I am not a 'Nobody'.

I Slept With Him ♥♥


           Tomorrow morning when I wake up, I went straight to the bathroom and fixed myself. My next stop is the kitchen; I made Hyun Joong some onigiri, a Japanese food that he really like when he went to Japan for a visit. I made about ten pieces and placed it in a beautiful Tupperware.


            When I arrived at school there were many girls outside the gates wearing the uniform of different schools, I even saw an elementary student. I pushed my way into the gate and wonder why there’s so many people milling around the school gates. Is there an activity today?, I thought. Fortunately I got inside without a scratch. Inside the school there were also students milling around like they were waiting for something. Even my classmates were excited about something but I didn’t bother to ask what, I’m so worried about Hyun Joong.


            I took my seat and stared at the box of onigiri. I texted him last night but he didn’t reply my txt and I gave him a call this morning but he’s not answering. My day passed like a blur and the next thing I knew I was standing outside the College of Law building.


            “Fighting, Eun Hye.” I cheered myself. “Show oppa how much you love and care for him.”


            I walked up the stairs where his classroom would be and I stuck in my head to look for him.


            “Eun Hye!” greeted a girl. She must be Hyun Joong’s classmate but I forgot her name.

            “Anneyeong.” I greeted her. “Have you seen Hyun Joong?”

            “He just went outside a few minutes ago.” she replied. “Do you have something important to tell him?”

            “Ah, not really.” I said waving my hand. “I just want to give him this food I made for him; he’s not feeling well so I made him these.” I said showing the box.

            She looked at me a little confused, “Not feeling well? He looks fine today. He actually helped lift some heavy equipment awhile ago.”

            “Oh.” I said stupidly. “He must’ve been okay now.”


            “Do you know where he might be?” I asked her instead.

            “He might be at the Law club’s office now talking with Lily.” she replied.

            “Okay, thanks.” I said dejectedly and I gave her an onigiri to show my gratitude.

            “You know the way to the club right?” she called after me. “It’s on the top floor of this building.”


            I didn’t answer her kept walking. To be honest I felt jealous, he’s with Lily again. Lily is the smart president of the Law club and she’s been with Hyun Joong every time there’s a huge project they’re dealing with. I never liked her because she always gives me the evil looks whenever I’m with Hyun Joong.


            As I went outside the building I noticed that there were still students milling around the school grounds. I wanted to be alone that’s why I decided to go to the place where I can be at peace. My feet brought me to the music building where there were separate floors for the different genres of music. I went to the third floor, the classical music building.


            “Hyung, why are you hiding here?” asked a boy’s voice. “The president we’ll be angry with us if he found out that you went here without a bodyguard.”

            “This is where I study so I can go whenever I want.” the man replied.

            “Hyung, who made you angry this time?” another voice asked.

            “Please hyung, let’s go back.”


            I wasn’t really paying attention to where I’m going and I smack face first in something solid.


            “What do you think you’re doing?” a voice said on my ear.


            I looked up to find a beautiful face of a boy that I thought for a second was a girl and he was scowling at me.


            “Sorry.” I mumbled and I stepped back.

            “Next time watch where you’re going.” he growled at me like I’ve done a huge mistake of bumping into him.


            Maybe it’s because I hate boys who shout at girls or maybe it’s because I’m feeling depressed right now that’s why I snapped. “Who do you think you are to shout at me like that?”


            He opened his mouth to reply but I cut him off. “You don’t own this hallway so don’t act like as if it’s yours. I didn’t mean to bump into you so back off.”

            “How dare you speak to me like that you…you ‘nobody’?!” he pointed at me.

            Before I could even respond at what he said his friends interfere already. A cute guy put himself in the middle, while the other one stayed on the man’s back.


            “I’m really sorry, Miss.” he apologized. “Hyung is just really not in a good mood right now that’s why he said those things.”

            “Hyung, it’s not nice to shout at a girl.” scolded the other one.

            “Please Miss; don’t tell this to anybody okay? It will be bad publicity if this get out.” the boy pleaded with me.

            “What publicity?” I asked at him angrily. “I don’t even know who you three are. All I know is that I won’t let this man bully me.”


            The cute guy and the other two stared at me in silence.


            “Uhm, my name is Ryeowook.” the guy introduced pointing at himself. “This is Heechul and Sung Min; we’re members of Super Junior.”

            “So?” I asked stupidly. “I don’t know you but thanks. I will never forget his name.” I said pointing at the beautiful faced Heechul.


            “You don’t really recognize us?” Sung Min asked incredulously.


I shook my head.


“That’s because she’s a ‘nobody’.” Heechul said.

“Stop it, hyung.” Sung Min said.

“Look Miss, I’m really sorry for the way he’s acting but we have to go.” Ryeowook said.

“You’re not supposed to be the one asking sorry for this bully.” I said stubbornly and Heechul gave me dagger eyes.


Ryeowook smiled and shrug a little. They ushered Heechul away but I wouldn’t be stopped like that. I put down the box and took of my shoe. In one swift movement I threw my shoe at Heechul and it hit him on the head.


“Take that doll face!!” I shouted.


He turned around and glared at me. “Yah! What did you just call me?”


“Doll face.” I repeated.

“C’mon hyung, president will be mad.” Ryeowook said and dragging Heechul away.

“I’m not going to forget this, nobody!” he said.

“Whatever, doll face!” I shouted back.

They left me there and I’m still fuming with anger. Those boys, I thought. I took out my phone to call Hyun Joong and tell him that there’s someone who bullied me but I remembered he’s busy being with Lily.


When I got home that day I searched the internet something about Super Junior and I found out that they were really famous but that didn’t stop me from getting mad at them.



Author's note:


Looks like Heechul find his own match. LOL >:] hope you enjoy this second chapter.

Fighting!! 0:)


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LeeAngel1004 #1
Chapter 60: This story is great!! It had me happy, sad and excited along with the characters ^^ I love the ending XD
Chapter 60: I LOVE THIS STORY! Daebak author-nim! *thumbs up*
HyeYoungFan #3
Chapter 60: What a beautiful story, thank you author-nim for making this beautiful story ♥♥♥.... I'm a fan of Yeh, found this after googling ^_^ ... please write another Yeh stories .... nomu nomu thank you ♥
Jhadee #4
Chapter 60: wonderful fan fic,please do more with yoon eunhye as the lead character
Chapter 60: I love this ff. Thanks :-)
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i found warroirs finally and hye with suju <3
i want to read this very fast but i have to wait till i wake up tomorrow .. dang
guyz anybody interested at rping as any sj or dbsk member with my eunhye ? :( i hate her being lonely like this
GanisVIP #7
i slept withhhhhhhh himmmm
GanisVIP #8
..........mmm never read this fanfic
later maybe
monsterME #9
i love this story !!! my gad!!!