Prince in Shadow | Sudden visit

(BxB) Fiction : The Two Romance
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Hyunseung stood in front of the old building before his eyes. He looked up and grimaced a bit to see the oldness of the building. Hyunseung sighed. 'Why did you come to live this building?' Hyunseung stepped to the front, entering the building. He looked around. The interior also looked aged and there's just a small spot for a guard to stay and take care of the entrance. Indeed the guard looked old. Hyunseung walked to that place, flashing his polite smile. The guard looked up.

"Can I help you, student?" The old man said, judging the look and called the suitable name. Hyunseung bowed a bit.

"I just came to visit a friend." The old man nodded and pointed to the stairs.

"Don't use the lift. It's broken down last week and we didn't fixed it yet. Naah, mostly the residents will use the stairs anyway, safer. No worry cause most of them are youngster." The old man said and gestured Hyunseung to the stairs. Hyunseung just bowed a bit and proceed to the stairs. He sighed again.

"I don't get it why you didn't stay with Yang's instead..." Hyunseung carried on climbing the stairs.



Junhyung groaned when something wet felt on his arms. He shifted his body and pulled the fluffy thing into his hug. A soft bark heard. Junhyung sighed and opened his eyes slightly. "I still wanna sleep tho, Puff." Junhyung said and ruffled his brownie puppy's long fluffy fur. The puppy continued up to his face, . Junhyung groaned a bit and moved away his face. Junhyung rubbed his eyes and opened it wide.

"Did you feel hungry now?" The puppy barked again, answering its owner's question. "There's some meat leftover tho, go and take it." He placed his puppy down from his bed and shifted his body facing the wall, trying to have a sleep again. He never go out to anyway in his weekends and it felt unnecessary to wake up early during weekends.

The puppy got on the bed again and jumped on Junhyung's side. Junhyung felt uncomfortable. He opened his eyes again. "What's wrong you little puppy?" Junhyung was getting impatient. But even that puppy is pissing him off, but he never get violent on him.

Puff is the only his companion through the days. He had that puppy since his first year of high school, a week after he decided to move out from Yoseob's house. He didn't want to burden that family anymore and wanted to carry on his own, independently. But indeed, Yoseob's father was against it as he cared on Junhyung's safety as the tragic happened in his life involving his family. The attacker never had been caught and Yoseob's father always felt Junhyung's safety in his responsibility. One good point of Mr. Yang is he always put his sons safety as the top priority even though he's a busy person. But Junhyung insisted in moving out and Mr. Yang granted that but he shouldn't go out for work and let a guard stay with him. Junhyung didn't like that idea, but he can't go against it. So, far from Junhyung know, there's one of Mr. Yang's men watched over him all the day without him noticed like he wanted and his money living is supported by his foster father, got into his own account every months.

Puff barked again, stopping his owner from his own thought. Junhyung smiled to the puppy. "Ara, ara. Aish, why did you become just like Seobie, huh?" Junhyung sat on his bed and took Puff onto his lap. Junhyung ruffled the puppy's fur. He drowned into his thought again, the very first day he found the puppy.

He actually found Puff on the street, hurting and getting bullied by the big street dogs. Feeling pity and relate himself into the situation, Junhyung helped the puppy to chase away those dogs. The brownie puppy was thankful and followed Junhyung home, Mr. Yang's house. Junhyung can't help it but took it in. He was a bit grateful as thinking he would have a companion if he's moving out, even though it's a dog. He still remembered how mad Yoseob is when the news of him moving out knew by that little master of Yang's.

"Yah! Why you want to move out? You want to leave me alone in this huge house?!"

"I don't want to burden you anymore."

"Burden?! Jun, you're just like a sibling to me, so why it's a burden?"

"You don't understand." Junhyung exhaled. He had another reason, apart from he wanted independence. Yoseob's mother.

Mrs. Yang never like him. She always thought that Junhyung is a son from sinful relationship that Mr. Yang had out there. That's a reason why Mrs. Yang got herself busy with her works and never care about Junhyung. He once heard the parents argued because of him. Mrs. Yang didn't believe the true story of that tragic but accused her own husband for having a mistress. Junhyung felt bad for that and instead, felt bad for Yoseob to lose his mother's attention as Yoseob was too closed with him, make the mother went away. He hoped that he's moving out can help, but 6 months after, his foster parents got divorced. Yoseob who is being neglec

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iecha_chacha #1
Chapter 54: What u mean?? Hyunseung mother take away JunHyung memory??
Junhyungbeast4 #2
U know i have read both of your sories and i ship 2jun and junseung like crazy anyways please more stories like these
tklinh #3
Chapter 4: Eventhough you have finished the series but I still have to be a smartass :( You have too many grammar mistakes, which is totally tolerable because english might not be your native language, but for your next fictions, I suggest that you could use some help from a beta reader maybe :)
Anyway this is a really good plot, I like it very much and because I'm only up to chapter 4, I suppose your grammar skill will get better and better after each chapter :)
AnnoNiji #4
Chapter 64: Omg JunSeung <3 I love them and Seung is my bias too !!! *___* I love this ending seriously, your fiction was beautiful, i'm very very happy to read it and i will love to read one of your other fiction ! *W* About this one, if you want to write a bonus about Junnie's and Seungie's baby, well, i will read it !!! JunSeung forever <3 (and cute KiSeob, they are so adorable together i'm glad for them <3)
AnnoNiji #5
Chapter 63: Ah Kiki's cute~~ I'm glad Seobie's umma is here again :) And btw, i want some more JunSeung huhuhu And DooWoon *O*
AnnoNiji #6
Chapter 62: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I LOVE IT !!!!!!! >W JunHyung <3 HyunSeung <3 THEY ARE TOGETHER !!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 *^* (yes i'm so so so crazy and happy XD)
AnnoNiji #7
Chapter 61: KYAH KYAH KYAHHH ~~ SO CUTE <3 KiSeob *O*O*O*
AnnoNiji #8
Chapter 60: Lovely JunSeung <3 I wonder how Junnie will react about HyunSeung...
AnnoNiji #9
Chapter 59: I'm happy Seobie watched the interview <3
AnnoNiji #10
Chapter 58: Our brotherly cute JunSeob <3