Good Girl Gone Bad

Love Complex


Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
I observed Sam a while ago as she sees Donghae oppa and that girl's closeness. I know she's jealous. Even I found it weird even if I'm just an ex-girlfriend.
What I did was I grabbed Eunhyuk and Donghae oppa away from that girl. Make way, the aegyo princess is here. Hahahaha. I am so mean.
Miyu: Woo! I can't wait for the upcoming music video!
Donghae: Yeah. *smiles* And we'll be spending time again with each other. *winks*
Eunhyuk: AND WITH EUNHYUK TOO. *pulls Miyu closer*
Eun Young gave me a dirty look and I ignored it. So what if she looks at me that way? Sam was smiling, almost laughing at what I did. Hahaha. I can be a mischievous girl afterall.
The dirty looks, the jealous stares but the funny part is... I DON'T CARE! Hating on me won't do you any good. You know why? Cause I'm still me and you are still jealous.
I sat beside my brother and Eunhyuk and we all had a lovely dinner. Even if I have this mean attitude, I can still act innocent.
Eun Young's POV :)
Lee Sora and Choi Mika. You're both on my blacklist. Simply because the two of you are linked to the person I really like. If ever that rumors Mika and Donghae dated and he's dating Sora, then it's World War III.
Behind my fake smile is a deep anger. No one should take him away from me. We are not in kindergarten any more sweeties. He's my toy and I ain't sharing.
That Mika who thinks she's cute excused herself and went to the washroom with Sora. To make them realize that I am not the type to mess with, I followed them all the way there and hid at the cubicles.
I don't get it why people like her. What's so special about a childish girl like her? And that Sora, what makes her loved by other people? They are not even stars.
Miyu: Sam, are you alright?
Sam: Yeah. Thanks a while ago. I almost killed that girl.
Miyu: Did Donghae oppa mentioned her before?
Sam: He didn't. We never actually talked about her. How 'bout you?
Miyu: Same here.
Donghae has completely forgotten about me. My head tried to forget you, but my heart wouldn't let it. How come you've forgotten about us? Because of anger, I smashed the door, shocking the two of them.
Sam: What the..?! Ya! You've been eavesdropping the whole time! If you would like to contribute something to ruin my day, please get in the back of the line.
Eun Young: So? This is a public place. If you want privacy you should have stayed away.
Miyu: Aren't you aware of the Bill of Rights, Chapter V, Sec. 3? The privacy of communication and correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise as prescribed by law. Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the preceding section shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
This girl.. she even memorized the constitution just to answer me back.
Eun Young: Who cares about laws, you know-it-all? Listen. You two back of from Donghae. He's mine and will never be yours!
Sam: But does he like you back? Hahaha.
Eun Young: You better watch out, you better not cry, both of you. I'm gonna get him any minute now. *smirks*
Miyu: What are you, Santa? Well, it fits you 'cause you're nothing but a fictional character in Donghae oppa's eyes.
Sam: Miyu, don't put yourself down. You're above her, girl. You're a waste of space, Eun Young. I'm sorry you're much more than that, you're a waste of oxygen and water, oh yeah and your birth certificate was a waste of a tree.
Miyu: Nothing makes me happier than knowing I can piss you off by just walking into the room, Eun Young. *evil laugh*
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Eun Young was a flirty little woman and I hated her. But I won't lose to her. Damn it.
Eun Young: We'll see about that, Choi Mika and Lee Sora. You sit back with your smirk, Do you know I can choose when to blow your world apart?
Miyu: Oh yeah? You think you've pulled one over on me. I'll smile and wait. One day soon you'll see that I'm not the person to mess with.
Sam: You just have nothing left to say. Oh, that's right. JUST SHUT UP IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA SAY SOMETHING NICE! You think I smile because I have no idea whats going on, But I can tell you I smile because I am plotting my revenge.
That flirt walked out of the washroom and we all pretended nothing happened.
Sam: Miyu?
Miyu: Yes?
Sam: We are so mean. Kind of like, Mean Girls. Do me a favor and keep an eye on her and my boyfriend. Arraseo?
Miyu: I know, right? That's what she gets. I never think about what I'm going to do. The voices in my head give me very clear directions.
I was desperate to make that woman go away. Flirt, flirt go away. Don't come again some other day.
Donghae's POV :)
The dinner has ended and I went to the girl's dorm to take Ha-neul home and say goodnight to my girlfriend. It was awesome, knowing that my childhood friend Eun Young was there too. It's been years and she's become prettier.
But then, Sora is still the most beautiful I've ever seen. Who wouldn't be lucky to have her? Sora, thank you, for being here and loving me through think and thin. You are my world and my life. I love you.
We were at the dorm, and the girls were there, including the other members.
Donghae: *pats Ha-neul's head* Good night, Ha-neul.. *looks at Sora* Jagiya, you too. *kisses her forehead*
Sora was quiet, but I have no idea why and she went to her room quickly.
What's wrong with her?
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Chapter 70: Kyaaaa...!!!!! ♥
It's so beautiful, lovely, wonderful, kawaii, sugoi....hmmm..What else can I say??? I'm not getting anymore words!!!! ^^'
I just love it!!!
It makes me dream!!! I wonder when my Prince Charming will come, when I'll have someone who'll love me Forever!!!! ♥
finally ! i found your stories here Miyu-chan ! going to read from the first stories till this one over and over again <3