Bachelorette party part 1

I just know that you are my ahne and I'm your namphyon

*Ring Ring Ring*


??:Hey! You 4 coming to my bachelorette party right?

Bom:Of Course! I will NOT miss my own soon to be sister in law's wedding and bachelorette party!!

??:You Better Not! Did you got me what I wanted right?

Bom: I sure did! (Evil Smile)

??:Ok Meet you at 6pm in my party! Bye!


Bom hangs up.

TOP:Babe who was that?

Bom:Oh Nothing! My soon to be sister in law just talking about wedding and parties!

Jiyong:Wait who's getting married??

Bom:OMO! You don't even know?


Bom:Our Cousin!!

Jiyong:Which cousin?!?! We have like 4-5 of them!!!

Bom:Our Cousin Seven!!!

Jiyong:OMO!!! Really?!?!?!

Bom:Yeah I even couldn't believe it myself at first!!!

Jiyong:Who's the lucky girl?

Bom:Park Han Byul!

Jiyong:Hahaha! No Way!! They couldn't even stand to be in the same room together and now they are getting married! Haha!


Dara:So Han Byul wanted our surprise today?


TOP:What Surprise?

Bom:Nothing! It's a girl thing!

Jiyong:Does this relate to anything about bachelorette parties?? (Looks at Dara and Bom suspicious)

Dara:Pffft!! No! (Inner Thoughts=Sorry Jiyong! I have to lie to you!)

TOP:How about you? (Looks at Bom suspicious)

Bom:Omo! My own boyfriend doesn't trust me!!! Where is the trust?!?!!? (Over Acting)

TOP:Alright Just Checking baby!!

*Ring Ring Ring Ring*


Tanghyun:Hey CL!

CL:Hey Tanghyun! I'm kinda busy for dinner so wanna have lunch with me instead!

Tanghyun:Haha! I was about to say the same thing!!

CL:Haha! So It's 11pm right now so I'll meet you at 12pm ok!

Tanghyun:Sure! Your Wish is my command Princess!

CL:Haha! Aigoo You don't need to be cheesy with me!

Tanghyun:CL I got to go but I'll call you later bye!


CL hangs up.



All:Who was he?

CL:Woah! One at a time!

Minzy:Who is he?

CL:Oh Just a Friend!

Dara:What kind of friend?

CL:Friend as in friend dummy!

Bom:What's his name?


Jiyong:When did you meet him?


TOP:You only met him yesterday and you got his number??

CL:Yeah! So?

Daesung:What do you mean so? He can be a ert or some bastard on the loose!!

CL:Daesung now you sound like my Appa!

Daesung:Thank You!

CL: It wasn't a compliment! ¬_¬''

Taeyang:YA! CL I know you haven't had a boyfriend but don't you think you are rushing this relationship a bit fast?

CL:But It's just a date!!

Seungri:Who is this Tanghyun by the way?

CL:A guy I met yesterday!


CL:At a restaurant!

Seungri:Wait a minute!!! You don't mean that damn annoying waiter?

CL:YA! Control your mouth! He is a decent polite guy unlike YOU!

Seungri: I'm not here to fight! Look Everyone in this room is just worried about you! We don't want you to get hurt!!

CL:Everyone! I know you guys all love me and worry about me but I am just going to have lunch with him nothing else!!

Bom:Are you sure?


Dara:Sure as in Sure?


Minzy:Sure as in 100% sure unnie?

CL: FOR GOD SAKE I AM 10000000000% SURE!

Taeyang:Alright Just Checking!

Bom:Taeyang Come here for a second!

Taeyang goes to the corner with Bom.

Taeyang:What's Up Noona?

Bom: I need you to do something as a punishment and you can't say no!

Taeyang:Tell me what it is first? Wait! Are you asking me to cheat on Hyung with you?!?!!?

Bom:WHAT?!?! NO! (Slaps Taeyang's head)

Taeyang:OW!! What do you want me to do?

Bom tells Taeyang the plan.

Bom:Can You do it? I thought you might like this punishment?

Taeyang:Like it? I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait!!!

Bom: I just want you NOT to tell your 2 hyungs and Daesung! They might misunderstand!

Taeyang:Ok I will NOT! Thanks for giving me the best punishment!!

Bom:No Worries! Got Han Byul the present she wanted!!

Taeyang and Bom goes back to the living room.

Dara:What did he say?

CL:Was it a Yes?

Minzy:Please say he said Yes!

Bom:Relax! He said Yeah.He loved the plan and he will do it!!


Daesung:What's going on?

Jiyong:What is Taeyang involved in that we aren't?

TOP: I feel like you 4 girls are hiding something from us!!

Seungri:Are you 3 cheating on my Hyungs?!?!?!


CL:Don't jump into conculsions you dumb jerk!

Daesung:So Whatcha talk with Taeyang over there?


Daesung: I was asking Bom Noona!!

Minzy:Jagiya It was nothing! You trust your Jagiya right? (Aegyo Eyes)

Daesung:Oh No You Don't!! Don't use your aegyo on me! It doesn't work everytime!

CL:Seriously it was nothing!

TOP:Bom Babe! What were you talking to Taeyang about?

Bom:Nothing! (Smile)

TOP:Are you sure?

Bom:Choi Seunghyun!!! How can you say You're my Boyfriend when you don't even trust me?!?! (Over Acting)

TOP:Hahaha ok! You didn't have to overract you know!

Jiyong:Dara I'm just gonna ask you once! You aren't cheating on me with Taeyang right?


Jiyong:Babe I was just checking!

Dara:You better not check like this then!!

Jiyong: I love you!!

Dara: Too bad I don't!!



Jiyong gives her a back hug and whispers to her ear ''Dara Park! I love you!' Dara blushes!

Dara:Alright! Stop making me hyperventilate!!

Jiyong:Not Until You Tell me you love me too!

Dara:Jiyong I am Sorry to do this but you have left me with no choice!!

Dara pushes Jiyong and runs to her room and locks the door.Jiyong runs to her bedroom,tries to open the door but realises that it was locked!


Jiyong:Dara Open This Door!!

Dara:Hahaha Never!!

Jiyong:Open this door or else....

Dara:Or What?

Jiyong:Say Bye to your boyfriend!

Dara:Hahaha Bye Bye then!!

After that Jiyong doesn't make a single noise and Dara begins to think that he really did leave!


No Answer

Dara:Kwon Jiyong?

No Answer


No Answer

Dara opens the door and goes to the living room.

Dara:Bom Did You See Jiyongie?


Dara:Huh? Maybe he really did leave!

Dara goes back to her room and closes the door.When she turns around she sees Jiyong right in front of her!

Dara:Jesus Christ!! You Scared Me!!!

Jiyong:Now Say that you love me!!

Dara:Pfft!! No!

Jiyong:Say It!!!

Dara:Ok in one condition!!

Jiyong:Ok what?

Dara:You have to sing a song!


Dara:Not Just any song but a song that I made for us!!

Jiyong:Ok then!

Dara writes something on a paper and gives the paper to Jiyong.Jiyong reads it.

Jiyong:So I have to sing this right?


Jiyong:Aish!! Alright!


Jiyong:San-Santokki-Tokki Makes My Heart go Doki-Doki by Jiyongie-yongie! (Aegyo voice)

Dara:Awwww!!! That was so cute!!!

Jiyong:Now Let me hear those 3 special words!


Jiyong:What?!?! You were supposed to say Jiyong!

Dara:Spider!!! Spider!!!


Dara:There!! In the corner!! Get it out of this room!!!

Jiyong:Hahaha You are scared of a spider! Let your brave knight make that spider disappear!!

Dara:Just Do It!!!

Jiyong:Easy Peasy!! (Inner Thoughts= A SPIDER!!! EWWWW!!! I DON'T WANNA TOUCH IT!!! OMG IT MOVED!!! EKKKKKKK WHAT SHOULD I DO!??!?!?! HELP ME!!!)

Jiyong slowly moves closer to the spider but is shaking to be near the spider!

Dara:Don't Just Stand There!!! Do Something!!!

Jiyong: I will! Calm Down!! (Inner Thoughts=How can I do this?!?!?! You are dead Jiyong! Rip!)

Dara:Aish!!! Let me do this then!!!

Dara quickly holds the spider and places the spider on the balcony plant pot.

Jiyong: Hey! I could have done that!!

Dara:Yeah Right!! You were literally shaking to even touch it!!

Jiyong:Was NOT!

Dara:Was TO!

Jiyong:WAS NOT!!!

Dara:WAS TO!!!

As they fight they come closer and closer to each other's faces.

Jiyong:Now that you are this close to my face why not say those 3 magic words!

Dara: Kwon Jiyong I Love You!

Jiyong:That's more like it!! (Smiles)

Dara:Now Your Turn!

Jiyong:Sandara Park! I Love You!

Dara:Jiyongie and Santokki Finally together

Jiyong:And will be together forever!

They kiss.


At PrinceRoad Restaurant

CL arrives at the restaurant and askes the waiter for a table reserved by Tanghyun Kim.

Waiter:This way!

CL follows the waiter and then she sees Tanghyun looking very hansome with his plain casual clothes.CL on the other hand had worn skinny jeans,denim jacket and a bright t-shirt.CL sits down and is sitting opposite Tanghyun.

Tanghyun:Wow! You look beautiful!

CL:Nah! I am sorry but I haven't been on a date before so I didn't really know what to wear on a first date!

Tanghyun: It's ok! I like it when girls wear casual clothes on a date!

CL:Thanks :)

Tanghyun:So What do you think of me?

CL:You're Nice and Kind! :)

Tanghyun and CL talks.


Minzy and Daesung are laying on the sofa watching TV.

Minzy:Baby I love You!

Daesung:Jagiya I love you too!

Minzy:Promise me one thing!

Daesung:Sure what is it?

Minzy:That No matter what difficulties we face with each other we will never run away from it! Instead we will face it together!

Daesung:Of Course! Jagiya I love you! But Why are you saying all of this right now?

Minzy:No I just wanted to let you know this!

Daesung:Even though we have been dating for only 2 months.Everyday I love you more and more! (Kisses Minzy's cheek)

Minzy: I love you too! I just want to know what do you think about marriage?

Daesung: I don't know to be honest! I mean I need to know that the girl,my future wife is the girl I want to be with!

Minzy:So You believe in marriages?

Daesung:Honestly I don't really want to get married ever! I mean come on it's a bit too early to think about our marriage!

Minzy:No No! I meant marriage like say if we broke up and you love someone else.Then you get married to her!

Daesung:But I really can't imagine myself to be a married man! Wait! Why are you asking me this?

Minzy:No Just curious!

Daesung:So You wanna be Mrs.Minzy Kang do you?

Minzy:NO! I was just curious! (Blushes)

Daesung: Haha You're so cute! My Cute Jagiya!

Minzy:My Smiley Sunny Baby!

Minzy wraps her arms around Daesung's neck.Daesung wraps his arms around Minzy's waist and They kiss.

(Minzy:Inner Thoughts=Baby I wish this moment would last but I'm just worried that he will not accept us! God Please Help me to make him realise that Daesung is the person I love and he is the guy who can love me the most in the whole wide world!)


At the Kitchen

Bom is cleaning and tidying up everything in the kitchen.Bom is currently washing the dishes.She then feels a pair of arms all wrapped around her.

TOP:Miss Me?


TOP:Baby Let's make something!


TOP: I wanna make something like a cake or some dessert!! Something that we both can do!

Bom:TOP I wanted to ride your motorbike so let's go ride the motorbike for a while!


Bom:After I'm done with the washing up!

TOP: I'll help you!

Bom:No! It's alright!

TOP:No! I'll help you!

TOP tidies the dishes and places them in the cupboard! Bom washes every dish!


TOP:Let's Go!

They go to the living room and sees that Daesung and Minzy are laying the sofa sleeping!

Bom:Awwww!!! That's so cute!

TOP:We used to bully them a lot! You playfully punching her and I slap his head hehe! Good times!

Bom:My little children! Finally you two little kids have each other! (Crys)

TOP:Aigooo! Don't Cry!! Baby You're the strong Unnie remember! Taking care of CL,Dara and Minzy and saving them from us! (Hugs her)

Bom:You don't even discipline your little erts=Seungri,Taeyang,Jiyong and Daesung!!!

TOP:Haha! Sure I'll take that advice boss! Now Let's go!


Bom goes to her bedroom and gets a big blanket! Bom then places the blanket on the sleeping couple.

Bom:Now Let's go!

TOP just stands there smiling.


TOP:Now I realise that I love you even more!


TOP:My Bommie always thinks of others rather then herself! My Baby's got a gold heart!

Bom:Stop making me emotional! I might cry again! Let's go!



TOP: I Love You!

Bom: Tabi I Love You too!

TOP:Bommie and Tabi!

Bom:Yeah! I just hope we stay like this!

TOP:We will! I promise to never leave you alone from any situation! I will promise to be by your side even if the world is against you!

Bom: I promise to also never leave you and always stay by your side forever!

TOP gives Bom a kiss and Bom kisses him back.


Author:Hello Everyone Sorry to say but I wanted to update it like one full chapter but instead my sore throat and headache is getting worse for me.I am also getting fevers because of the cold winter.So I will try to update everytime I can but now I can only update part 1 so please comment and enjoy! :) Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 28: Omgggg I remember this story reading it when I first came here, I came back after 2 years and I remembered this being one of my favorite 2NE1BANG fics... AHHH IM REREADING THIS RIGHT NOW AT 2:40 IN THE MORNING AND ITS STILL SO CUTE :)))
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