He looked at your back and saw you talking to Jaybeom happily. His heart just sank down and his stomach twisted. He heavily sighed and looked away. Kyung noticed his actions and was concerned, "what's wrong Zico??" he asked.

"Nothing" he lied. [I didn't know what's happening, I always have this feeling whenever she's with him]. He just wanted to say that to Kyung but he decided not to.

"You seem to always sigh heavily and always daze off" Kyung looked at him, "like now".

"What??" Zico turned around, clueless. Kyung shook his head and looked ahead to see you and Jaybeom. "Those two make a good couple" Kyung smiled. Zico stared ahead and saw you mucking around with Jaybeom. He slowly nodded his head, "yeah they do. He's one lucky guy".

You all reached the top and jump off your seats. You walked over to the top of the hill and place your goggles down.

"Ready everyone??" U-Kwon asked.

Everyone nodded. "Let's go~" P.O said and took off. He was gliding down the mountain smoothly.

You looked at everyone and you froozed up. [Damn it.. I don't know how to ski..]. You wanted to smack yourself on the face but then someone came up to. "Can't ski??" they asked. You turned your head to see that it was Zico.

"Apparantely I can't" you sighed and held onto the ski sticks tightly.

"Here I'll teach you" he offered.

Jaybeom was halfway down the slope and turned back to see if you were following him. He looked around and didn't see you anywhere. [Where can she be?? I thought she was right behind me..]. He continued to look around and saw you with Zico still on top of the hill. He sighed in relief and continued to look at the two of you.

"You move your hands like this" Zico demonstrated. You nodded, understanding. "I get it now" you faced the front and started to slowly glide down. You only reached a few feet when you lost your balance. You fell and laughed.

Zico shook his head, "I thought you knew how to do it now" he took off his ski and walked over to you.

"I guess I still need to practice" you chuckled and got up. You dust the snow off of you and looked around. You saw Jaybeom looking at you and you pulled your goggles on to your forehead and waved with a bright smile. "Heyy Jaybeom~" you shouted. He waved back.

When Zico reached you and stood in front of you. He looked over at Jaybeom and back at you. "You seem happy to be with him" he said, trying not to make his voice sound pissed off.

"Of course. I was hesitatant of saying yes to him, but I'm glad I did.." you said, but somehow your voice didn't sound so sure.

Just then someone glided down the hill and bumped into you, which made you feel forwards into Zico. He held onto your waist and hugged you to prevent you from falling, but he too lost his balance and fell. He opened his eyes and saw you on top of him. He started to panick and his heart was beating fast. [!! She's so close to me].

"Ow.." you touched your head and saw Zico staring at you. You stared back and remembered that you were on top of him. Jaybeom saw the whole scene and his heart was beating fast, full of jealousy. [Why isn't she getting off of him?? Why are they staring at each other like that for??]. He wanted to walk over and pull you off but it was like his feet was glued to the snow. He couldn't move.

Meanwhile, you and Zico was still staring at each other. You gulped. [Am I suppose to feel like this?? Strange, his eyes are so dreamy..].

"Yo!! Soohyo, Zico. Are you two alright??" U-Kwon shouted.

The two of you broke the staring contest and turned your head to see U-Kwon walking up to you. You quickly got off Zico and wipped the snow off your clothes. Zico slowly lifted himself up and awkwardly looked the other way.

"Yah~ are you two alright??" U-Kwon asked again. You nodded, "yeah I'm fine" you said and looked over to Zico. He nodded and looked at you. You quickly looked away and stare at something else. U-Kwon titled his head, confused. [What's with these two??]. He scratched his head. "Anyways, let's go~" he turned around and glided down the hill.

"Yeah, let's go" you slowly took off and you began to slowly glide down the slope.

After skiing, you bought hot chocolate and sat down with Jaybeom at a table. You sipped your coffee and looked up to see Jaybeom staring at you. "What's wrong??" you asked. He shook his head. "You look cute while drinking coffee" he winked at you. You lightly scoffed and smiled at him. "You always think that I'm cute".

He leaned in closer to you and your eyes widened. He came closer and whispered, "you're always cute in my eyes" you started to blush and looked away. Jaybeom saw this and smiled to himself, he then leaned back and took a sip of his coffee.


It was late at night and everyone was sleeping in their seperate rooms. You were tossing and turning in bed. You couldn't fall asleep so you got up and grabbed your robe.

As you were closing your bedroom door, someone also walked out of their bedroom. You walked up to the staircase and saw Zico in front of you, also walking to the staircase. When he saw you, he suddenly stopped.

"Oppa couldn't sleep??" you asked. He nodded. "I guess you couldn't too??" you nodded as well.

The two of you headed to the lounge. You sat on the sofa and Zico sat down, sitting just a bit further from you. The incident from before made him feel nervous towards you. You wanted to break the silence and began to speak. "Umm.. I never knew Kyung oppa owns this place.." you looked around.

"Yeah. Whenever it's winter break, Block B would always come here" Zico answered.

There was silence once again when you suddenly remembered, "oh!! Wait here" you quickly ran up to your room and got the handkerchief from inside your handbag. You ran out of your room and downstairs to where Zico was sitting. "Here" you handed him the handkerchief. He looked at it and back at you. "I always forget to return this to you" you sweetly smiled at him.

He took the handkerchief. "You know, you didn't have to return it to me" he said. You looked at him. "I have many of these at home" he handed the hankerchief to you. "Here, you can have it" he smiled. You stared at the hankerchief. "Are you sure?? I mean, it's still your's though.." you felt unsure.

"No worries, here take it" he insisted. You nodded your head and finally took the handkerchief. "Thanks".

He ruffled your head. "Yah~ you're messing up my hair" you pouted and flattened your hair down. He chuckled. "Let me mess it up again" he bagan messing up your hair. "Yah~" you tried to move his hands away. You giggled and began to mess up his hair. "Unfair!! You have short hair.." you crossed your arms and frowned.

He laughed then he poke your forehead softly. "Ow.." you rubbed the spot he poke. He just gave you a smile and leaned back into the sofa.

You looked at him and squinted your eyes, thinking. [I should poke him back.. payback]. You leaned in closer to him and quickly poke him on the forehead. He blinked in surprise at you. You smiled in satisfaction and leaned back. "Payback~" you poke your tongue out.

"Yah!! Come here" he got up, but you quickly sat up and ran away from him. He ran after you. You ran everywhere. You ran behind a table and teasingly poke your tongue out at him. "Not going to get me~" you challenged. He stopped and smiled. "Of course I'm going to get you" he said and ran after you. You screamed and ran away.

Jaybeom was walking down the stairs and heard screaming and laughing. He looked at saw you. He smiled and walked to you but stopped when he saw Zico chasing after you. His smile disappeared immediately and he looked at the two of you with a stern face. [She's with him again??!!]. He felt jealous and he turned away. [Don't worry Jaybeom. She's your girlfriend, so you don't need to worry]. He reassurred himself.



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c