Back In Seoul

Confession Between Two

Hey guys, sorry for making you wait for the last two chapters. I feel so bad for making you guys wait this long.. Hope you guys don't forgot the story :)


Lee Seungi - Losing My Mind


You walked into the plane at the New York airport. You sat down on your seat and your heart was beating fast. [Just a few more hours and I get to meet Zico oppa again]. The thought just made you light inside and you couldn't stop smiling.

"You seem to be very excited to go back to Seoul" your mum said, surprised at how happy you were. "You didn't stop smiling when we announced the news to you".

"How can I not be happy?! I can't wait to see Teen Top, Block B and Jihae again!!" you clapped your hands together and giggled. "I want to go to so many places with them when I get there" you held onto the brochure you took from your school. [I want to show you guys around Seoul, I want to make memories of us having fun].

The plane soon moved and you started to squeal. Your mum shook her head and returned back to talking to your dad. You looked out the window and then the plane took off. Before you knew it, everywhere that you could see was white. [Just a few more hours]. You closed your eyes and couldn't wait to see them.

L.Joe waved goodbye to Mina. "Bye Mina, have fun in Japan. Remember to take lots of pictures" he smiled. She smiled back and nodded, "don't worry, I will" she winked and walked into the plane. L.Joe smiled to himself and place his hands in his pant pockets.

During the years, L.Joe and Mina met again and though it was awkward at first, they soon became closer. Though they aren't going out, they remained good friends. L.Joe forgot about the past and wanted to start new with Mina.

L.Joe was about to leave the gate when he saw a familiar figure walking out of the next gate. He looked over and she was wearing sunglasses and wearing a black coat. [She looks so familiar]. He stared harder at her to figure out who it was.

You stopped and saw L.Joe staring at you. [That's L.Joe right??]. He wasn't the kid that you remembered a few years ago, he has grown and his hair was dyed blonde. You stopped walking at continued to look at him. [That is L.Joe if I'm not wrong]L.Joe on the other hand, felt embarrased so he turned away. [Nah that can't be her, I mean why would she be here anyways. She would of told me if she was going to come back]. L.Joe did a quick look at you and walked off.

"OPPA!!" you shouted. He paused. [Did she just called me oppa??]. He turned around and titled his head, confused. You smiled. "Byunghun oppa" you took your glasses off. His eyes widened, "S-Soohyo??" he was shocked but happy to see you again.

He walked up to you, "Soohyo" he looked you up and down. "It is you. It's you Soohyo!!" he hugged you tightly. You giggled, "yep!! It's me. I came back" you said and hugged him tightly. "HOW I MISSED YOU SOO MUCH!!" he had tears of happiness. "I missed you too!!" you said, having tears in your eyes.


Your father opened the door to your old house and everything was the same. You looked around and ran up to your room. You opened your door and saw your bed still there. You jumped onto it and laid down. [I missed you bed!!].

L.Joe came in, "missed your bed??" you nodded. "Even though I have one like this in America but I love sleeping here more" you got up. "How have you been oppa??" you asked and patted the space next to you. He walked over and sat next to you. "I've been alright. I basically wrote everything to you" he said. You nodded, "oh and how are you and Mina? Is everything fine??" you nudged him.

He just shyly smiled, "everything is back to normal I guess. We're just friends though" he said, but somehow his voice sounded disappointed.

"Tsk tsk" you waved your finger, "you know better that you don't want to be friends.. you should follow your heart oppa" you winked at him. He looked at you, "I told you that line remember!!" he poke your forehead. You rubbed the sore spot. "Yeah and I did follow it. I ended up making the right decision" you smiled at thought of Zico.

L.Joe sat up. "Let's invite Teen Top, Block B and Jihae to your house!!" he suggested. You nodded, "but don't call Block B. I want to make it a surprise for them" you winked at him. He nodded and started calling Teen Top and Jihae.


At night, everyone was at your house. All of you were gathered in your lounge room. Some where sitting on the couch while others were on the floor eating snacks.

L.Joe popped a chip in his mouth and chewed it. "Soohyo, how is New York different to Seoul??" he asked.

You thought, "it's really different. The places that I went to didn't even look the same as it is here. I also went to an amusement park, like I wrote to you and though they had the same ride but the food was different" you smiled. "But I prefer here more"

"Of course!!" C.A.P said. Ricky clapped his hands, "I missed you so much noona!!" he hugged you. "And I miss calling you noona. I didn't want to write it down all the time when I write to you" he pouted. You patted his head, "well you'll be able to call me noona anytime now" you beamed at him. He nodded and smiled. "Noona~"

"We should go karaoke!!" Niel suggested.

Everyone nodded and looked over to you for your approval. You thought for a moment and decided to nod. They all cheered and everyone then headed to the karaoke place.


All of you were walking down town and you looked around. [I missed walking around the streets of Seoul]. You smiled to yourself and looked at Teen Top and Jihae. It's been ages since you saw them and they have all grown up these 2 years.

Jihae turned around, "Soohyo" she held her hand out. You held onto it and the two of you walked together. "Soohyo, how was college over there?? Any dramas??" she asked. You shook your head. "There were no dramas, thank god but college over there is different. The classes and buildings aren't like over here. The court yard over there is so much bigger than our schools" you pointed out.

She gasped, "really?! And I thought our court yard was big.." you tapped her finger to her lip. She turned to you, "you made friends right.. what was their names again??".

"Steven, Kim and Sarah" you answered for her. She snapped her fingers, "that's right. So what are they doing for winter break over there??". You looked up to think, "Steven is going on a family vacation, Kim is probably at home doing nothing and Sarah is going to Australia to visit her grandparants. So their all busy" you answered.

Jihae nodded. "So now you can hang out with your old friends.. I mean your bestest friends" she beamed at you. You smiled back and nodded, "you guys are always my best friends" Teen Top turned around gave you a thumbs up, "always your best friends" they repeated. You giggled.


Block B was walking out of the karaoke bar and looked around the streets. They saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Zico sighed, "there's nothing interesting happening tonight??" he looked around the streets.

"Anyways Zico, let's go" B-Bomb said and walked first.

Zico then waved everyone to walk. They just walked away from the karaoke bar and then you, Teen Top and Jihae arrived. You looked at the backs of 7 boys and they seemed very familiar to you. [7 boys.. reminds me Block B]. You smiled and walked into the bar.

All of you were in a room and Jihae selected the songs. She picked a song and the two of you sang and danced randomly. The boys sometimes joined in as well but that just made the songs sound weirder. The 8 of you were dancing and jumping up and down.

"Let's sing Bad Girl by Beast!!" Niel ordered.

You went to select the song. Everyone was ready to sing, as the song started, L.Joe did Kikwang's part and everyone cracked up at how L.Joe was being. Soon everyone joined in the singing. You jumped up and down on the couch and didn't care if you sounded weird or not but you were having fun.


After karaokae, the sky was getting darker and you checked the time, "Wow it's 11" you turned to look at everyone. "Should we go home now??" they all nodded.

You walked to your house, escorted by Teen Top and Jihae. You reached your house and turned around to face the others. "I guess I'll see you later than" you waved to them. They waved back to you. "I hope you had fun Soohyo" L.Joe said. You nodded, "yeah I did" you couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Bye bye!!" they all hugged you and everyone gathered for a big group hug. They let go of you and you ran inside your house.

You opened your bedroom door and stepped inside. "Block B, I'm seeing you tomorrow" you walked over to your phone and looked at all their numbers.


In the morning, you woke up and got ready. You walked downstairs to eat breakfast and your mum noticed that you were dressed up nicely. "Where are you going today?? Meeting up with Byunghun again??".

You shook your head, "I'm meeting up with my other friends" you said and ate your toast.

After eating breakfast, you walked to the bus stop and sat down to wait for the bus. You took out your phone and started texting everyone, except Zico.

'Meet in front of the college' - Soohyo.

You smiled to yourself and then the bus came. You walked inside and sat near the window. [I can't wait to see you again Block B oppas]. You were excited and as you were going nearer to the school, your heart was beating fast.

You reached the college and stood outside. You waited for them to arrive. You wore your sunglasses so that they couldn't recognize you. Just then, 6 motorcycles drove up the school's entrance. They took off their helmet and you realized that it was Block B.

Your eyes widened at what they looked like now. [They're so mature now.. but then they all still look the same as I last saw them]. You smiled to yourself, but since you were wearing your sunglasses, they couldn't recognize you.

They all walked up to the entrance, looking confused and some stared at their phone.

Zico looked at the text you sent him, "why did Soohyo text us to meet her at the front of the college??" he was confused.

"I know right. I thought she was in America right now" B-Bomb looked around.

Kyung spotted someone standing just a few feets away from them. He looked closely at the girl and he thought he knew her from somewhere. [That girl looks awefully familiar. Have I seen her somewhere before??]. He looked closer and his eyes widened. You saw him looking at you and placed your fingers to your lips. He knew what you wanted and nodded. [Soohyo, that is you right??]. He then acted normal again.

Jaehyo spotted you and walked up to you, "excuse me, but have you seen any girl standing her by herself??" he asked you.

[Babo~ Can't you see that I'm a girl and standing by myself]. You smiled, "what do you mean??" you pretended to act like you didn't know what he was talking about.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "mianhae.. nothing" he turned around.

Kyung looked at you and you smiled at him. [Bingo, it is Soohyo]. He casually walked up to you. "Ms, do you know this person" he showed the text you sent him. You wanted to giggle but you remained cool. "I don't know sorry" you bowed. [Such a good actor you are Soohyo]. "No worries" he winked at you and turned around.

U-Kwon and B-Bomb was too busy looking at the roads. They glanced over at you and did a double take. "She looks familiar" U-Kwon pointed out. B-Bomb nodded, I think we've seen her somewhere before right??" he wasn't too sure himself.

You cleared your throat which cause the others to look at you. You walked over to them, "I think I know the girl you're looking for" you looked at everyone of them.

"Then where is she??" Taeil asked, wanting to know. You smiled. "She's here" they all looked around. "Where is she??" P.O was confused. You shook your head. [Babo]. You slowly took your glasses off and all their faces were shocked. [SOOHYO!?!].

U-Kwon and B-Bomb's eyes widened, they stared at each other and ran to you. "SOOHYO!!!" U-Kwon shouted. You smiled and waved, "hi oppa!!" he ran to you and hugged you tightly.

Everyone started hugging you one by one. They couldn't believe that it was you.

Jaehyo shook his head, "And I thought you were someone else" he patted the back of his neck, embarassed. You chuckled, "Jaehyo oppa doesn't need to be shy. It's alright" you conforted him. He shot you a smile.

B-Bomb was curious, "how did you come here??" you looked at him, "my parents bought the plane ticket. I actually always begged them to go but now they finally listen" you shook your head, not believing that it took you that long.

Block B chuckled. "Good to have you back Soohyo" Kyung said and hugged you. "Oh that's right, have you met Zico yet??" U-Kwon asked. You shook your head, "I wanted to meet you guys first" you smiled.

They all nodded. "You want to see him last right??" Taeil asked. You gave out a chuckle and decided to nod your head. "Yep" you truthfully answered. "Okay, well before that happens, let's go somewhere!!" U-Kwon held your hand. You nodded, "let's do something fun!!" you excitedly said.

Everyone nodded and all of you drove down town. [Glad to see my Block B oppas again].



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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c