I'm Back.

Its A Full House. . . Filled With Idiots.


Yejin's POV 


I told no one about coming back to Korea. Well, mostly because I think they already expected me to come back but I never really told them exactly when I was coming back. Me and Key still had contact. We skyped every weekend or whenever we were both free. I missed him during the four years but then again in a few hours I would be able to get to see him again. I drifted to sleep and the next thing I knew we were about to land in Incheon Airport. 


"Please put on your seat belts until the aircraft have stopped. Thank you and Welcome to Seoul, Korea." The person on the intercom announced. 


I kept myself seated and looked outside the window. It was morning. I checked my watch and adjusted it Korean time. It was already five in the morning and the sun was starting to rise so it was still pretty dark outside. People started to stand up when they announced that the plane had stopped already. Finally back to my mother land where my parents and stupid brothers are. I smiled to myself. I stood up myself and took my hand carry from the over head luggage compartment. I grabbed my bag from under the seat in front of me and walked straight to the doors of the plane to the tube leading to the air port gate. I slung back my bag onto my shoulders and went to the baggage claim. I waited until my bags were there. I picked one up easily and put it in the cart. I missed my other bag and it went around. I picked up it up but it got stuck in between two other bags. Suddenly there was a long and slender hand that grabbed on to my bag. I looked up and saw a familiar face. The guy pulled it up and put it on my cart. 


"Noona.. Its been a long time." He said. 


Who, you ask? Its no other than Jo Youngmin. The blonde kid who had confessed to me back in my senior year in highschool. 


"Youngmin." I smiled. 


He smiled as well. Then I noticed his twin coming towards us. He grabbed Youngmin without even noticing I was there.


"Kwangmin." I said. 


He let go of his brother and looked back at me. 


"NOONA!" He hugged me bone crushingly. 


"Ugh… Can't. Breathe. Youngmin. Help." I said in between gasping for air. 


"Sorry." Kwangmin muttered as he let go of me. 


"Don't worry. No harm done. I missed you too!" I said as I playfully punched on Youngmin's shoulders.


As I could remember Youngmin used to be the hyper active one while Kwangmin was well… the same. Only calmer? lol. 


"OPPA!" Someone hollered. 


I tilted my head to peek behind the twins. To my surprise it was a girl. Well, not really. But I wasn't expecting a girl to come over. The girl was sort of short. I guess. Its either that or I'm just the same height as the twins. She had short black hair that framed her face pretty well, big brown button eyes, full pink lips and a tiny frame. But non-the less she looks beautiful. Trust me when I say she was. Because she is. I only find a small amount of people attractive. And she was one of them. I mean, even though she's small and everything I think she could pull off being a model. Only a few edits with her picture here and there. I shrugged when she linked her arms with Youngmin and Kwangmin. I stared at her and she was wearing two-inched heels, a short pencil mini skirt and a light pink sleeveless shirt with floral prints on it that was tucked in her short pencil mini skirt. She had a sense of fashion. 


"Who is she?" The girl asked in a y tone. 


I raised an eyebrow at her. Who does she think she is talking to me like that? PSH. This girl needs to be taught a lesson. 


"She's an important person." Kwangmin said. 


"She doesn't look that important." She speculated me from head to toe. 


"Whoa girl. I think you barked on the wrong tree there." I said. 


She didn't respond. "Who's this girl anyway?" I asked the twins irritated with the girl insulting me. 


"She's our new coordinator and stylist." Youngmin explained. 


"That explains the outfit." I said. 


"MWOH?" The girl asked a bit shocked with my insult to her. 


"You heard me. I. Don't. Like. The. Outfit. It looks too cliché for me." I said to her. 


This girl needs to learn her place. I bet she was still a highschool student. How do I know? It said so on her ID. It was sticking out of her bag when I saw it. She went to the same highschool I went to back then. Seoul National Highschool. I could tell this girl likes Youngmin so I decided to play with her a little. 


"Minnieee. I have to go now. Is your number still the same?" I asked in my cute tone. 


"Neh noona." Youngmin replied. 


"I'll call you then, arraso? And oh yeah. Please put this girl in a leash and teach her, her rightful place. Its not good to disrespect her sunbaenims." I said. 


The girl's arms dropped to her sides and was wide open in shock. 


"Bye then." I blew a kiss to Youngmin and Kwangmin. 


I dug through my bag for my shades and put them on. I pushed my cart towards the exit and asked the valet there to get me a taxi. 


A few minutes later I was in front of the old apartment I asked L.Joe to buy me. I punched in the lock combination and I got in. That was a surprise. I mean, I didn't expect that they wouldn't change the combination. I opened the door and the lights were still off. I took off my shades and dumped it in my bag. I dropped my bag on the floor next to my luggage next to the door. I opened lights and no one was there. At least that's what I thought. I walked over to the couch and saw someone there. Key was slumped on the couch in a sitting position while sleeping. His mouth wide open, arms wide spread through the whole couch and his head tilted to the right. I frowned. He's going to have back problems when he sleeps like this. I quickly repositioned him so he was laying on his back with his head rested on a pillow on the couch. I took the extra blankets on the cabinet in the bathroom and covered up his shivering body. Heck, its middle of winter and he dares sleep with thin clothes. And he considers himself the umma. Stupid pabo. I closed his wide open mouth and pecked his forehead. I took a sticky note from the stacks that was on the coffee table and grabbed a pen. I wrote something on it and stuck it to Key's forehead so he could wake up to something later on. 


I went over to Onew, Taemin and Minho's room. I opened the door and saw the sleeping figures in front of me. As usual Onew haven't changed his habits at all. He was still covered up like a cocoon with the sheets. Taemin still sleeps on Minho's arm. Taemin was uh… Snuggled up to Minho who was just laying there motionless. Aside from his breathing that is. I smiled to myself knowing that four years really didn't mean that much and they were still the same. I was probably hoping that nothing changed at all. I walked out of their room and went to Jonghyun and Key's. I opened the door and well, this was probably the only thing that changed in the house. It was messier than when I left it. I was about to clean up the mountains of clothes on the floor when I realized that Jonghyun was there sleeping on the bed laying face down. Wow. These people must have had an exhausting day yesterday. I wonder…. 


Anyway, I went ahead and cooked breakfast for them. I tried very much not to make noise because Key was a very light sleeper. I was successful in doing so. I had prepared the dinning area and set everything on the table before getting a shower. I changed my clothes, grabbed my bag, closed the door and went out.




Author's Note : Stupid !@&*(!&@(*! internet. T_T It died on me last night. PSH! The storm was uh.. yeah. scary. I have a phobia of that. anyway, I'm crying rn! T_T sad story mhen. I'm still crying. So how's my subbers and readers doing? :) kekekeke~


POMOTION PART 1 : Oh yeah, I just wanted to promote my friend's cover group! They are called Kajang Chingu! :) A cover group for boyfriend. I think they are still missing some members! if you are living in the philippines, preferably manila, PLEASE APPLY! :) I would lalalalalove to see them guys perform on next year's kfest. kekeke~ Please like the link below! :) 




PROMOTION PART 2 : Okay so here it goes! CALLING ALL BBC's in the Philippines reading this! :) Please like the official facebook page of BBCs here in the Philippines. I'll link it to you guys.




PROMOTION PART 3 : BLOCK B is coming here in the Philippines to be a guest on the opening of the Korean Culture Center here! There are also other kpop idols that will be performers on that day. Further updates will be on the upcoming days. Just check the link below for further information! :)




PROMOTION PART 4 : And oh yeah! please submit a picture with the block b pose and send it to them.! I'll link you guys on that. Its for Block b's hundred days anniversary! PLEASE HELP US! Thank youuu in advance! :) kekeke~! 







SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR THREE DAYS? Internet got cut off. huhuhhu~! Stupid storm! Anyway, fyi ITS NOT YET DONE! :) kekekeke! Because I love you guys too much I planned to extend the story. :) hihihihi! Anyway, I love youuuu~ Please help me promote tooo! Sorry for the long author's note and promotions thing. :) 


Anyway here are comment replies to you all : 


@TaeminLuver : Come hereeee~! Lets go to next year's kfest together. I'll show you all my cosplayer friends and lets go shopping for kpop merch! :) 


@AphoticAngel : NOOOOO! Its not yet done! kekekeke! 


@maui_maui : yep yep! :) Lots of cosplayers. I even saw a youngmin cosplayer that looked exactly like him... except the cosplayer was shorter than Youngmin. :) OMFG! You can't believe how many people came. More than 8,000 I think. T^T It was sooooo fun though.! :) 


@paneloc18 : GUH! I wished they came here tooo! TT^TT My four bestfriends are in Canada though! Share. ^_^ 


@-ily_4ever : UPDATEDDD! Will update again after a short while. :) 


@Eun_Hae22 : hihihihi! :) I'm on it! I'll put more BF features! :) 


@yangj1132 : thank youuu~! :) UPDATED! hihih~! 



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Michellesofjan #1
Aika0330 #2
WAHHHH!!!! SEQUEL!! fklgmgdk;fm you're so awesome! :D
inadzirah #3
Oh I really wanted to know who Youngmin ended up with :)
neshiiee #4
i really like this fic, ur awsome<br />
love the ending !!!
looks interesting <br />
ill read chapter one now ^^
Zicokooooo #7
omg!!!!!!!! it ended!!! with a beautiful ending of course! <3333 Author dear, kamsahamnida!!!!!!!! ^_^ A sequel?? Gonna wait for it! Fighting!!!!!!
pinkypn #9
youre going to post the link to the sequel here right