
Its A Full House. . . Filled With Idiots.


Yejin's POV 


Its my first day after I got discharged from the hospital. I stayed there for about a week. It was boring I tell you. If Jonghyun or Key or Taemin wasn't there it felt so empty and lonely. Anyway, I came to school with out my usual get up. I didn't have those thick rimmed glasses I usually wore and I didn't tie up my hair. Mostly because my arm was still in a cast and no one would bother to help me tie it. Key was just being stubborn when I asked him. He said its time for a change. Ugh! All these people are so ing annoying! I have my privacy! this. This is the exact reason why I didn't want to live with SHINee or reveal the secret. I knew this was going to happen. People are now crowding the hallways just to ask me questions. 


"DUDE! GIVE ME SOME ING SPACE!" I screamed so everyone could hear it. 


I was irritated. Annoyed. Enraged. And I was ing not in the mood for this . I walked down the hall ways looking for Key. It was almost first period. I went to the library and no one was there except the librarian. Then I tried looking for them in the gym but no one was there either. Then there's the pool and yet again it was empty. I checked the music room where they usually hang out but no one was there. I texted Onew. 



To : Chicken Oppa


Where are you? Did you have a schedule today?


From : Yodongsaeng


To : Yodongsaeng 


Uh. Yeah. I had to skip since I had a schedule. I'm in the SM Building right now. 


From : Chicken Oppa


To : Chicken Oppa 


Do you know where the other's might hang out?


From : Yodongsaeng 


To : Yodongsaeng 


Uh, have you checked the rooftop? They like to hide from the students. :) 


From : Chicken Oppa 


To : Chicken Oppa 


Arraso. I haven't checked yet. I'll go right now. *people are going crazy now. I want to hide!* 


From : Yodongsaeng 



I took the stairs to the school's rooftop when every one was frantically looking for me. Wheew! I escaped them. I sighed. My cast was still on. I wouldn't be removed for about three more weeks. I looked down on it and I remembered the ring. Someone cleared his throat so I looked up. It was Jonghyun. 


"What are you doing here?" He asked in a serious tone. 


"I was hiding." I said to him. 


"All those people bothering you, huh?" He asked. 


"Yeah." I tilted my head to peek behind him if the others were there. I frowned when no one was there. "Where's the others?" I asked him. 


"Its either they have a schedule or they are somewhere in the school hiding." He said to me. 


"Oh." I went over to the edge of the roof top and looked over the whole campus. The wind blew by and it felt good under my fingertips. He hugged my from behind. I knew it was him because we were the only ones here. 


"What's with?" I asked him. 


"Nothing. Its just that I thought you were cold. You were practically shivering." He said. 


"Wae? So now you care?" I asked him. 


"So what if I do care?" He asked back. 


"Nothing." I sighed and he was right. I was cold. When he hugged me it became warm. My heart thumped a few times. I clutched my chest. Why does this feel like when Key gave me the ring? Why is he so caring all of a sudden?


"Can we have a truce? Even if its just for today." He said tightening his arms around me. 


"Waeyo?" I asked. 


"We can't always fight like this. It gets too tiring." He said. Its true. I didn't want to fight with him always. It would have been nice to be just friends. Even for just a day. 


"Fine. Then can we stay like this for a while?" I asked him. 


"Okay." He said and put his head to rest on my shoulder. 


"Come to think of it, why are you here?" I asked him. 


"I just like the scenery from up here. It looks peaceful and quiet. No one would bother to look for me. And its quite relaxing when I want to sleep." He said. 


I smiled and nodded in agreement. He was right. It was peaceful and quiet from up here. No one would notice you and you'd be invisible to everyone. Until you get back down. 



Author's Note : MIANHEEE my dear readers! I said I'd update you guys after ten hours or so. T_T I kinda fell asleep when I got home. T_T I was tried. Anyway, looks like Jjongyyy has something up his mind. YOU GUYS SHOULD STILL VOTE! :) I'll be putting up a deadline around the day after tomorrow. :) There wont be any specific time though so you guys just VOTE VOTE AND VOTE! :) huh~! :) So yeah~ Enjoy this chapter. :) DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! :) 



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Michellesofjan #1
Aika0330 #2
WAHHHH!!!! SEQUEL!! fklgmgdk;fm you're so awesome! :D
inadzirah #3
Oh I really wanted to know who Youngmin ended up with :)
neshiiee #4
i really like this fic, ur awsome<br />
love the ending !!!
looks interesting <br />
ill read chapter one now ^^
Zicokooooo #7
omg!!!!!!!! it ended!!! with a beautiful ending of course! <3333 Author dear, kamsahamnida!!!!!!!! ^_^ A sequel?? Gonna wait for it! Fighting!!!!!!
pinkypn #9
youre going to post the link to the sequel here right