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A true soul mate is a mirror, a person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

Every one of us has someone who holds us together, a soul that feels connected to ours who will not leave us in time of need and be happy in times of happiness.

However, there are times wherein we thought we already found our soul mate when truth is, he/she is not the one and we’re just so wrapped up with this idea that he/she is already is.

Honestly, we can never really know if he/she is already our real soul mate but like what many of us say, “You’ll just feel it and if it feels right, maybe you already found it”.

But you know what? It’s not the perfection that matters, it’s the impact that, that person can give to your life because there are people who feels, looks and moves right but in the end, screws up, while there are some who take us through life simply with mistakes along the way but changes us for the better.

Look around young souls, open your eyes wide and let your heart do its wonders. Your true soul mate is just around the corner, waiting to be found or is already about to enter your life.

Here I am again, feeling like I’m committing a sin when I shouldn’t be for nobody owns me but myself. I don’t have anyone beside me anymore who I’m committed and in a relationship with.

Why? Why do I feel like I’m cheating by kissing this wonderful man?

Shocked and surprised of how I reacted to him, I feel lost once again. I don’t know what to do next or what to say, all I know is that I wanted that kiss to happen but feels so guilty after.

“Rae” Seunghyun held my hand and looked deep into my eyes that I’m sure he can see fear and worry in.

“I feel you….I know that deep down inside…you’re feeling something special for me too…that you just don’t want to unleash because of fear…” he wiped the tear that trickled down my cheek.

“You may think that I’m so assuming but I really felt it by the way you reacted to my kiss and this isn’t the first time I felt it for when I first did this to you…you kissed back hungrily like you’re waiting for my lips and for an intense kind of passion to hit you”

To be honest, I am really hungry for passion and for love that is not scared to give it all.

Yes, this is me saying that even though I know and can feel how much Jiyong loves me, there’s still a part of him that is holding back. I don’t know what that is, but it’s enough to make me think if he really likes to be in a relationship with me.

In the short time that we’ve been together, the one night that we spent with our bodies connected to each other, there are not much passion and I think I’m just convincing myself that there is when ever since day one I know that it’s lacking.

“What do you want me to do now?” I asked, still lost but wanted to be found.

He sighed heavily “I don’t know to you…but if I’m going to be the one to decide…I’ll consider and give another relationship a try”

I looked at him curiously “Why is that?”

“Because Rae…” he squeezed my hand then caressed my cheek “If you continue denying and hiding what you really feel…your pain will double and you will feel like you’re being killed inside because of your heart protesting for release”

Seunghyun is not a good talker but it seems like he changed into a different person for he’s saying the right things now, making me confused but at the same time helping me get the known but not recognized feeling inside of me.

“I’d rather be in pain than see you in the same situation…or even worse” I said after a while.

My head is aching from all the thinking. I told myself that I will not even dare think of accepting his offer to be my rebound for if I’m going to be in a relationship with him, I want it to be true coz he’s such a good person who knows nothing but to catch me in every fall, support me in everything that I do and be with me when I’m in need.

How do you think can I hurt him?

“Why don’t you just try?” he pushed.

He’s never been this pushy an

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FannyChoi #1
Chapter 31: I’d have to admit that i hate Rae at first. I was once in her position and decided to break it off with 2 of my best friends. Because it’s true. You can’t be friends with people that you love.
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 70: Thanks for writing such a wonderful story. I really loved it!
attasukkie #3
Chapter 70: I'm so much in love with your story that I can't get enough from reading it! I read it more than 5 times already and still willing to do again! simply love it!! good work!!
Chapter 70: Love d story.. Yay happy ending!! Love it! Good work!
Chapter 70: mum.... the r scene was....DAEBAK!
chezca_top1104 #6
Chapter 70: don't go ate :( you're my fave author here :) please don't go :(((
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 70: Waaah! I totally enjoyed the story. I am enjoying your other story too. I'll bel glad to see more of it. And if you do lay low on AFF i will be VERY VERY VERY sad to see you go.
mrskwonyoora #8
Chapter 70: Another fic ended just as i want!good job sissy!n i love the JiRa momenk kkk oh im in cloud nine kkk
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 70: Aaaaaa finish already nooo..pls i want them rise their kid authornim keke