The Power of Music

Love Complex


Hannah's POV :) (Kim Hana)
5. We had to keep our relationship a secret, but he gets mad whenever I try to do so.
Oh, the irony. What does this imply? If we reveal that we are dating, his career would be affected. Was he mad because I told Gong Chan that I am single and he could not react to it?
Kyuhyun oppa is just too darn stubborn. How many times do I have to repeat these to him? Aigoo.
But here I am, still waiting for him to approach me. I can't be the one making things work out all the time. We have to be equal.
6. He is hard to forget. 
How can you forget someone who had given you so much to remember? I don't know where to start if the time comes that he has to break up with me which I hope would not happen in the future.
Loving Kyuhyun oppa is like having one guilty pleasure. Just a single smile from him, you'll get addicted.
And lastly, the 7th reason:
Stupid me, I still love this pabo maknae. No matter how I try, there's still a tiny part of me that wants to hold on. Aigoo.
The girls and I were playing Rockband in our PS3. Siwon oppa bought one for Miyu and the four of us to enjoy. It was her favorite game. Even us wanted to play.
Miyu was the vocalist, Jasmin unni was the lead guitar, Me as the other guitar and Sam as the drummer. The first song she chose was 7 things by Miley Cyrus.
The 7 things I hate about you!
The 7 things I hate about you, oh you
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you! <3
That song is perfect for me and Kyuhyun oppa. I hate him, yet I still love him. Thanks to this, I can concentrate well.
What I want to happen and what I would like him to be is plain simple. I want him to prefer being with me, but that doesn't mean we would limit ourselves in being with our friends or other people. A guy who could understand how moody I am, and ride on to my jokes.
Someone, who could protect me but not too overprotective. One who shows how he cares, gets jealous, and gets mad whenever I'm mischievous. And of course, a guy who doesn't have the word PRIDE in his vocabulary because he can't last a day without me. A person who is sensitive enough to know my feelings..
It's worth it to love a person also who is protective, can bring you to his friends, someone also who would do everything to communicate with you, would hug you all the time, sit beside you when you're sad, 
and a guy who knows how to take care of his girl. When you find that person, don't even think about letting go.
Interrupting our Rockband, Kyuhyun oppa suddenly appeared right before my eyes. Eunhyuk oppa asked the girls to go outside and wait for us.
My heart suddenly lost control and started beating fast. There he was, still as a statue, trying to catch his breath.
Kyuhyun: *pants* Hana.. Please talk to me. *holds her tight* I'm so sorry I got jealous.. I was afraid you would be taken away from me.. You're so pretty, even females would adore you..
I grinned when he told me I was pretty. Some say I am, but I don't rub it in.
Hannah: Oppa, gwenchani?
Kyuhyun: I'm fine.. *hands a paper to her* I want you to know how sorry I am with what I did so I made this for you..
It was a linen paper with its letters written in cursive form. "Seven Things Why I Like Kim Hana"
Hannah: Actually, I made one too.. *hands it to him*
Kyuhyun's POV :)
SEVEN THINGS I HATE ABOUT CHO KYUHYUN. Wow, what a coincidence. So Hana and I were thinking about the same thing. Seven, representing the years we've waited and loved each other.
I started reading and she did the same. Honestly, all what she stated were true and I was ashamed of that.
Hannah: Kyuhyun oppa, we both have the same ideas.
Kyuhyun: And by that, it seems like we are made for each other. *hugs her* Kim Hana, saranghae. I may have been evil towards you, but I'll be your perfect guy from now on.
Hannah: There's no such thing as a perfect guy, oppa. But in my heart I know you are the one for me. Everyone else sees a regular boy, but I see my true prince charming, perfect in every way <3 :)
Kyuhyun: Hana, I won't make you cry anymore.
Hannah: That would be impossible. Lets put it this way. We'll stay together, as long as we're doing everything to work things out. *smile* Sometimes we fight, sometimes I cry, but in the end it's alright because I love you and I don't want to lose you. <3
Kyuhyun: How can I afford to lose you too? *hugs her more* Nothing can explain how I feel about you. You are my everything. You are the only reason I wake up in the morning. I finally found you and I don't want to lose you, Kim Hana.
Hana became realistic of what she wanted. This time, I held her close to me and shed tears. For the first time, my pride was swallowed by me. Pride doesn't matter anymore. But Hana does.
Right after that, when no one is watching, I didn't hesitate to kiss her. It's been a while, and I missed doing this. We looked into each other's eyes and smiled.
Hannah: I know you'll take all my worries, all my pain, and all my tears away when we start our life together because you do it every time you wrap your arms around me, oppa.
Kyuhyun: I love you Hana, and for sure there's no way I'll ever let you go.
The others came and we decided to play Rockband. Even Eunhyuk hyung was there. I've learned my lesson: Never end a day without making up after a fight. And never let pride push away the ones you love.
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Chapter 70: Kyaaaa...!!!!! ♥
It's so beautiful, lovely, wonderful, kawaii, sugoi....hmmm..What else can I say??? I'm not getting anymore words!!!! ^^'
I just love it!!!
It makes me dream!!! I wonder when my Prince Charming will come, when I'll have someone who'll love me Forever!!!! ♥
finally ! i found your stories here Miyu-chan ! going to read from the first stories till this one over and over again <3