The evil and genius mind of Jang Dongwoo

The Ring Stuck On My Finger
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Bae Ran's P.O.V   "I SAID-"   "Okay, okay! I'm going!" Dongwoo-oppa raised his hands in the air and ran away from my bedroom, as I heard loud 'thuds' when he was walking down the stairs. I sighed for the umpteeth time and let myself fall on my bed, back first to fall and rolled afterwards with my phone on my hands.   From: Hye-Hye :) Subject: WOW O___O Message: Hahahah :| I heard you screaming in school a while ago. And who is that guy chasing you? XD   To: Hye-Hye :) Subject: Jang Dongwoo Message: That's my stupid cousin. His name is Jang Dongwoo. I don't even know whyI ran! Maybe because he's my least favorite in all of my cousins. But he is a dork one so yeah. Hahahah ><    I sighed and tossed my phone to the side of my pillow. As I looked at the cream ceiling, the scene what happened in school came barging in my body, making me shiver. Why did I even had a cousin who has a big mouth? He never stops talking and talking and talking and talking and talking!   //Flashback//   Chanyeol had his eyes widened as Dongwoo took his hand out with a sheepish smile. Your mouth agaped widely, your hands still on Chanyeol's both side of his shoulders.    "H-hi?" Chanyeol, who was still shocked, lost track of his words. Dongwoo rolled his eyes and shook Chanyeol's hand forcefully. "Oh. I'm Park Chanyeol, by the way."   "YOU'RE PARK CHANYEOL?!?!?" he nodded slowly. "Waaaah! I can't believe I have seen you in personal!"   "E-excuse me?"   "I'm a huge fan of your father's business! You're his son, right?! The next person who will inherit the Park Corporation?!"   "Y-yah, hyung. Calm down!" Chanyeol chuckled and took your hands off of his figure, being the uncomfortable he is. You cleared your throat and stood there, annoyingly looking at your cousin who was still blabbering everything he knows about the Park Corp. "Actually, Chansung-hyung will be the next. I'm third. Then my sister, then my little brother."   "Oh? Is that so?" he nodded. Dongwoo nodded also, as his eyes shifted towards you. In a blink of an eye, you were captured in his arms, being squeezed. "I MISSSSHH CHUUUU!!!! Didn't my favorite cousin miss me?!"   "NO!!!!" you yanked away from his grip and made a cross sign with your fingers, stepping backwards while he saw stepping forward with an evil smirk. "Y-yah! Stop that face!"   //End of Flashback//   "Aish! That guy..." you scratched your head and stood up while stomping your feet, running like a cheetah until you reached the first floor. All, EXO-K and EXO-M with Dongwoo are in the kitchen, baking a cake since your brother is lively welcoming his new cousin.   "YAAAHHHH!!!!" you pounced on Dongwoo and tackled him to the floor. You were now sitting on his back, while you were headlocking him with all of your strength. The others panicked and tried to let you go of Dongwoo, but Dongwoo himself shoo-ed them away. D.O just shrugged and cobtinued on with the cake with Chanyeol and Suho.   "HOW DARE YOU!!!" you pulled his hair back and forth while he was just lying there lifelessly. As soon the doobell rang, Kim, Hye and Sungyeol came in your house, as their jaws sropped one by one on the floor by the scene you and Dongwoo were making.   "HYUNG~" Sungyeol took you off with all his force and stood Dongwoo up, who was having an almost-heart attack by your sudden attack. "Are you okay?" he nodded. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and placed the knife back on the choppin
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#TheRingStuckOnMyFinger - SEQUEL is already here! But please don't read it yet or if you wanted to, you can. But the last chapter here isn't posted yet :)


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misssilverHEXAGON #1
Chapter 70: I really love this story!!!!such a great story
liyanaTik #2
I have read this for the fourth time but never get boring reading it
JingRu123 #3
New reader here but I read so many comment spoiler aldry! TT but still looking up for this fic, it look greattt❤
SHINee456 #4
Chapter 86: Loving this story!!!!
jessi828 #5 this story
HappinesssDelight #6
Chapter 112: oright! done with this. this is daebak!!! I'll wait for the part 2 to finish already. I admire you now author! this is great!
HappinesssDelight #7
Chapter 111: WTH!!!!!! is this really the last chapter of this story? yayaya! a sequel of course!!! this was just really the beginning omo!!!
HappinesssDelight #8
Chapter 109: and was T__T chanyeol's hair, he looks like a cute puppy so much
HappinesssDelight #9
Chapter 106: ooh! another kiss. I'm being curious with that something she thought as ring. is that for real??
HappinesssDelight #10
Chapter 98: woah! that was really a twist. I didn't somewhat expected that baek likes her