It's nice to be back~

Will There Be A Right Time?


Fudge, it was Sandeul. You hit him too hard at the right side of his precious face beside his eyes.



I feel so diz-----” He passed out because of your one hit.

. What should I do?! Junghwan, wake up. Ya!!!”


You tapped his shoulder but then no response. You stood up and dragged him going to your bed. He was so heavy. All your strength was used. “You need diet, babe!” You went down and get an ice pack, you quickly place it on the swollen part. Few minutes have passed, he woke up. He saw your face close up. He kiss you and you moved back.


Are you okay now? Sorry. Didn't mean to.”

I didn't know that you can hit that hard.”

Because you scared me. Sorry.”

Sorry too.” He then get up and grabbed your hand.

Where are we going?”

To our dorm.”

Why? App----

Everything's fine. They even asked me to take care of you while they were away. Kaja!”

Wait. Clothes!”

You still have some there.”

Huh? Okay.” You then headed to their dorm.


When you arrived there...


OMO! I forgot my medicine.”

What? Okay. Go there now and I will get it.”

No, I will just dri----

NO. Drink it on time so I need to go back, got it? Go inside and surprise them.” You nodded and thanked him. You headed on B1A4's flat. Doorbell~~ Jinyoung opened the door and when he saw you, he locked it again.


YA! Oppa!” You frowned then he opened it again.

Kidding. Come in!” Then when you stepped inside, he hugged you so tight.



So the 3 boys rushed at you and gave a hug. Their hug was so tight and you can't even breathe properly.


Enough. I miss you. Junghwan just get my medicine on my house then he'll be right here in a while. He told me that I will stay here tonight.”

Really? He didn't tell us. Woah. Okay, go to your room first.”


You nodded and went to your used-to-be room. You room was still the same. You checked the cabinet and yes, you left some of your clothes there. It was nice to be back for awhile. You then went out and had a talk with the boys while waiting for Sandeul. You didn't notice that you fell asleep on Jinyoung's shoulder. Few minutes have passed, Sandeul came.


Ya, hyung! You should have wake her up. Ahhhh!”

Jealous? Haha.”


Jinyoung teased and Sandeul gave him a death glare and wake you up. “Rin. You drink this now and better go to sleep.” You opened your eyes and waited for Sandeul to gave you a glass of water. After that you stood up and he accompanied you on your room.


LEE SANDEUL. Don't sleep there! Sleep in our room.” CNU ordered.

No. I will sleep beside here. Don't worry hyung, we already slept together.” Baro quickly covered the maknae's ears.

Night hyungs. Night Baro and Channie!”


Then he locked the door leaving them on the living room. You lie down on the bed and quickly fell asleep. Sandeul sat beside you, leaned on the wall, hugged his knees and fell asleep also. The guys were so curious on what's happening inside so they got the key and silently open your room. Then he saw Sandeul like that.


Our Deullie is such a gentleman. I wish nothing bad will happen to Rin. I ship them so much! They love each other to death.” Baro exclaimed.



Then they all went to sleep after. On the middle of you sleep, you woke up and saw Sandeul. You rose up and positioned him to bed and cover him with blanket then you went back to sleep again. The next day, the leader woke up and he checked the two of you. Boom. He caught you hugging Sandeul's arms. He laughed then took his phone to capture that moment. Then he woke up Sandeul because he needs to bring you home before the sched. You showered first then Sandeul. When he was on the shower and you were changing clothes in your room, Jinyoung took Sandeul's phone and send the photo he captured then set it as Sandeul's new wallpaper. You went out of the of the room after fixing.


You have just been caught.” Jinyoung smirked. “What?” You asked but he just smirked again. Sandeul was at last finished taking a bath then fixed himself then ready to bring you home.


WOAH.” As he saw what's on his phone.

Rin! Look.”” So you went closer to him and your eyes widened.

What the....OMO!” You were really blushing at that time so you hid your face and there was Jinyoung giggling at the side.

OPPA! Aish. You!”

I wish I am awake when you hug me so I can... you know.”

Byeontae. Paboya!


You sightly punch him and went back to your room since you forgot your phone. As you walked you suddenly felt your knees very weak but tried to overcome it but you failed. In result, you fell on the floor which made them shock. You were also shocked on what happened so you didn't get to recover easily. “RIN.” Jinyoung and Sandeul both rushed to you. They helped you get up. “You okay?” Jinyoung asked and you just nodded with your pokerface. “Sandeul. Better bring her home now so she could rest again then go back here immediately.” He followed his hyung then both went out of the building and headed home. On your trip, you remained quiet and kept on thinking on what just happened again. You were so worried about that.


Rin, I will buy you breakfast huh.” You shook your head.

No, you should eat.”

Aniyo. I am okay. Not in the mood.”

You sure? When you got home eat anything then drink your med on the right time. Your appa will be home later at night, right?” You nodded.


When you arrived at the house before you went of of the cab, you hugged Sandeul. “You okay?” You didn't respond instead, you get inside the house and locked the door. He just sighed. 


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I hope you guys will still wait tho it will take forever to update my my story.


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Abubblegumlover #1
Chapter 72: This story is amazing<3 Yet so cruel and here I am,crying in the middle of the night:'(
kanachan #2
Chapter 72: I was searching for completed fics to read and i found this. the story was very sad but it was written nicely. ;-; thank you for this story.
DeulJongSica #3
Chapter 16: Such an amazing story T,T I ca'nt beieve how speechless I am after I read half of the story.... I may never be able to have an imagination as wild as yours T.T
DeulJongSica #4
Chapter 3: My tears don't fall that easily but why am I sobbing now?!! Wahhh!! I was really carried away that I also thought that it was me who is in there! Haha! I really love this fanfic!
koreanfan710 #5
Chapter 72: I was literally sobbing while reading this! This is by far my favorite fan fic yet <3 Loved it :)
Chapter 72: ohhhgadd. your fanfic is beautiful :') even though the ending was unexpected. i really sobbed while reading the finale. thankyou for making this fanfic <3
leadereliea13 #8
I read it for 5 hrs straight! it's really sad, but i love the story....I thought that she will be cured, but i was wrong....Author-ssi...Daebak!