You're Mine and I won't back off from something that's mine!

I just know that you are my ahne and I'm your namphyon

At the Dining Room

Minzy's Appa:Minzy Are you ok?

Minzy:Yes Appa!

Minzy's Appa:Are you sure you looked like you cried for a long time!

Minzy:No Appa I'm Fine!

Minzy's Appa:Alright everyone.Thanks for Joining for Dinner Please Do Help Yourself!

Everyone starts eating.


After A Few Minutes

??:Appa! I want to--(Sees Bom) Woah!

Minzy's Appa:What happen Young Deuk?

Young Deuk: Huh? I mean nothing! I just wanted to meet you for something.Who do we have here?

Minzy:YA! No Flirting! These Are My Friends!

Young Don:Appa! Is Minzy--(Sees Dara) Wow!

Minzy's Appa:Sit Down and Eat Both Of You! Where are your Manners?

Young Deuk and Young Don:Yes Appa!

Young Deuk: (Whispers=Ya! Which One do you like?)

Young Don: (Whispers=You can't steal mine!)

Young Deuk: (Whispers=First Tell me which one is it?)

Young Don: (Whispers=The Brunette one sitting next to That Blonde Guy!)

Young Deuk: (Whispers=Thank God!!! I like that Red One!)

Young Don: (Whispers=Good!)

Minzy:YA! What are you two whispering?

Young Don and Young Deuk: N-Nothing Noona! Just Being Childish Hehe!

Minzy:Oh Sorry! I Forget to Introduce my friends to you!This Blonde Dude is Jiyong,The Brunette Girl sitting next to her is Dara,The Blonde Girl is CL,The guy sitting next to CL is Tanghyun her boyfriend!---(Interruption)

Young Deuk:Noona! Don't you remember what Appa hates? He hates Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationships remember?

Minzy: I know but keep it as a secret alright! Anyway The guy sitting next to Tanghyun is IU and sitting next to IU who has a mohawk is Taeyang,Sitting next to Taeyang is Seungri,Sitting next to Seungri who has red hair is Bom and Sitting Next to Bom is TOP. The guy sitting next to TOP is Daesung and sitting next to Daesung is..huh? I don't know her! Who is she?

Taemin:She's Min!

Minzy:How do you know her?

Taemin:She' childhood friend!

Minzy:Oh Ok!

YoungDeuk: (Whispers=YA! Young Don The Girl I like is Bom! The Red Hair!)

YoungDon: (Whispers=The Girl I Like is Dara! Good!)

Minzy:Stop Whispering!!!

YoungDon and YoungDeuk: Sorry Noona!


With The 4 Girls

Minzy:Unnies! Thanks for Coming!

Dara:Minzy-ah! Please Go Back with Daesung! He really loves you and He really wants you back!

Minzy:Unnie Please! Can we just not talk about it please!

CL:Ok Ok! Anyway how is life here?

Minzy: It's Fine but One thing I want you Unnies to do is don't tell anyone in here that you have boyfriends ok.So that means Dara Unnie you can't say that Jiyong Oppa is your boyfriend since my appa hates as in HATES Boyfriend-Girlfriend Relationships!

Bom:Omo! That means I can't meet Tabi anymore? (Sad)

Minzy:No No! I mean you can but in private! If Appa finds out then I'll be dead please please just keep it as a secret!!

CL,Dara and Bom:Fine!

Minzy:Anyway How are your love life with Oppas?

Dara: It's Good! Sometimes Jiyongie can be too clingy but He loves me a lot and I'm happy with him! (Smiles)

Bom:Tabi can be childish at times but He really does love me and When we were at Paris we had a private dinner at the TOP of the Eiffel Tower!!!! It was so romantic! (Blushes)

Minzy:Wow! Unnie You're so Lucky!!!How about you CL Unnie?

CL stares into space.She was so jealous of the other girls' love life.How was hers? All there was slapping,kicking,punching,threathing,shouting,swearing,crying,hurt and other stuff it was nothing she had not even thought of.She didn't know Tanghyun could hurt her so badly.She was so blinded to find a boyfriend and she just picked Tanghyun without even seeing how he really is when they are alone.She just couldn't believe that Tanghyun was really violent and very possessive.Tanghyun would just act in front of the others as a good boyfriend but behind the scenes he was a monster worse a devil.

Minzy:YA Unnie!! (Shakes CL)


Minzy:CL Unnie You and Tanghyun Oppa have romantic dates right? You're so lucky! He seems like a very good guy! I would have loved to date him if I was you!!!

CL:Yeah! (Inner Thoughts=Minzy You wouldn't! After you know what he's like you just wouldn't!)


Next Day

Minzy's Appa:Boys and Minzy! I see that our guests are new to the village so I would like you 3 to take them out to show the village!

Twins and Minzy:Yes Appa!

Minzy's Appa:Come Back Soon!

Twins and Minzy:Yes Appa!


Young Deuk:Ok Time to make our ladies come to us!

Young Don:Let's go!

Young Deuk:Bom Noona!


Young Deuk:Come On Noona I'll Show You around!! (Grabs her hand)



Minzy:Oppa Please don't be angry!! Please!!!! (Begs) Appa can't find out that any of you have girlfriends and boyfriends since he hates them so please Oppa let it be!!! (Aegyo)

TOP: *Sigh* Alright! (Looks at Young Deuk with Bom)

Young Don:Dara Noona!

Dara:What is it?

Young Don:Noona I'm the best tour guide here so I'll show you around!!! Let's Go Noona! (Grabs her hand)

Dara:Slow Down Young Don!

Young Don:Come On Noona! (Takes her away from the others)


Minzy:Jiyong Oppa please let it go!!! Appa can't find out that you and any of the others have boyfriend and girlfriend relationships since he hates them so please please please Oppa Calm Down!!

Jiyong:Fine! I'll let it go just this Once!

Minzy:Thanks Oppa! (Smiles)

Daesung:You never smiled at me like that?

Minzy looks at Daesung and ignores him.

Min: (Whispers=Taemin Look they aren't talking!!!)

Taemin: (Whispers=We gotta isolate them from our group!)

Min: (Whispers=How?)

Taemin and Min thinks.

Young Deuk:Bom Noona!You're so Pretty!

Bom:Thank You Young Deuk! (Smiles)

Young Deuk:Woah! (Inner Thoughts=YES! She Smiled at Me!!!)

TOP:Bommie Let's Go! (Jealous) (Takes her hand)

Young Deuk:Hey!! Let Go Of Noona! (Pushes TOP)

TOP:YA! Kid!!!

Bom:You Two Stop Fighting!!! (Seperates them)

Young Deuk:This Hyung is pulling you away from me! My Noona! (Hugs her)

TOP:Why That Little..(Goes to push him away but Bom signals him to stop!)

Bom:Tabi! Let It Go!Young Deuk Let's Go!

Young Deuk takes Bom away from TOP.While Walking Young Deuk turns around and shows his tongue to TOP.

TOP:Little Bastard!!! (Jealous and Angry)

Young Don:Noona You alright?


Young Don:Noona You are so cute sometimes! Can You do some aegyo for me please? (Aegyo Eyes)

Dara:Awww You're so cute Young Don! of Course I'll do some Aegyo for you!

Young Don:Noona Can you please say I love Young Don in Aegyo! (Aegyo Eyes)

Dara:Young Don I Love You! (Aegyo Voice)

Jiyong:What is going on here?

Dara:Oh Hey Jiyong!

Jiyong:Don't you hey me Dara! (Angry and Jealous)

Young Don:Hey! Stop being mean to Noona! (Pulls Dara closer to him)

Jiyong:You don't even know that she is--(Interruption)

Dara:Young Don let me take to Jiyong in private for a sec alright?

Young Don:Ok Noona! (Smiles at Dara and then Glares at Jiyong)

Dara pulls Jiyong to the side.

Dara:Ya!We can't let them find out that we have boyfriends remember that Minzy's Appa doesn't like all of these things!

Jiyong:Aish I know but I can't let that kid take you away from me!

Dara:Jiyongie Let it go! He's just a kid!

Jiyong:Santokki I'll let it go in one condition!

Dara:What is it?

Jiyong:That You meet me in my room at night!


Jiyong:Don't let that kid get close to you! (Glares at Young Don)

Dara:Seriously Jiyong Stop being Immature! He's just a Kid!


Young Don comes.

Young Don:Noona I think we should get going!!! (Pulls Dara)

Dara:Slow Down Young Don!

Young Don:Hurry Noona! (Inner Thoughts=Sorry Noona I just don't want this Hyung to take you away from me!)

Jiyong: Kid! Seriously Stop going away from the group!

Young Don:What are you? Some sort of Noona's Bodyguard or something?

Jiyong:Maybe I am! (Angry)

Dara:YA! Jiyong Seriously Please Stop being Childish!

Young Don:Noona Let's go! (Pretends to be sad)

Dara:Look what you did now! He's so sad now! I hope you are happy for this Kwon Jiyong! (Angry)

Jiyong:What did I do?

Dara hugs Young Don who smiles evilly at Jiyong!

(Jiyong:Inner Thoughts=So he was pretending! What the hell! Alright then! Two can play this game!)

Young Don:Thanks Noona! Let's Go! (Pulls Dara)


Daesung and Minzy walks.

Daesung:So What? Are you just gonna ignore me for the whole thing?

Minzy:Seriously Just get out of my sight!

Daesung:No! Minkki If you are stubborn then I am 10x more stubborn then you! If you plan to be away from me then I will plan to be more closer! Minkki I promise you that you will only marry one person and that's me!

Minzy: Just Shut Up! (Inner Thoughts=Don't do this to me Daesung! I know I still love you but Why can't I get over you and move on!)

Daesung:No You can't get over me! You never will cause I will Never Let that Happen!

Minzy:How did you read my thoughts?

Daesung:Minkki I can read you like a book!

Minzy: No hard thing to do!

Daesung: Is it? Then what am I thinking huh?

Minzy:Me of Course!

Daesung:See You and I can read each other like a book can you and Taemin do that?

Minzy:O-Of Course We can!

Daesung:Alright Prove It then!

Minzy shouts to Taemin.

Minzy:Taemin Guess what I'm thinking? (Shouts)

Taemin:Uhm....Food? (Shouts)

Minzy:NO! Guess Harder! (Shouts)

Taemin:Clothes? Make Up? (Shouts)

Minzy:Forget it! (Shouts)

Taemin:O..Okay! (Shouts and then continues to talk to Min)


Minzy:Alright you made your point but that's because we have just met!


Minzy:We have met for a total of 6 months and I have only met Taemin for 5 days! I don't see that it's fair!

Daesung:Wow Gong Minzy! I didn't even know that you remember how many months it has been since we first met!

Minzy:Just Shut Up!

Daesung:You're Mine and I won't back off from something that's mine!

Minzy:You Really Are Stubborn Huh?

Daesung:Cause you made me this way!

Minzy:Dae seriously just go back to Seoul!

Daesung:Minkki I won't without you I'm not going anywhere! I lost you once but I'm not losing you for the 2nd time!

(Minzy:Inner Thoughts=Dae If only you can persuade my dad!)

Minzy and Daesung walks.


IU: *Sigh*

Taeyang:What's wrong?

IU: I'm so Bored!

Taeyang: I know but Hey at least we are together!


Taeyang picks a long stick and pokes IU with it.

IU: YA! Stop Poking Me!!!

Taeyang:No! (Sticks his tongue out)

IU:Alright! This means War!

IU picks a long stick and pokes Taeyang back.They soon starts laughing and playing with each other.Taeyang then trips and falls into a pond full of water.


Taeyang:YA! You shouldn't be laughing!


Taeyang then pulls IU and she too falls into the pond.



Taeyang:Now it's fun!

IU:Whatever! (splashes Water at him)

Taeyang:Stop it! (Splashes back)

IU:NO! (Splashes water at him)

They splash water at each other.


Young Deuk:Bom Noona!


Young Deuk:Do You have a Nickname?

Bom:Yeah! My nickname is Bommie!

Young Deuk:Can I call you Bommie Noona?

Bom:Of Course You can!

Young Deuk:Let's Go Bommie Noona!


Young Deuk:What what?

TOP:What did you call Bom?

Young Deuk:Bommie Noona!

TOP:You can't call her that!

Young Deuk:Why not?

TOP:Cause Only I do that!!! (Angry)

Young Deuk:Well too bad! She said I can too! (Angry)

Bom:Seriously Stop Fighting You Two! TOP you're older stop being a child!

Young Deuk:Yeah Hyung!

TOP:You shut Up Kid!

Bom:Stop Being Mean!

Young Deuk:Let's Go Noona! This Hyung is Mean!

Bom:Yes We should leave him!

TOP:What? Don't do that!

Young Deuk:Too Bad we did! Bommie Noona We should get going!

Young Deuk pulls Bom away from TOP and walks ahead.

TOP:Aish! This Kid is so annoying! If he takes Bommie away from me I'm so gonna...Calm Down TOP! Bommie still loves you!!!


Min:Taemin Idea!


Min: Is there any way to prevent a marriage in your traditions? Like if someone insults the groom or something then something will happen or something?

Taemin:Min Yes There is! It's Called Challenge!All Daesung has to do is say I challenge this groom that means me to Minzy's Family and then we have to do lots of challenges and tasks relating to being a good husband and then whoever wins them gets the bride!

Min:Bingo!We have to get Daesung to challenge you!

Taemin:Should I get him?

Min: I'll do it!

Min goes to Daesung and Minzy.

Min:Dae! Let's Go!


Daesung:Why are you so shocked or should I say......Jealous? (Smiles)

Minzy:Me and Jealous!?!?!?! Of Course Not!!! Shut Up!!! (Angry)

Minzy walks away.

Daesung:Hahahaha Oh Minzy! You are so cute!

Min:Dae You want this marriage to stop right?


Min:Then all you have to do is say ''I challenge this groom'' to Minzy's Family and then voila! You guys will face tasks about being a good husband and stuff!

Daesung:Really? I can do that and then the marriage will be stopped!


Daesung:Thanks Min!!! (Hugs Her)

Min:You're Welcome! (Hugs him)

Taemin:Min There You Are! Let's Go!

Min and Taemin goes.Daesung goes back to Minzy.

Daesung:Hey Minkki!

Minzy ignores him and walks ahead.

Daesung:YA! Minkki I'm talking to you!!!

Minzy:Why? Shouldn't you be talking to that girl you just hugged? (Angry)

Daesung:Minkki! Are you...Are you Jealous? (Smiles)

Minzy:Me and Jealous? Of Course not! I just don't like to see PDA(Public Display of Affections) in Public!

Daesung:Why don't you just say you're jealous? (Smiles)

Minzy:Just Move and Go back to that girl you hugged what was her name again? (Angry)


Minzy:Yeah Go back hugging Min! (Angry)

Daesung gives Minzy a backhug.

Daesung: I'm Not Gonna Lie! You are pretty cute when you're jealous but don't worry My heart only belongs to You! It always has and always will be!


Daesung:Whispers to her ear=See?Can't you feel my heart beating for you already! Can't you feel it? My chest is beating hard cause of you Minkki! My Minkki!My Future Wife and My Future Mother of My Kids!

Minzy:.....................(Blushes) (Inner Thoughts=Dae! You just know the right words to make me love you over and over again!)


Minzy and Daesung breaks the hug and looks at IU who is splashing water and laughing with Taeyang.

Daesung:Minkki Do you think maybe they like each other?

Minzy:Aren't they a couple already?


Minzy:Really?They act like one!

Daesung:Anyway Minzy Remember that I said I will be the one to marry you then I know how to!

Minzy:Whatever! (Rolls her eyes and leaves)

Daesung:Minkki Just because you act like you don't care doesn't mean I don't know that you are happy! I know that you are happy to see me and you are happy to hear what I said. Minzy You're Mine! Only Mine!


Tanghyun:CL Remember what I said!


Tanghyun:Good!No Talking with anyone especially that !

Seungri:Hey CL and waiter!

Tanghyun:Excuse me?

Seungri:You are excused waiter!

Tanghyun:Get Away!

Seungri:Yeah I would like it if you get away from here!

Tanghyun:Look ! Just Leave Us Alone!

Seungri:Nah! I'd rather not! I like being with CL.

Tanghyun:Why? She doesn't like you so Get Lost!

Seungri:Too Bad I Love Her!

CL and Tanghyun:WHAT?!?!?!

Seungri:What? I said I love Her AS A FRIEND! Duh!

Taemin:Tanghyun Can you come here for a second? (Shouts)

Tanghyun:Ok Sure! (Shouts)

Tanghyun goes and Leaves Ririn alone.

CL coughes badly.

Seungri:What's wrong? Are you sick? (Touches CL's Forehead) You're Burning Hot! What the hell are you doing in this trip?

CL: It's Ok!

CL moves but Seungri grabs her wrist and then carries her bridal style back to Minzy's house.

CL:What are you doing!?!?!? Let Go Of Me!!!! (Inner Thoughts=AOGBSDGBSDKOBG!!! What is this!??!?!!? Stop Making me embarrased Lee Seungri!!! If Tanghyun sees this then he will beat you to death please!)

CL keeps hitting Seungri's chest but Seungri doesn't let go of her.


CL:Seungri Chill! Everyone gets sick and besides it's not like you love me or something that you're so worried about me! Isn't it?

Seungri:Maybe I do Love You what are you gonna do about it?

(CL:Inner Thoughts=What did he say? He...He Loves Me? He Loves Me! He..He Loves Me!!!OMO!!! Lee Seungri loves Lee Chaerin! AISH!! SO WHAT!!! Why am I feeling so happy about that!!! Pfftt Even I can say I love You and not mean it! But When he said that I swear he meant it! Didn't he? But he was worried for me when I was sick! It felt that he meant it and he does care for me! Maybe He Does Love me and Maybe.....I feel the same for him but do I?)


Author:Ok Here you go Jongstal4eva a Ririn moment for you :)  and BommieLuv Hope you enjoyed the TOPBOM moment :) Thanks for reading and Please Do comment and tell me how this chapter was for you! Any requests you wanna make then please do! :) Bye!

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Chapter 28: Omgggg I remember this story reading it when I first came here, I came back after 2 years and I remembered this being one of my favorite 2NE1BANG fics... AHHH IM REREADING THIS RIGHT NOW AT 2:40 IN THE MORNING AND ITS STILL SO CUTE :)))
Chapter 9: Re read this story again,, yet it still awesome... It's worth ... Hehhehe...
Chapter 202: Well it quite embarrassing, but it worth for your love Mandu.. Kekeke. Hit your head bae. how dare you delivered the vows even thought you heart at Mandu.. Nappeun namja...
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Chapter 200: well that was unexpected
Chapter 200: I'm hurt... Huhuhu... Bad ahhhh... Wae....
Chapter 198: Love your stories that are sooo interesting it captures the attention of me as a bookworm...I hope you enjoy reading and writing this story and I hope to see more of ur stories next time unttil then...
Chapter 198: noooooo! don't end it yet!
natyx10 #9
Chapter 197: Uh oh...more drama...AUTHORNIM I THOUGHT U WOULD BE NICE TO ME AND MY HEART!!! But i know this story will NOT end very badly where everyone is crying over something serious like a dead body WHICH BETTER NOT HAPPEN!! Ok deep breaths....ohh okay i'm fine...
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