Losing Control

Love Complex


Eunhyuk's POV :)
We were waiting for the police and we already hired bodyguards to guide our girlfriends, hyungs and their sisters when suddenly, someone called us.
Eunhyuk: Hello?
Police: Mr. Lee Hyukjae, we finally found your girlfriends and the suspects.
Eunhyuk: Jinjja? We're on our way there.
I told the other members about this and went to the police station located in Gangnam.
Siwon's POV :)
We were at the Gangnam Police Station when we saw five girls who were apprehended by the police.
Siwon: Who are these girls?
Police: These five were apprehended for illegal possession of firearms, and attempted murder.
Siwon: What do you mean?
Police: These girls shoot a gun on your sisters..
I dropped my phone upon hearing that.. Damn it..
Donghae: WHAT HAPPENED?! *looks at those girls with beastly eyes* You.. If something bad happens to them, you will pay.
Eunhyuk: Just because of a damn news, you would shoot an innocent girl?! How stupid can you all be?!
Siwon: Don't you have any conscience?! If you kill my sister, would EunHae love you?!
I was disappointed with those ELFs. Are they even true fans?
And there was a girl named Eun Mi who appeared as one of the witnesses aside from an ahjumma we saw a while ago.
Eun Mi: Oppas.. Those girls are from my school. They are sasaengs. Back then, they were already trying to send death threats to anyone who gets closer to all of you. I thought it was only a joke, but..
Interrupting her, it was Sungmin. And he was not in a good mood.
Sungmin: Do whatever it takes to send them into jail. How dare you sasaengs.. *clenches fist*
Siwon: Hyung, relax.
Eun Mi: Oppa.. I apologize on their behalf.. *bows 90 degrees*
Sungmin: Stand up.
Eun Mi: Waeyo?
Sungmin: You're not the one who should apologize.
Donghae: Police, you did a great job in apprehending them. Guys, lets go to the hospital now.
And so we did. Mika, I'm coming for you. Your brother Apollo is here.
Eunhyuk's POV :)
We rushed to the hospital and asked where our girlfriends are. Even the girl named Eun Mi joined us.
Nurse: Choi Mika and Lee Sora are both in the emergency room. And I'm afraid that they were both shot severely. Sora was shot on the chest twice while Mika.. She wasn't shot by a gun, but she was deeply paralyzed due to physical injuries. We have to wait for them to wake up..
Siwon: Nurse, until when will they be like that?
Nurse: That, I don't know. I tell you, Sora is still in 50-50 stage. We will do everything to save her.
Donghae fell down on his knees when he heard that his girlfriend is on danger. I too..
Doctor: You are all relatives of those two girls, aren't you?
Eunhyuk: Y-yes, doc..
Doctor: Choi Mika has been diagnosed to have paralysis. Her body was paralyzed due to the injuries she got. I think she was hit many times, and it affected also her brain.
Donghae: Can you tell us more about paralysis?
Doctor: Paralysis of the muscles of the face, arm, and leg on one side of the body is called hemiplegia ("hemi" means "half") and usually results from damage to the opposite side of the brain. Damage to the nerves of the spinal cord affects different parts of the body, depending on the amount of damage and where it occurred.
Eunhyuk: Is it stil curable or treatable?
Doctor: Yes. I can assure you that. But it might take a long time before she wakes up. Paralysis may be temporary or permanent, depending on the disease or injury. Because paralysis can affect any muscle in the body, a person may lose not only the ability to move but also the ability to talk or to breathe unaided.
[Credits to: Paralysis - body, causes, What Is Paralysis? http://www.humanillnesses.com/original/Pan-Pre/Paralysis.html#b#ixzz29qzhwCfF]
Tears ran down my eyes. My girlfriend.. she's innocent. And she didn't do anything wrong. She's always concerned with others and people are jealous of her that's why it ended up this way.
I want to blame myself for this.. Even Siwon was crying alone.
Sungmin: What about Sora? What will happen to her?
Doctor: She was shot near the heart, but fortunately her heart is safe and she's alive. But it affected her nerves, resulting to coma. Although a coma patient may appear to be awake, they are unable to consciously feel, speak, hear, or move. For a patient to maintain consciousness, two important neurological components must function impeccably. The first is the cerebral cortex anfd the second is the reticular activating system.
The doctor bowed and left us for a moment. We are unable to do anything, but to cry.
Donghae's POV :)
Why is this happening to us? Are we being tested by fate? My Sora.. jeongmal mianhae. Honestly, I wanted to blame myself. I was the one who wanted a relationship..
But this already happened, and nothing will change.. even if we blame ourselves.
All of the SJ members, including Mr. Lee Soo Man and Prince Manager were there. And we all prayed for Mika and Sora's safety. Haneul was also there, comforting me.
Prince Manager decided to tell the news to their parents asap through international call. And they will all have to go here in Korea.
I also wanted to contact Sora's friends and even Mika's. We should start a prayer brigade.


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Chapter 70: Kyaaaa...!!!!! ♥
It's so beautiful, lovely, wonderful, kawaii, sugoi....hmmm..What else can I say??? I'm not getting anymore words!!!! ^^'
I just love it!!!
It makes me dream!!! I wonder when my Prince Charming will come, when I'll have someone who'll love me Forever!!!! ♥
finally ! i found your stories here Miyu-chan ! going to read from the first stories till this one over and over again <3