Come Back to Me

Love Complex


Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
It's already 7:30pm and there's no sign of Donghae. Where could he be? Aww. Who am I kidding? That would be impossible. It's like waiting for a lunar eclipse. But, come to think of it, that eclipse happens once in a while so therefore, there might be a chance.
My mind tells me not to wait anymore. But my heart keeps on waiting. What should I do?
And again, my heart and mind starts to wonder. Damn it, it keeps on screaming I LOVE YOU SO.
Isn't it funny? Back when I was only a fan, I would often cry too. All because of that fish. That time, It felt like I wasted every 11:11 wishes, and I kept on holding on. Sometimes I just wish he knew. 3
I rarely cry for someone, and that happens when I love someone the most. I miss him, but I can't tell him. Worst of all, I can't tell myself.
Why are these emotions present in me? When these start to rise, I cannot do anything. If only I could convince myself that I'm logical.. If only for the last time.. I could whisper how much I love you.
I was done taking a bath and about to sleep when nemo plushies started to be thrown in my window.
My eyes rolled, and my heart raised in anticipation. There's only one person who's responsible for this. And it was Donghae oppa, the one I love the most.
Donghae's POV :)
Sora, please open the window. I need you because I love you.
There she was, slowly opening the curtains and window and I started singing with full effort.
I ignored the world for a while, and it was the two of us in my mind. She observed how I sing, but I can't determine if she's happy about this or not since she portrays emotions well.
Donghae: Lee Sora.. Please come back to me. Please don't, please don't say goodbye..
For the first time, I saw Sora bursted into tears. And she went down and opened the door for me.
Sam's POV :)
I wanted to hit him so hard and push him, because no matter how hard I try, I just can't say goodbye.
Donghae oppa interrupted me, with a kiss. My tears continued flowing, as he goes on.
Donghae: Sora, I'm sorry.. *kneels*
Sam: Shut up.. Stand up Donghae oppa.. You didn't do anything wrong.. I forgive you and Eun Young unni..
Donghae: *hugs her tightly* Let's not break up again.. Don't you know how much I missed you?! I almost died because of our break-up.. Lee Sora.. Will you be my girl once again? I don't promise a perfect relationship, though.
Sam: Oppa, as long as you're trying, I'm staying. I love you..
Donghae: I love you too.. I know you said we couldn't do this but I can't stop thinking about you <3 It drives me crazy to know that my feelings for you are controlling my life.. Just please, don't do this again, Sora.
Sam: I won't if you would behave. *smiles* I may have pushed a lot of people out of my life and have let a lot walk away...But I learned to treasure those who cared enough to come back... And you're one of them.
We kissed once again. For me nothing matters anymore. Just me and him. And we proved that love is lovelier the second time around.
Donghae: I miss you so much, and I hate being away from you! It's like I'm not me without you..
Sam: I miss you too..
Before I met him, I thought I was happy. I wasm but I had never known the deep satisfaction, and total fulfillment he brought to me when he came into my life
And I learned something. Second chances are given once not for revenge or bring the past and fix our mistakes. It means that we should start a new relationship that could workout better or greater than before.
Sometimes you have to test someone. Not because you don't trust them, but to see how much they'll sacrifice for you. And sometimes you have to let them go, not because you suddenly stopped loving them but to see if they love you enough to come back. And Donghae oppa just proved it to me.
Eun Young's POV :)
They're together once again. And they forgave me. Finally, I can now leave for London.
Donghae, everytime you cry for the one you love, I often think that you love them. Not knowing that I also cry secretly saying, can I be yours even just for a while?
Aww. What am I saying? Eun Young, let go of the things that you are not supposed to hold on to. They made you happy once, but maybe this time, they'll make someone happier. And he's happier with Sora.
And besides, what's the point of saying saranghae if you're taken by someone else? It hurts, but I must be aware that even I love you, I can no longer be like this.
I love you so much it makes me cry. Coz I know that if the time comes for you to say goodbye, my love won't be enough to make you stay.
I'm giving up. It doesn't mean I'm weak. There are just things that you desire that isn't meant for you.
Goodbye, Lee Donghae. I'll be back, when I'm ready. I wish you and Sora the best.
Thank you Mika, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Sora. I can now leave in peace and pursue my studies there.
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Chapter 70: Kyaaaa...!!!!! ♥
It's so beautiful, lovely, wonderful, kawaii, sugoi....hmmm..What else can I say??? I'm not getting anymore words!!!! ^^'
I just love it!!!
It makes me dream!!! I wonder when my Prince Charming will come, when I'll have someone who'll love me Forever!!!! ♥
finally ! i found your stories here Miyu-chan ! going to read from the first stories till this one over and over again <3