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When you look for love, you put your life on hold.

Love is one of the most important things for us, and to some it’s even a necessity.

In love, whenever we’re in search for it, everything comes second. All of a sudden, the career that you worked on for years has lesser importance, friends who you can’t live without was set aside, and the usual things that you’re used to doing started to be unusual.

Sometimes without our knowledge, we stop from going on with our lives just to focus on love.

Well it’s given because like the saying goes, “To be able to succeed, we have to put our hearts and give all that we can give”. Having a plate full can be a hindrance.

Truth is, life and love can go well together. We can focus more on love but we shouldn’t lose grip of life for us to still have something to come back to if all things fail.

After all love is always just around the corner when we only have one life, if we’re going to mishandle it, how can we look for love and give love?

I shouldn’t give him options. In fact, I don’t need his permission for me to do what I want to do coz in the first place, his got no say to whatever in terms of my personal life for it’s only in music and work where he has. Secondly, Rae and him aren’t together anymore, I’m not disrespecting him for hitting on his “girl” and it’s as if we’re cheating on him. Lastly, pursuing Rae will not depend on what his reaction to it might be.

To be honest, I myself don’t know why I came up with this decision. The only thing that is clear to me is that I love her and I want to bring back the life and the happiness that Jiyong took away from her.

“Hyung…seriously….I’m good with whatever you want...I really don’t mind you hitting on my ex-girlfriend…after all…we’re not together anymore and I’m sure I can’t stop you from doing it if I tell you that it’s not fine with me” Jiyong said.

It made me smirk. This kid. I’m already giving him a chance to prove to me that Rae is important to him that he can’t let other men take over but sadly, he blew it. This just means that he’s really not into her as much as she is into him.

“Alright then….we have a deal” I took a deep breath then smiled “I will pursue her and you will never chase after her again….not when I’m still doing my thing and especially not when things are going intimate between us already…”

“Actually….I just gave you a chance to straighten things up with her because no matter how much I tell myself that you’re not a big voice is my decision….I’ll always be reminded that if there’s someone amongst the two of us who she will be happy to pursue her again…it’s you…but unfortunately…you blew everything up…”

“I just want to remind you that…..you are turning your back on something beautiful and wonderful…and that you should never give up on the love of your life because for sure…once you see her happy….you’ll feel like you’re being killed for you had the chance to give her happiness but chose to turn your back and not try”

He’s speechless. All he does is bite his nails and stare at me. I can see in his eyes that he’s regretting what he just did but sorry, I’m not going to give him another shot.

After my short speech, I left the studio already. Staying in one room with him is really awkward, what more if Rae happen to accept my love? I wonder what our relationship will be. Are we going to continue being civil to each other or our friendship and even work connection will have cracks or worse, break completely?

With a heavy feeling, I went home and decided to not go to Rae’s for I’m in bad need of some intense thinking.


Of course, Noona is here. Damn, I forgot that she’s living with me for a few more days. How can I have my much needed alone time now when I’m so sure that she will not leave me alone for she wants us to “bond” more.

“How’s work?” she asked while comfortably sitting on the couch and drinking wine.

I took a seat opposite her and gave out a heavy sigh “It went well…we rehearsed for our special appearance on Jiyong’s encore concert then finalize some of our demo tracks coz Sajangnim is already asking for them”

She looked at me in pity. I know I look horrible for I’m too tired and exhausted but more than that, I’m bugged and bothered by things that doesn’t involve work.

“I’m actually shocked to see you here this early” she said, making me curious.

“Why is that?” I asked as I pour wine in my glass.

She sighed “I’m not stupid Seunghyun…I know that you’re going to Rae’s house every after work even if I told you to lessen it or not to go completely” she shook her head then took a deep breath “Why won’t you listen to me? I’m telling you….sticking with her is not healthy not only for you but to her as well because you’re confusing her while you fall deeper”

Here we go again. Noona is being Noona by hating my so called “stupidity” when it comes to Rae. I can’t get her. She adores Rae and even wants her to be a sister in-law before, why is she so against her now?

“Noona” I called, making her look at me “What’s your problem with Rae? Why are you so hard on her?” I asked curiously.

She rolled her eyes “I don’t hate her…alright? Truth is…she’s a darling…but…I have this strong feeling that she’s going to be the end of you...why? Because you love her so much that you’re ready to give your everything even the ones you don’t have and can’t have just for her…I’m so impressed with you…thing is….you’re being so blinded by your love for he

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FannyChoi #1
Chapter 31: I’d have to admit that i hate Rae at first. I was once in her position and decided to break it off with 2 of my best friends. Because it’s true. You can’t be friends with people that you love.
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 70: Thanks for writing such a wonderful story. I really loved it!
attasukkie #3
Chapter 70: I'm so much in love with your story that I can't get enough from reading it! I read it more than 5 times already and still willing to do again! simply love it!! good work!!
Chapter 70: Love d story.. Yay happy ending!! Love it! Good work!
Chapter 70: mum.... the r scene was....DAEBAK!
chezca_top1104 #6
Chapter 70: don't go ate :( you're my fave author here :) please don't go :(((
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 70: Waaah! I totally enjoyed the story. I am enjoying your other story too. I'll bel glad to see more of it. And if you do lay low on AFF i will be VERY VERY VERY sad to see you go.
mrskwonyoora #8
Chapter 70: Another fic ended just as i want!good job sissy!n i love the JiRa momenk kkk oh im in cloud nine kkk
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 70: Aaaaaa finish already nooo..pls i want them rise their kid authornim keke