Gold Coast

Incomplete Marriage


Seung Ni’s P.O.V


I was holding a first class ticket in my hand, a Burberry handbag and surrounded by exceptionally good looking guys. I couldn’t keep the grin off my face, as long as I kept my eyes off the couple behind me, I could continue grinning. I was now a very close ‘friend’, as Changmin now had an announced fiance. My engagement ring was now confined to a white gold chain around my neck, whilst her canary diamond glittered on her finger. Thinking about it made me want to vomit. Hyun Joong steered me into my seat, ignoring the two of them behind me. Jaejoong was whooping in excitement, and the others were eagerly fighting for window seat.

I was smirking, “Where’s the private jet?” I joked.

Hyun Joong turned to me a smile on his face, “Coming.”

I was stunned, “You can’t be serious?”

He smirked, “You can’t park a private jet here, you need to get to it.”

I was gagging, this was like a scene from Boys Over Flowers, except now there were more of them, and the obnoxious Jun Pyo had another girl other than Jan Di in his arms. I was sneering. 

“Don’t worry about it,” Hyun Joong whispered into my ear.

I jumped, “What?” I snapped, ignoring Yeon Hee’s soft voice.

Hyun Joong smirked and pushed me into one of the cubicles, “Relax,”

I growled as he walked to his seat, and then sunk into mine, oh this was going to be horrible. Changmin had taken a cubicle of his own and Yeon Hee was opposite him. Lucky me, I was behind her. I inhaled deeply trying to ignore the uneasiness I felt. How I wish I could swap spots with her, or just for Changmin to move and be opposite me. The flight took an hour where we landed on a private air runway and quickly migrated to the small private jet ready for departure. Yeon Hee was unamused, I guess she’s been with them for a joy ride before. I couldn’t help pouting. We climbed up the narrow stairs and picked our seats, Changmin and Yeon Hee were left alone together in the other room. 

“Champagne?” Jaejoong grinned, sinking into his seat in front of me.

I grabbed the glass off him with a smile, “Thank you.”

He leant in closer to me, “Don’t worry, she hates flying.”

I frowned, “What does that have to do with me?” I whispered back to him.

He grinned, “It means, she’ll probably take a sleeping pill, and Changmin will come right out.”

I smiled, “Thanks,”

He nodded, “Are the girls in Australia hot?”

I snorted with laughter, “I thought you only go for Koreans?”

He shook his head and took a gulp of his champagne, “Marry a Korean,” he corrected, tilting his glass to toast me, “Dating is experimental.”

I smirked, “Then the Gold Coast is the perfect place for you!” 

Jaejoong grinned and gulped down the rest of his glass, “You know me too well.”

Yoochun rolled his eyes and pushed Jaejoong aside, “All you ever care about is girls.” He sighed, taking the seat in front of me.

I smiled, “Yoochun,” I raised a glass to him.

We gulped together before fastening our seat belts and the pilot took the plane off the runway. 

After a few too many champagnes and laughing around with the guys making jokes about Changmin, Changmin finally emerged from the adjacent room to meet us. I rose a brow as he placed himself on the edge of my arm rest.

“What are you guys on about?” he beamed taking the champagne from my hand and finishing it. I glared at him, that was good, how dare he finish it. 

I could feel my cheeks redden with anger, “You!” I slurred.

He frowned at me, “Are you drunk already?”

I shook my head, trying not to show the pain, damn I was drunk already. 

He rolled his eyes, “Get her water,” he snapped at Jaejoong. Jaejoong although eldest, immediately obliged because he was the one who offered me the champagne in the first place. Changmin sure knew how to guilt trip him. 

Jaejoong brought me my glass of water, nearly tripping over the boys. Changmin glared at me until I drained the last drop, I was annoyed. 

“What?” I sneered, over the rim of the glass.

Changmin shook his head a smirk on his face, “I didn’t know you would be the jealous type.”

My mouth dropped, “I’m not jealous!” I cried, “No!” I slapped his arm.

“Why are you getting so defensive?” he raised a brow at me.

My mouth was opening and closing, I must have looked so stupid, I didn’t know what to do, I looked up at him, he was grinning now. He thought it was amusing to embarrass me. My teeth clenched together, only one thing I could think to do, hit him. I raised my hand, but Changmin knew me too well, he had caught my hand within his. 


Her voice was so gentle, I froze mid air, the frown disappearing, Changmin’s hand slowly slipping from mine, I didn’t want to but I let him go.

“Y-Y-Yeon Hee,” he stuttered.

We all turned to face her, she scuttled towards Changmin.

“I can’t sleep,”

I still sat frozen, my mind blank, I turned to Changmin, he was looking up at her, his face away from me. Dammit I couldn’t see what he was thinking. I sighed breaking away from staring at them.

“Will you sleep with me?” she said softly, taking his hand. 

I immediately turned away from them, hiding my confused face, Jaejoong looked at me sympathetically, I gave him a weak smile and stood up.

“I’m tired,” I sighed, “I’m going.” I stood up and went into the other room,  too proud to look back, now I surely have to think of a plan to get Changmin back, before he goes off to marry her.


I retreated into the room, hibernating for nearly the whole flight. I was in no mood to talk to anyone and I didn’t want to know what Changmin was doing. Laying alone in oblivion was best for me at this moment. Occasionally one of the boys would draw back to curtain and take a peak at me, I bet they were all assigned to do this by Hyun Joong. When they stuck their head behind the ugly curtain, I would pretend that I was asleep and they would tiptoe out leaving me alone. I finally left my stubborn, idiotic stage when the pilot announced our arrival in Australia and instructed us to put on our seat belts. I crept towards my seat beside Hyun Joong and fastened my seat belt, whilst Changmin and Yeon Hee giggled behind me.

“Calm down,” Jaejoong hissed, using his index finger to push the side of my head. 

I turned to him giving him my evilest glare.

“You’re making it all obvious,” he whispered to me, as we walked into the check out and the guards took a look at our passports. 

I turned to him confused, what was he going on about now?

“You’re acting like a snob,” he frowned at me. The guard handed back our passports and let us through.

“You need to be nice and happy and smile,” he dragged his lips up into a grin. 

I raised my brow, he couldn’t be serious, “Jaejoo…”

He shook his head, “No pessimism, smile.”

I gave him my biggest grin.

He laughed, “I’m not the one judging you,” he whispered, his head slightly tilted towards her. 

I froze, he was right, she’s probably thinking about me right now, why I’m here, what I’m doing with them and why I’m such a cow. I cringed, I can’t let her do this to me, I need to be unaffected, calm, happy and… and… smile. Slowly my lips curved upwards.

“There you go,” Jaejoong grinned. 

I leapt into the air. He laughed aloud and dragged my by the shoulders towards our luggage. 

“Where are we staying?” I grinned.

Jaejoong’s face dropped, “Who cares where we’re staying, we’re going to have so much fun!”

I raised a brow, “I didn’t know her family owns hotels too.”

Jaejoong tried his best to give me a smile, “She owns the land,” he grinned, “We’re staying in her holiday house.”

I nodded, “Of course,”

Jaejoong’s lips formed a pout, “Her parents will be coming too.”

I gagged, “What?”

He tried to smile, “Don’t worry about it,” he beamed.

I stared at him in disbelief, don’t worry, not worry? Is he serious? I don’t even remember being this worried since exams in high school.

Jaejoong ignored the distress look on my face and proceeded to push me out of the airport, the other guys whooping along behind us. 

We loaded ourselves into private chauffeur driven cars and were on our way to Yeon Hee’s holiday house.

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149 streak #2
Iminthezone #3
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 62: This story is super cute!!!
Chapter 62: I really like this story..wish there'd be a sequel tho..
reading this for the 2nd time ^^
veryyyyyyyy cute ^_^
PeonysSecret #8
hi I've read this story few months ago.I think it is awsome.Great Characters,Great accidents,cool jokes..perfect...I love it and I love Characters.I 'm already Ur fan<br />
thank u si much