Thank You, Friend

Confession Between Two

 T-ara Jiyeon - Rolling



After crying your last tears, you were now sitting on the swings while staring at the ground. Zico was on the other swing next to you. He looked at your expression and he softened. "Do you feel any better?" he asked.

You shook your head, not looking at him. He sighed and looked around, "You can tell me anything, you know that". You nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?". You sighed, "I just never knew that he would do this to me.. I thought he trusted me, but I was wrong" you stared at Zico. "Am I stupid for giving him another chance?".
Zico looked at you. "To be honest.. no. You weren't stupid" he truthfully answered.
"If I didn't give him another chance than none of this would have happened" you weakly smiled.
[If you didn't go out with him, I would of never knew that I liked you]. Zico wanted to tell you exactly what he thought but he just couldn't. 
"Maybe this was a lesson, don't give people second chances" you thought. Zico shook his head. "It's not about giving people second chances, it's about giving them to people who deserves them" Zico corrected.
You looked at him and he looked back at you. "If you don't give people second chances then you don't know who is the right one for you" he smiled at you.
"I guess your right.." you looked at the ground.
The sight of you being like this made Zico very uncomfortable. His heart was hurting and he could feel it being torn apart. "Soohyo" he started. You looked at him, "yeah?".
He gazed into your eyes. "I-I... I" he was lost at words, he couldn't say what he wanted to. [Say it Zico.. just say it].
"What is it?" you were curious at what he was going to say.
Zico took a deep breath. "I.. It's cold, let's go get hot chocolate" he stood up and turned to you. You stared at him. "Come one" he took your hand and lead you away. [Not now.. I'll tell her later].
The two of you were sitting in a coffee store and there were mostly couples that were seated in the store. You looked around and felt envious. [I wish I could find someone to be with]. You looked at your hot chocolate and back up at Zico. He too was staring at his drink.
"Oppa.." you started. He looked up at you, "Mmmm" he wondered what you were going to say. "Thanks for being with me at times like these" you thanked him. His expression softened. "You don't have to thank me" he smiled brightly at you. "I'm your oppa remember, I'll always be here for you when you need to talk to me" you nodded, agreeing.
Zico drank his hot chocolate and stared out the window. He saw that it was snowing and had a brilliant idea. He leaned in closer to you. "Do you want to go ice skating?" he suggested.
Your eyes widened. "Ice skating?". He nodded. You looked outside and nodded your head. "Let's go".
Zico bought you the ice skating ticket and the two of you were placing your skates on. Zico tied his laces together and stood up. He saw you still tieing yours and went over to help.
"Here, let me help" he offered. He bent down and tied the laces together. You watched him and a smile came upon your face. He looked up and you and the two of you smiled at each other. [Weird.. I never got this feeling with Jaybeom].
Zico held out his hand. "Ready?" you looked at his hand and slowly took it. He squeezed your hand tightly and the two of you walked over to the rink.
Zico stepped on it first and carefully lead you on. You wobbled a bit first but got your balance.
"Do you know how to skate?" he asked. You nodded. "It's just that I haven't skated in a long time" you started to lose your balance. Zico held your arm and helped you maintain your balance.
"Oppa, you can go skate. I'll be fine" you said. Zico looked at you, "are you sure?" he didn't want to leave you alone. "Yeah, go ahead" you shot him a smile. He nodded and skated off.
You held onto the side bars and carefully pulled yourself along. "I haven't skated in so long. Have I forgotten how to skate?" you asked yourself. You looked around and saw many people skating freely. A little girl past you and she was skating like a professional. You looked down at yourself. [Look at me, I'm in college and I have to hold onto the side to help me].
Zico was on the other side of the rink and turned around to see you holding on to the sides. He shook his head but had a fun time watching you. [Hope this takes your mind off of everything]. He decided to skate towards you.
As you began to get the hang of skating, you let go of the side and began skating freely. You wobbled a bit but was able to maintain your balance. [I'm skating, I'm really skating!!]. You smiled proudly. As You were turning the corner, someone bumped into you which made you fall on your . "Ow".
"Need help?" Zico skated towards you. You looked up and let out a little laugh. Zico held out his hand and you took it, he pulled you up but lose his balance and fell on top of you.
The two of you laid there on the ice staring at one another. Zico looked into your eyes and you were staring back. He looked down at your lips and was tempted to lean in. He slowly leaned in and your eyes widned. [Is it just me or is he getting closer]. As he was inches away from your lips, he was interrupted by somebody.
"Are you guys alright?" asked one of the workers, who skated over.
The two of you looked up. "Yeah" Zico quickly got off of you and stood up.
The worker helped you up and you brushed the snow dust off of you clothes. "Thanks" you looked over at Zico and started blush.
"Be careful next time" the worker warned and skated off.
Zico rubbed the back of his neck nervously. The two of you looked in the opposite direction. You didn't know why but your heart was beating fast at the thought of Zico kissing you. You wanted to get rid of the awkwardness. "Umm.. do you want to skate still?" you asked.
Zico looked at you. "Do you?" You nodded. "Okay, let's skate" he held out his hand and you looked at it. You hesitated a bit but held his hand. Some reason it felt warm and the two of you skated together.
After skating, both of you were hungry so Zico took you to a Korean BBQ restuarant. You hanged your coat on the back of the chair and looked at the menu. Your stomach grumbled and Zico heard it.
He chuckled, "someone is hungry" he pointed out. You blushed a bit. "Shh~ It's not my fault I'm hungry" you rubbed your stomach. Zico smiled and went back to looking at the menu. You looked at him and smiled. [Zico oppa.. you're different].
The food came and you cooked the meat on the plate. You wrapped the meat into lettuce, rolled it up and place it in your mouth. "MMmmMM" it was delicious.
"Yummy?" Zico asked. You nodded excitedly. You place 2 thumbs up and chewed on the food carefully. Zico place his roll in his mouth and also gave it 2 thumbs up.
You picked up your kimchi and looked over at Zico. He was too busy eating the meat and some reason, the way he was eating made your stomach do a flip. You could feel your heart beating faster and faster. You placed the kimchi down and looked away. [What is this feeling?]. You looked back at him and a smile grew on your lips. [It's a total different feeling from when I was with Jaybeom].
Zico noticed that you weren't eating and looked up at you. "Why aren't you eating? Are you full?" he asked. You shook your head. "Was thinking.." you saw his eyes and your heart skipped a beat. You quickly picked up the kimchi from before and placed it inside your mouth. You accidentally chocked on the spiciness.
"Here" Zico quickly handed you a glass of water. You gulped it down fast and began to clear your throat. "Feel better?" he looked at you, worriedly. You nodded. "Thanks for that" you patted your chest.
He leaned back and sighed in relief. "You should eat slower next time" he gave you a smile and went back to eating. 
You slowly nodded and began picking up the meat. You placed it in your mouth and began chewing it slowly. [My heart..]. You touched your chest and your heart was beating fast. You smiled at the feeling.
The food on the table was all gone and the two of you leaned back, with full stomachs. Zico felt his big belly and chuckled. "I haven't eaten this much in such a long time". You nodded, "same here. I'm so full" you touched your belly.
"Do you want desert now?" he asked.
"Dessert?!" you were shocked. "But we just had Korean BBQ. Do you think our stomach would have enough space to fit in dessert?".
He paused for a moment and nodded his head. "Yeah, my stomach is saying yes to dessert" he grinned. You chuckled and agreed.
Zico then paid for the food and he lead you out of the restaurant. It was snowing and the weather was freezing. Zico breathed in and out and you could see his breath. 
"It's freezing!!" you shivered and rubbed your hands together to keep them warm. Zico saw your actions and without thinking, he pulled you closer into his chest. You widened your eyes and looked up at him. 
"You said you were cold" he repeated what he understood from you. You nodded and without another word the two of you walked down the streets to the ice cream store the two of you always visit.
At the ice cream store, Zico and you were sitting at a small table near the window. The two of you your ice cream and looked outside to see that the snow was getting a bit heavier.
"People outside must think we're weird for eating ice cream in this weather" Zico chuckled at the sight of people staring at the two of you with weird faces. You agreed. "Yeah. Did you see how many people gave us looks?" you wondered.
Zico leaned back and thought. "I think around 20? 30?" he was unsure. "I lost count".
You slapped his arm playfully. "It's not that much oppa. Someone exaggerated a bit" you shook your head and your ice cream.
"Ow that hurt" Zico touched his arm and pouted. You giggled, "I didn't slap you that hard..".
"But still.. you hurt me" he began to fake a sniffle. You sighed and held your ice cream out in front of him. "Fine. I'll pay for the ice cream happy?".
Zico looked at the ice cream and back to you. He then broke into a soft laughter, "I was kidding. You don't have to pay" he pushed your hand that was holding onto the ice cream back to your side. You looked at him and poke your tongue out teasingly. He laughed and ruffled your hair. "So glad that you're happy" he was glad.
You smiled and looked down at your ice cream. "I'm surprised that I'm actually this happy. I thought I'd be forever sad" you looked up at him. "Thanks oppa..".
"For what?" he didn't understand.
"For always being there for me. I'm so glad that I got to have a friend like you" you smiled brightly at him.
At the word friend, Zico's face fell. He smiled weakly at you, "yeah... what are friends for" he fakely beamed at you. You smiled back.
[Do you just see me as your friend Soohyo?]. Zico's heart began aching and he tried to ignore it, but the pain was too much. "Friends?" he softly whispered.
"What was that?" you shot your head up and looked at him. He shook his head. "Nothing" he grinned. You nodded and the two of you went back to eating your ice creams.
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Mena2013 #1
Chapter 59: Well that was just too sweet.. :') great job!
Mena2013 #2
Chapter 49: Ok.. so I wasn't gonna comment until I finish the whole thing.. but OMG that Janmi is nuts! So what.. now she's gonna go after Zico..?? Allow me to kill her please!
UnsungKiller #3
Chapter 49: w-- janmi ur craZY .
wTF ruined one r/s and now ur most likely gonna ruin another wh-- .
I -- . >CCCCC
Chapter 50: I think it's pretty obvious Zico's going to reject Janmi. Lol.
She's so annoying though, omg. She needs to leave.
kpopj3 #5
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
kpopj3 #6
Nonononono it can't be. </3 I want her and jay together :( stupid janmi I wanna punch janmi :( Whenever I see text with jay crying or confessing his love it makes me cry a river :( please get them together. <3
Chapter 38: Zico's such a nice guy, I just. ;_;
Janmi you're such a meanie!!
Just because Soohyo has a boyfriend doesn't mean she can't hang out with her guy friends. Jeez.
Chapter 37: Zico, stop talking to Janmi!!
And really Soohyo? You obviously like Zico! I don't want you with Jaybeom. :(
joeybelle #9
Chapter 22: Too sweet! Loved it. Update soon! <3
Chapter 22: Wow Zico. ;)
I hope they get together. :c