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Love is madness.

Admit it, we, in one way or another are afraid to love for so many reasons that will take pages after pages of white paper to tell, but we also have to admit that WE are extremely “gaga” over love.

The first few weeks of being in-love, we still give ourselves limitations like, “I’m not going to get used to whatever he/she is giving and showing me for I don’t want to long for it if things go bad” or “I’ll never give him a kiss because that will surely lead into something that I don’t want to happen yet” or “I will not trust him/her fully until he/she proves how much he/she loves me”, but truth is, these limitations are easily forgotten, especially when your heart is overruling your mind.

In love, you’ll be ready to give everything just for that special person even if it’s more than you could handle.


Because you are crazy about it that losing it will really make you crazier and once you go extremely crazy, you’re screwed for you just broke yourself into pieces.

As some say, Love can make you cross mountains and even catch a bullet just for your “darling”. I say, these are just exaggerations but it will tell you how much a person loves you most especially when he/she really means it.

Doing everything and anything for the person you love is good, it’s normal and sweet, but we also have to remember that no matter how crazy in love we are, taking care of ourselves, still keeping our individuality, not changing who we are just for somebody and keeping at least a few old pieces of us is also important for once you give your all and didn’t even spare some for yourself, it’s going to be so hard to move on and go back to the old you again.

“I love you”

My heart skipped a beat all of a sudden. I don’t know if I heard her right but I don’t want to be mistaken for I’ve been praying and wishing to hear those three words from her.

Surprised, I looked at her intently. Rae is blushing, making her look so cute. I can tell that she’s also surprised of herself.

“What was that again?” I asked, wanting to hear it all over again.

“I love you” she repeated without thinking twice.

It is true. What I heard is right! She really did say “I love you” to me.

Well, I’m used to receiving messages from her with hearts or “ILY” at the end and even hear her say it after a long conversation on the phone or before parting but this is the very first time that I heard her say the three words now that we’re already in a relationship.

To be honest, I really am not expecting her to say it merely because I know that she’s not in-love with me yet, that up until now, Jiyong is still the one in her heart.

“Do I really have to say it again?” she asked and removed her legs from my lap.

I just stared at her.

She sighed and surprisingly sat on my lap, one arm around my neck “Shocking isn’t it?” she asked and I can’t be honest enough.

“Yes” I answered “I hate to say this….but…even if I’m happy to hear you say those three words…I can’t be completely happy…and I think it’s because I know that you’re not yet in-love with me…that…your heart is still with someone else….”

I brushed some hair off her face and caressed her cheek “But it’s all good coz I’m confident that one of these days…you’ll be able to move on from him and give your whole heart to me…and if that don’t come soon…I’m gonna wait until whenever”

Her eyes are pooling in tears. We both know the truth. We know that our relationship is not yet made of love but is still out of friendship and the reason why we’re in this situation is because we wanted to prove that friendship and love can go well with each other,  and  also for her to get out of the dark she’s in as of the moment.

“You know what?” she my hair with a smile on her face “I may not be sure if I really mean those three words….but what I’m sure of is that….you’re making me happy….more than anyone else….and…you’re making me feel how it is to really be appreciated…loved and cared for…”

“Actually…it doesn’t matter if I don’t hear I love you from you coz even without saying a word…with just one straight look into my eyes….I can see and feel how much you love me….and I hope…sooner or later….I’ll be able to say “Seunghyunie”” she called my name while pinching my cheeks “I love you so much” she said “With you not feeling that I’m just forced to say it and I don’t mean it at all because I’m telling you….”

She stared into my eyes and leaned her forehead on mine “I’m dying to shower you with my love”

I’ve heard enough. If before I still have doubts that our relationship will not work out and end before it even started, now I can say that it’s not going to be a waste of time to expect that one day, she’ll give back the love that I’m giving her and so much more. All I have to do is wait and while waiting, I’ll give her the love that every girl in this planet likes to have.

“I want to hear it again” I’m cradling her like a baby while she’s still sitting on my lap.

She sat straight and wrapped both arms around my neck then moved her face closer to mine “I…..love….you”

“Again” I said, making her look at me in disbelief.

She hissed “Seriously”

I gave a nod “Yeah…I want to hear it over and over again”

She cupped my fa

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FannyChoi #1
Chapter 31: I’d have to admit that i hate Rae at first. I was once in her position and decided to break it off with 2 of my best friends. Because it’s true. You can’t be friends with people that you love.
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 70: Thanks for writing such a wonderful story. I really loved it!
attasukkie #3
Chapter 70: I'm so much in love with your story that I can't get enough from reading it! I read it more than 5 times already and still willing to do again! simply love it!! good work!!
Chapter 70: Love d story.. Yay happy ending!! Love it! Good work!
Chapter 70: mum.... the r scene was....DAEBAK!
chezca_top1104 #6
Chapter 70: don't go ate :( you're my fave author here :) please don't go :(((
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 70: Waaah! I totally enjoyed the story. I am enjoying your other story too. I'll bel glad to see more of it. And if you do lay low on AFF i will be VERY VERY VERY sad to see you go.
mrskwonyoora #8
Chapter 70: Another fic ended just as i want!good job sissy!n i love the JiRa momenk kkk oh im in cloud nine kkk
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 70: Aaaaaa finish already nooo..pls i want them rise their kid authornim keke