Seven Things

Love Complex
Hannah's POV :) (Kim Hana)
2. He wouldn't text or call first. It's always me doing the first move.
It's not advisable for girls to text or call a guy first. We have to let them be, even if we are desperate to call them. I envy Jasmin unni and Sam because both Donghae and Siwon oppa would talk to them first.
Then all of the sudden, my phone kept on ringing. And damn it, everything reminds me of him. My ringtone is Kyuhyun's evil laugh and my wallpaper is our picture together. And the one calling is my boyfriend.
BOYFRIEND? What? Kyuhyun oppa is calling me.. But why?
Jasmin: Aren't you going to answer that, Hannah?
I wanted to, but this time I'm gonna prevent myself. Kyuhyun oppa, I won't be so easy on you this time.
Hannah: Let it be. I'm tired for forgiving him easily.
Jasmin: Well, he does have to reflect on what he did. Go Hannah.
Kyuhyun's POV :)
Kyuhyun: Hyung! She's not answering!
Sungmin: But at least you tried. I guess she's still upset on what you did to her.
I admit, it was too cruel of me to do that to her. I really don't know what I should do.
Donghae: Why don't you try serenading her?
Eunhyuk: You already did that to Sora.
Siwon: Give her a bouquet of roses!
Yesung: Too cliche. How about you do random things like, writing reasons why you like her. And since you've been in love with each other for seven years, why not do a "SEVEN REASONS WHY I LIKE KIM HANA" list?
Kyuhyun: Hyung.. YOU'RE A GENIUS! *hugs him*
Yesung: Make sure you stop making her cry, Kyuhyun. This is your last chance.
I grabbed my pen and paper and started writing. Once I'm done, I'm going to give it to her.
Hannah's POV :)
3. He doesn't appreciate everything I do.
I had enough of this. Everytime we see each other, I have to wake up early in the morning to cook some bento for him. You know him, he is not a good cook.
But the sad part is, I can't go with him, even if I wanted to. But if I can go with him all the time, I can almost replace Prince Manager and be the one to take care of my boyfriend. He would only get the stuffs he needed, and leaves me hanging. How ungrateful.
Miyu: Aww, unni. I think Kyuhyun oppa appreciates it. He's probably shy, you know.
Hannah: But that evil maknae is never shy. *frowns*
Miyu: I don't believe that. Guys tend to be shy too. They're just good in hiding it.
Hannah: Kyuhyun oppa, I think, is different.
Four more and I will complete this list. Then afterwards, I shall talk to him.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Kyuhyun oppa and Hannah unni are still not talking to each other. I wanted to help them, but I don't know how and where to start. I still don't get it why people have to argue that way and have to make their partners in pain.
Probably because of the fact that my previous relationship with Donghae oppa didn't have any of this. Because at the end of the day, we won't sleep without fixing everything.
I was at the park, near the playground, sitting beside the swings. That's how I am. I often think about a lot of things even if it's none of my business. Simply because I care.
Then all of the sudden, my cheeks felt cold, and someone just placed a carton of strawberry milk and captured my attention.
Eunhyuk: What's my jellyfish doing in here?
Miyu: *blushing* Anchovy.. why are you here? And how did you find me?
Eunhyuk: I just do. *hands the milk to her* I rarely give people this, so accept it before I change my mind.
Miyu: Stingy as always, eh?
Eunhyuk: But with you, I'm not.
Miyu: Strawberry milk~ Something we both have in common. You really know how to make me smile.
Eunhyuk: *blush* Ah.. that's nothing. It makes me happy so I tried giving one to you. Why are you alone?
Miyu: Nothing. Just wanted some time to think. How about you?
Eunhyuk: Me too. Anywhere as long as I'm with you. *smiles*
Miyu: Aww, stop it, you.. *hits him playfully* Anyway, where's Kyuhyun oppa? Is he going to talk to Hannah unni soon?
Eunhyuk: Secret. *smirks*
Miyu: Aish.. jebal? *puppy dog eyes*
Then suddenly, it became so cold. I wasn't wearing any jacket, and I was shivering. Damn it. I almost forgot. I'm in Korea, not in Manila. And there's a huge difference between the weather here and there.
Eunhyuk: *wraps the jacket around her* You're in Seoul, Mika. Always remember not to go home without this.
He wrapped his arms around me, and the night was silent. Just a hug, the cold feeling disappeared.
Eunhyuk's POV :)
This jellyfish. How can she be a pabo for not bringing a jacket? What if I wasn't here? She would be shivering to death. Aish. Anyway, I was still holding her. She's so huggable and soft. Honestly, I wanted time to stop, whenever I'm with her.
Eunhyuk: Did you forget your jacket on purpose just so you could experience my warmth? *smirks*
Eunhyuk: *pulls her closer* Just kidding. Just stay with me and stay put, my jellyfish.
Miyu: How many times do I have to tell you that..
Eunhyuk: Shhh. Just keep calm.
Miyu: How should I know that you'll be here with me?!
Eunhyuk: I guess it's destiny. Right place, right time, and there you are.
Miyu: You're an idiot, Eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk: At least I can make you happy.
Miyu: Okay, okay. *smiles* Hmm. Will Hannah unni and Kyuhyun oppa make up soon? *sighs*
Eunhyuk: They will. Stop worrying about those things, Mika.
For the first time, she didn't complain. And I cherished every moment.
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Chapter 70: Kyaaaa...!!!!! ♥
It's so beautiful, lovely, wonderful, kawaii, sugoi....hmmm..What else can I say??? I'm not getting anymore words!!!! ^^'
I just love it!!!
It makes me dream!!! I wonder when my Prince Charming will come, when I'll have someone who'll love me Forever!!!! ♥
finally ! i found your stories here Miyu-chan ! going to read from the first stories till this one over and over again <3