Say a Little Prayer

Love Complex


Miyu's Mom POV :)
It's been six months since I last saw my daughter. And gosh, I didn't knew that she already had and is dating someone else right now. She really is growing up.
I've became a fan of kpop ever since she went to Korea. Because I've been checking her out.
I also watched her very first music video. It was awesome, my daughter is becoming a full grown lady now. And with two handsome guys? I promise I will go to Korea and support her.
When I was watching TV, someone called from my cellphone. It was an international number.
Prince Manager: Ms. Ayumi Suzuki?
Miyu's Mom: Yes, speaking.
Prince Manager: This is Kim Jung Hoon or so called Prince Manager. I am Super Junior's Manager and we would like to inform you about your daughter.
I started to have a bad feeling about this. Why is that so?
Miyu's Mom: What about Miyu? Is there something wrong?
Prince Manager: I regret to tell this to you, Ms. Suzuki.. but.. Miyu..
Then all of the sudden, a news report in a Korean channel appeared on our TV screen.
"Super Junior's dongsaengs Sora and Mika were rushed to the emergency room due to the attack of the sasaengs. They were kidnapped and were placed inside a warehouse near Gangnam..
They were beaten, almost running out of blood and Sora was shot by a gun. The five suspects were apprehended and that includes one of their classmates back in highschool."
I almost died hearing that news.. My daughter..
Miyu's Mom: I need to go to Korea right now.
Prince Manager: We have the tickets ready. Please visit your daughter.
Miyu's Mom: Okay..
Prince Manager: Bring also Kana at Setsu and her aunt.
My precious daughter.. who is this devil who suddenly did this to you? That person must pay. And knowing that it's her old classmate, I wanted to kick her .
Prince Manager's POV :)
I feel so sorry about Mika's mom.. This is not right. But she deserves to know. How I wish that after they go here in Korea, Sora and Mika would wake up soon.
The suspects will be put into jail for 20 years. But if Mika and Sora would be in danger, that wouldn't be enough for their punishment.
For now, until they are not yet awake, we still have to wait for them to decide whether to proceed with the case or warrant of arrest or discard it.
Now it's time for Sora's parents to know everything.
Yana's POV :)
Hi everyone~ This is Yana. Miyu's friend here in our university. Damn, I really miss her. Actually, all of us do. I can't believe she's actually related to a Super Junior member.
We were all waiting for her return here in our school when suddenly the dean announced something.
"Students of this university, we would like to ask for your help and prayers for Miyu Suzuki, a college sophomore student who is now known as Choi Mika. She had been beated up by sasaengs or crazy fans and she's in the hospital now undergoing observations.
Please offer your prayers and please pray for her safety and recovery. Thank you."
I was talking with Emma that time, and gosh, I was very shocked.
Emma: Oh my gosh.. what happened to Miyu?
Yana: We have to pray.
It was our break time. There were no professors so far and our class president decided to gather all our attention.
Class President: Everyone. You still remember Miyu, right? Can we use this free time to pray the rosary and for her recovery? Those so called fans, must be punished by the law.
Our blockmates agreed, and it was a moment of silence. Miyu, please be safe.
Arie's POV :)
Hi~ I'm Sam's best friend. And no, I'm not happy right now. SCREW ALL THOSE SASAENGS. I've heard all the damn stupid news thanks to the Korean channels in my TV.
This just proves that my best friend is damn hot and haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate. But gosh, shooting her with a gun? Damn it. Lemme get my grenades and shoot at them.
Kinda funny, eh? But seriously, those sasaengs must stop and be apprehended. A contrary to the cybercrime law, I want a anti sasaeng law so there would be no bashing of fanclubs and fandoms.
Sam.. I will offer this day and pray for you, and our old classmate Miyu.
Prince Manager's POV :)
Their parents are all set and they'll be heading to Korea a few hours from now. We are still praying.. and Sora is still in the operating room.
Mika's body is still paralyzed.. but I'm glad she recovered, even just for a bit. All they need right now is more prayers, and their parents.
I wonder what the ELFs would do about this.
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Chapter 70: Kyaaaa...!!!!! ♥
It's so beautiful, lovely, wonderful, kawaii, sugoi....hmmm..What else can I say??? I'm not getting anymore words!!!! ^^'
I just love it!!!
It makes me dream!!! I wonder when my Prince Charming will come, when I'll have someone who'll love me Forever!!!! ♥
finally ! i found your stories here Miyu-chan ! going to read from the first stories till this one over and over again <3