Drinking Competition

I just know that you are my ahne and I'm your namphyon

The Next day

Dara wakes up and calls Bom cause she can't walk.Bom comes and fixs her leg BUT gets her on the wheelchair since Bom doesn't have any doctor equipments so she can only make Dara sit and travel on a wheelchair for now.

She wheels herself to the living room where she finds Taeyang,Minzy,Daesung and Seungri playing Ludo.

Dara:You guys are playing Ludo without me(shows her sad face)

Taeyang:Aish Beautiful You sleep too much so we got bored waiting for you so we played Ludo for a while.

Minzy:Plus we are betting our money on this.

Daesung:As You can see I am currently winning(Shows a proud face)

Seungri:Hyung Not for long (Takes his piece and kills Daesung's piece)Mwhahaha

Daesung:NOOOOOOO!!(Shows a sad face) YOU ARE SO DEAD NOW!!!(Shows a angry face)

Minzy:Dara what happen to your ankle?

Dara:Oh I fell and hurt my ankle.

Bom then asks anyone if they would like pancakes and everyone says yes since Bom makes the best pancakes.

Bom:Aish Ok You lazy pigs!

T.O.P comes the living room and sees Bom in the kitchen.He then goes to the Kitchen.

T.O.P:My My Making breakfast aye?

Bom:My My I see you wanna have a early punch aye?

T.O.P:Baby I was just joking(winks at her)

Bom:Don't call me baby and dont you dare wink at me.I will make your face black and blue in 10 seconds if you do that again.

T.O.P:Ok Ok bye...BABY(runs to the sofa)

Bom:Aish You Babo I am currently cooking right now

so you are lucky and do you want some pancakes?

T.O.P:Yes Please.

Bom:Okay(INNER THOUGHTS 'Mwhahaha I will make the worst pancakes for him.'')

Dara then waits for her turn to play Ludo since the others haven't finished their game.They play until Minzy finally wins and takes all the money.

Minzy:Mwhahaha I won and I told I am a pro at this(Collects the money happily)

Dara:Ok I wanna play.

Minzy:Have you got any money?

Dara:No but I can borrow off uhm....

Jiyong walks into the room

Dara:Jiyong yeah I can borrow off him

Jiyong:Borrow what?

Dara:Can I please borrow some money please please please(In a cute aegyo)

Jiyong:You owe me 2 punishments so if I lend you money then you owe me 3 right?


Jiyong hands Dara some money.

Taeyang and Seungri:Awwwwww Love hahaha.

Dara:What Love?

Jiyong gives them a eye sign to tell them to stop

Jiyong:Don't worry they always have early morning sickness so they have to be Annoying and Stupid.

CL walks into the room

CL:Hey whatcha guys doing?

Dara:Oh We are playing Ludo BUT with money.

CL:I wanna play too then.

Jiyong:That's why I lend you money ¬_¬''

Dara:You can play then(makes him sit and play)

They start playing and Minzy starts winning BUT one of her piece gets eaten,then another one of her piece eats eaten and then another one of her piece eats eaten.

Minzy:Damnit!!! Now I need to start from the start again!!!!

Daesung:Good Job Guys Mwhahaha

Minzy:Shhh Quiet Boy just because I took all of your money!!!

Daesung:QUIET BOY!?!??!?! How many times do I need to tell you I am NOT A QUIET BOY!

Minzy:Alright chill just joking(sticks her tongue out)

Dara is now in the lead and 3 of her pieces are at home so she needs only one piece to win BUT then Suddenly Jiyong's piece eats her piece so she needs to go back.

Dara:You are SO gonna pay for that(Competitive face)

Jiyong:Sorry Cash Is Cash and I need some cause I lend you before remember.

Dara:Oh Shut Up(Sticks her tongue out)

CL is then in the lead when Jiyong eats her piece too

CL:Oi What The Hell You are so gonna die now!!!!


CL:Shut up or I will Mwhahaha KILL you!!!

Then 2 of Jiyong's piece gets eaten by both CL and Dara.

CL and Dara:Mwhahaha Revenge is sweet.

Jiyong:You 2 are so gonna pay for that!

Now Dara is in the lead but Jiyong's piece is not far from her.Jiyong rolls a dice.

Dara:Please Don't be a 4 please don't be a 4 I seriously need to win this.

The dice falls under the table and it is a 4 but Jiyong feels sorry for Dara since she doesn't have any money.

Jiyong gets the dice and says it was a 5.

Dara:Oh Yes I can kill his piece(Evil Smile)

Jiyong:Oh ok(Inner Thoughts:As long as your happy.)

Dara rolls her dice and she gets a 6 and she only needs 4 to win the game.Dara rolls the dice and gets a 4 so she collects the money.

Dara:Oh Yeah I won!!!

CL:Aish ok ok collect your money.

Minzy:I just got this money now it is gone.

Daesung:Serves you right!!!

Minzy:Shut up quiet boy(sticks her tongue out)

Daesung:Ya I will seriously kills you(chase her around the sofa)

Minzy:You can't catch me you are too slow(sticks her tongue out)

Bom:OI YOU TWO NO NO NO Running around the sofa and sit on the sofa and breakfast is Ready.

Everyone sits on the sofa while Daesung quickly pinches Minzy and runs to the end corner of the sofa

Minzy:You are so gonna pay later(Evil Stare)

Bom hands everyone a pancake except T.O.P

T.O.P:Where is my pancake?

Bom:Oh it is coming so wait(Inner Thoughts:Oh wait till I fill it with chilli powder mwhahaha(evil look))

T.O.P:Ya Maid Hurry Up I got to go to work fast!!!

Bom:Ya I am NOT a Maid and your food is coming so be patient(Inner thoughts:Maid You are so gonna be dead)

Bom fills the pancakes with chilli powder and gives it to him.Poor T.O.P doesn't know it and eats it.


Bom:Oh You want hot water ok(gives him hot water)

T.O.P:Cold Water you idoit COME ON FAST FAST FAST(Dying in pain)

Bom feels sorry and gives him cold water.T.O.P drinks the cold water and finally is calm.T.O.P flips the pancake to find it filled with chilli powder but quickly flips and acts like he doesn't know.

Bom:Oh T.O.P I think you shouldn't eat that anymore just leave it(tries to grab the plate)

T.O.P:Oh No I love hot and spicy stuff(doesn't let go of the plate)

Bom:I said let it go I will make a better one for you so let this one go(grabs the plate)

T.O.P:I said I like it hot and spicy so NO!!(Grabs the plate with more force)

Jiyong:Aish It is just a pancake Hyung and Noona and if you guys don't wanna eat it.I will(Eats the pancake)HOT HOT HOT GIVE ME WATER NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!(Screaming in pain)

T.O.P and Bom just laughs.Minzy gets him water and Jiyong finally calms down.

Jiyong:That pancake is like poison.

Bom quickly grabs the plate and throws the pancake.T.O.P goes behind her and whispers something to her.

T.O.P: I Didn't know you care about me that much.

Bom:What the hell are you talking about?

T.O.P:You felt guilty of giving me a spicy pancake huh?(smirking)

Bom:Look You are my brother's best friend and I was just joking with you.

T.O.P:Am I not your friend?

Bom:Uhm No

T.O.P:Then I think we should go hang out and become friends ok.

Bom:Look I have no interest in you and I dont wanna be your friend so NO(Smiles Politely)

Then T.O.P tells everyone something.

T.O.P:Guys Bom wants me to take her out on a date ok I will Bom get ready tomorrow 6pm sharp ok bye.

Bom:Wait You Babo I didn't......

T.O.P Gets out of the room quickly so she doesn't get the chance to finish what she said.

Everyone:Awww Bom and T.O.P sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!

Bom:SHUT UP!!!!!(Gives them the evil look)

Everyone gets scared and shuts up.Bom finishes washing all the dishes.

Bom:Dara let's go.I will help fix your ankle at the clinic so let's go!

Dara:Oh Ok!

Seungri:I think I will come along(smiling)

Bom:Why should you come along?

Seungri:Cause I think after she gets her ankle plastered she might need someone to push her around the wheelchair so can I come Doc?

Bom:Aish Ok BUT if you make any noise you are out ok.

Taeyang:I have a day off so I will join you guys(joins along)

Bom looks at everyone except Seungri and Taeyang.

Bom:Anyone else wanna come along?

CL:I will go to work so No



Bom:Jiyong You wanna come along?

Jiyong:Oh No I got work.

Bom:Ok I got to go(pushes Dara's wheelchair while Dara sits in the wheelchair)

Taeyang and Seungri:Hyung Don't worry we WILL NOT hit on her ok!

Jiyong:Aish What the hell are you on about.I told you I am so over her.

Taeyang:Oh Yeah then why did you let her win the game?

Jiyong:(Pretends to be confused)When did I?I wanted to win so I could get free cash remember!

Taeyang:Don't lie to me like that hyung.I saw the number was 4 so you just said 5 so she could be happy.

Jiyong:No I didn't!!

Taeyang:Oh yes you did and bye now(quickly grabs Seungri and shuts the door)

CL:Ok Bye I got to go to work(Waves them goodbye)

CL leaves the room.

Jiyong:Ok Guys I got to go work so Bye(leaves the room while Daesung and Minzy waves Goodbye)

It is only Daesung and Minzy in the room so awkwardness happen between them.Minzy pinches Daesung.

Daesung:Ow What was that for?

Minzy:You pinched me first remember!

Daesung:Oh yeah.

Then the room is quiet again.Minzy then comes up with a idea.

Minzy:Since we are both 18 I think we should give ourself a drinking competition.

Daesung:Aish You have JUST turn 18 you want a competition now!

Minzy:Aish come on you are such a boring person.Learn to have fun!

Daesung:No I am not boring and you wanna learn how to have fun you should learn it from me!

Minzy:Come on then let's go buy loads of drinking and drink them all then!

Daesung:Alright I accept your challenge.

They both leave the house to buy lots of drinks.

At the Clinic

Dara:Oww Oww Oww It hurts!!!

Bom:Well you have twisted your ankle badly.There finished now!Dara you can't walk for a week ok!

Dara:A WEEK!!!!(Shocked face)

Bom:Yes I understand you just got here and now this but sorry you gotta follow doc's instructions.

Bom asks Seungri and Taeyang to come.Bom tells them that Dara can't walk for a week.

Taeyang and Seungri:Wow that is gonna be long!


Leaves the Clinic

Seungri:Let's go out and show Dara around town shall we?

Dara:Sorry Jiyong already did that for me!

Taeyang:Impressive(Inner Thoughts=So he did that in a day for his girlfriend.)

Dara:Ya He also had to carry me for around 2-3 hours unstop.He also bought bras,cakes and a coffee for me.He is so sweet.(Smiles Happily)

Seungri:Ya He is sweet......(whispers to Taeyang:To his girlfriend)

Taeyang laughs.

Dara:What is so funny?(confused face)

Seungri:Oh Nothing(smiles)Wanna watch a movie then?

Dara:Sure Let's watch one.

The Three head to the cinema to watch a movie.

At Bom's House.Daesung and Minzy comes back with a handful of drinks.

Minzy:Alright Let's enjoy the joy of Alcohol(grabs a bottle)

Daesung:Aish Alright(grabs a bottle)

Minzy and Daesung:CHEERS!!

After 2 hours Jiyong goes Bom's house to find a big surpise.

Jiyong:Hey....WHAT THE HELL!!!(sees the living room full with bottles everywhere)


Daesung:Hahhaha Hyung You said A joke(Drunk as well)

Jiyong:Look guys Bom is gonna kill you two so tidy up now!

Daesung:Hahaha Hyung you are so stressy.Dara bsibfias(Drunk so can't speak properly)

Jiyong:What?(confused face)

Minzy then grabs Jiyong and makes him drink a bottle full of alcohol.Daesung then grabs him and makes him drink a bottle as well.Then They both makes Jiyong drink a bottle full of strong alcohol.Jiyong is also drunk.

Jiyong:Hahaha I love your joke.You guys look so funny(very very drunk)

Minzy:See this is life(drunk so gets another bottle and drinks it up fast)

At the Cinema

Seungri:Let's go home now.

Dara:Yeah and I didn't like that movie.

Taeyang:Me too.

The three head home and opens the door to see a big big big surpise.

Dara:Hey we are....WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!!!!!

Jiyong:Oh Dara haha hello(very drunk can't even stand up)

Dara:Jiyong What are you three doing with a lot of alcohol.

Minzy:Unnie We were having a drinking competition and we were having so much fun.You wanna try?(Tries to grab Dara)

Seungri:Oh No You guys are so drunk.

Taeyang:I will throw all the bottles since it is a big mess.

Minzy:NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Oppa Don't Do that!! I love my bottles they are now my babies hahaha(drunk and doesn't know what she is talking about)

Daesung:Hahahha They are my baby too.See I am holding Daesung Junior with me haha yeah(Drunk)

Taeyang quickly and sneakly throws the bottle away so Daesung and Minzy doesn't see him.Jiyong then grabs Dara's leg.

Dara:Ya What are you Doing?

Jiyong:Oh Dara I feel great.Hahaha I am the king of the world(too drunk)

Seungri:How many bottles did you drink?

Jiyong:Well the first two bottles were crap.(Points to the cheap alcohol)BUT The third one WOW it is the best(Points to the strongest alcohol)

Taeyang:Aish We shouldn't have left them.

Jiyong:I want to let you know Taeyang You are my best little brother while you are the best maknae Seungri.Hahaha Seungri what does that mean? I LOVE YOU ALL MY FRIENDS I LOVE YOU HAHAHA(Drunk)

Dara:Aish Seungri can you help me sit on the sofa(Seungri carrys her and leaves her on the sofa)

Jiyong then also sits on the sofa in a drunk way and lays his head on Dara's lap.

Jiyong:Dara Dara Dara!!!!(drunk)

Dara:What happen Jiyong.

Jiyong:I Love you the most do you know that?Hahaha(drunk)

Taeyang and Seungri eyes go wide and happy that he is telling her how he felt.

Dara:Oh I love you too!(But everyone including Jiyong knows she meant it in a friend way)

Jiyong:AISH AISH AISH YOU DON'T GET IT!!! I said I love....(Passes out)

Taeyang and Seungri: Oh he passed out(angry since they wanted him to confess his feelings)

Dara:Well This is a surpise.I never knew Minzy and Daesung could be that noisy.

Daesung and Minzy Starts Screaming so loudly.

Bom opens the door to find Daesung and Minzy shouting(she doesn't realise that Minzy and Daesung are drunk) and she tells them to shut up!!!

Minzy:Ya Unnie You should try some alcohol and chill(drunk)

Bom:Are you Drunk?

Minzy:Hahhaha I am NOT Drunk hahaha.(Drunk)

Daesung:She isn't drunk Noona hahaha.She is Minzy not Drunk hahahha.(Drunk)

Minzy and Daesung Passes Out!

Bom:I can't believe these two innocent people are drunk.

Dara:Well Jiyong is also drunk as well but he passed out.

Bom:Aish I leave them the house key and they make the whole house messy and smelly.

Bom,Taeyang and Seungri cleans the room by only picking the bottles for today.Taeyang asks Bom to come at the corner and Bom goes to the corner.

Taeyang:Ya Noona Did you know Jiyong confessed his feelings to Dara.

Bom:Omo Really?

Taeyang:He did BUT he was like I love you the most Dara.And then Dara said she loved him too but in a friend way and Jiyong was like no I mean I love.. and then passed out.

Bom:Aish He didn't confess cause Dara thinks he is joking.

T.O.P enters the room.

T.O.P:What happened in here?Why does the house smell like alcohol?

CL enters the room

CL:Did you guys have a party without me?(shows Sad face)

Bom:Ani Daesung,Minzy and Jiyong had a drinking competition and then they ended up too drunk.

CL:Hahaha I can't believe Minzy and Daesung can drink lots of alcohol.

Bom:They are gonna get a really bad hangover.I better wake up early to make some lime drinks for them to get their hangover to stop.

Seungri Carrys Dara to her bedroom and puts her on her bed.

Dara:Thank You Seungri Bye now!

Seungri Closes the door.Seungri says goodbye and leaves the house

Bom:T.O.P can you please carry Daesung into that sofa so he can sleep.

T.O.P does as he is told.

Bom:Taeyang carry Minzy to my bedroom and make her sleep ok.

Taeyang:(Carrys her)Damn She has a nice to touch.

Bom:Aish You she is drunk and she just passed out for god sake don't take advantage of that and touch her inapproriately.

Taeyang:Alright.(Carrys Minzy to Bom's bedroom)

T.O.P and Taeyang comes back to the living room.

T.O.P:Where should Jiyong sleep?

Bom:Just leave him here for now!

CL:You guys they still got 2 alcohols left.Wanna Have Some?

Bom:Yeah Sure I need some right now.

CL:You two wanna join?

T.O.P and Taeyang says Yes.

The Four Drinks Alcohol and says goodbye.

Bom goes to her bedroom and sleeps next to Minzy.


Author:Oh Hello boy that was a long story.I hope you guys enjoy it. Hope to see your comments and opinions and Thanks for reading the story. :)


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Chapter 28: Omgggg I remember this story reading it when I first came here, I came back after 2 years and I remembered this being one of my favorite 2NE1BANG fics... AHHH IM REREADING THIS RIGHT NOW AT 2:40 IN THE MORNING AND ITS STILL SO CUTE :)))
Chapter 9: Re read this story again,, yet it still awesome... It's worth ... Hehhehe...
Chapter 202: Well it quite embarrassing, but it worth for your love Mandu.. Kekeke. Hit your head bae. how dare you delivered the vows even thought you heart at Mandu.. Nappeun namja...
natyx10 #4
Chapter 200: well that was unexpected
Chapter 200: I'm hurt... Huhuhu... Bad ahhhh... Wae....
Chapter 198: Love your stories that are sooo interesting it captures the attention of me as a bookworm...I hope you enjoy reading and writing this story and I hope to see more of ur stories next time unttil then...
Chapter 198: noooooo! don't end it yet!
natyx10 #9
Chapter 197: Uh oh...more drama...AUTHORNIM I THOUGHT U WOULD BE NICE TO ME AND MY HEART!!! But i know this story will NOT end very badly where everyone is crying over something serious like a dead body WHICH BETTER NOT HAPPEN!! Ok deep breaths....ohh okay i'm fine...
Chapter 197: bae,,,,,,,,,,, ,, just leave that girl ..she will never understand you..come to me bae...huhuhhu..lol....nice update chingu yaa...