Food Shopping

Unexpected love (Editing grammar ^^)


Chapter 17.



Daniel was chatting with Jisu and Simon when he saw You chatting with Ken and CL.

It's late..Im going to go home already and I'll see if Hana wants a ride.” Daniel said.

oh me too..I want to go home..” Jisu said. *Well what am I going to do here?..might as well go home too* Simon thought.

Daniel started walking towards you and Jisu and Simon followed.



Can I take my date now?” Daniel came out of no where.

Date? can she date you when she is dating me?” Ken asked seriously

Huh?” Daniel said dumbfounded.

What?” Jisu came from behind Daniel with a 'wtf' face. *Dating Ken?*Simon asked himself shocked.

Stop messing..” you smacked Ken.. and faced the others. Ken put his arm around your shoulder and had his face next to yours.

But we do make a cute couple huh?” He asked with a wide smile. You just chuckled at kens comment. Daniel gave Ken a death glare and Jisu pulled you away from Ken. don't..” Simon said with a straight face. Ken pouted. You looked at Simon -__-.. and than back to Ken.

It's because you can do better..” you smiled. Ken just chuckled.

Don't bring yourself down..your amazing..ok?” Ken smiled.

Damn straight she is..” Jisu said with 'Hmnph' Face.

You guys are funny..” you just smiled. Youngwon than joined your guys circle.


Lets go home?” He asked.. he looked tired

Youngwonnie...are you ok?” you asked just tired..and sleepy” He exaggerated.

Haha..ok lets go home...” you said. Daniel knew there was no need for him to ask if you needed a ride because he knew you wouldn't want to tire him. And Youngwon and Jisu live in the same place as you.

Ok..bye guys .” you waved to everyone.

Thanks for escorting me here Daniel..” You smiled

Anytime..” He smiled back and gave you a peck on the cheek. *Really??..just date already!* Simon thought jealously


You guys all went into youngwon's car. Jisu took shot gun and you were left in the back with Simon. 10 minutes passed and You were looking out the window and It was really quite.

Hey..what are...” you stopped when you saw Simon sleeping soundly and Jisu knocked out in the front. You chuckled.

I'm the sleepy one..i should be sleeping” Youngwon complained.

Haha..want me to drive?” you asked although you don't have your license.

I don't want to sleep forever..” Youngwon said. meaning that you will kill him. You laughed and saw Simon uncomfortable. His neck was leaning to the right side. So you decided to scoot over and let him put his head on your shoulder. You got really warm sitting so close to him that you fell asleep. 10 minutes later Youngwon stopped in front of the apartment. Simon woke up from the unexpected stop. He looked to his right and saw that he was sleeping on your shoulder. He was surprised. *Did she scoot just so I can lean on her..* Simon smiled to himself. *she's pretty up close*


Jisu..wake up we are here” Youngwon tried to wake Jisu up but Jisu was a heavy sleeper.

I'll walk Jisu to our apartment and you wake Hana up ..ok” Youngwon told Simon. Simon just nodded.

Hana..” Simon said and shook you lightly. You opened your eyes and squinted them

Simon?” you asked.

Yea.. come on ..let go inside.”Simon said. It took you a minute to realize were you were but than you remembered.

You tripped twice and Simon helped you walk to the apartment since it was really dark. Simon opened the door to your room.

“”Here...sleep well..” he chuckled.

You too...” you said half sleeping.




You woke and went to work. You chatted with Daehyun and Youngjae. You than went home to rest. It was only 2:30 and you were hungry and decided to cook something for you and the boys. You were looking around the cabinets when Simon and Jisu entered the Kitchen.


Im going to die of hunger...what is there to eat..?” Simon asked knowing that you will cook something for them since you always do.

Yea me too.. and i'm so sleepy..” Jisu complained.

I don't know..i think I need to go food shopping..” you pouted and went to your room to get a jacket and your wallet and phone. you came back and put your shoes on.

I'll go with you.” Jisu chirped...

No ..i'll go with stay and look tired.” Simon said. He had nothing to do and he just felt like going with you. You gasped. And Simon looked at you.

THE Simon...wants to go food shopping....with me???” you asked with widen eyes.

Lets go before I change my mind” Simon said annoyed..* I always take her out....why is she saying that?..ok maybe not...* Simon thought.

Yes sir..” you said and walked out of the house in a hurry and forgot to get your jacket. Simon just chuckled at you.


You guys got to the super market.

You took a food cart and started pushing. Simon came next to you and took the cart smoothly and started pushing towards the aisles.

Do you know what we need?” He asked and than turned to you. You were still in 'AWW' because he took the cart. Simon chuckled. You cleared your throat and faced forward. here” you said while pointing at your head. for sure we won't have a decent meal ..” Simon said and chuckled. You started laughing at his insult and turned your head and saw 2 girls giving you dirty looks. They gave you the *What is a hottie doing with a girl like her??* look. You stopped laughing and frowned. *Really?? im not that ugly people..* you thought .You looked at Simon.

I'll go get the noodles... and you get the eggs” you said. Simon saw that you stopped laughing and frowned. *She was just laughing...why the sudden change?” Simon looked at the direction you were looking at and saw the girls giving you looks. * Ahhh...that's why..* Simon understood why you left. It's not that you looked down on yourself. But you just didn't know how Simon felt about being with you and you didn't want to burden him. You started walking the other direction when Simon grabbed your hand. You looked back confused.


Lets go together..i don't know were anything is..” he said. He decided to piss the girls off so Simon gave you a long kiss on the cheek. You gave him a 'WTF' look but he just put a hand around your shoulders and started walking.

What was that?” you asked.

Just a friendly kiss..” He said.. you felt butterflies but than saw him look at the girls that gave you looks and smirked at them. *Oh..that's get them mad...Friendly kiss my ..* you were happy that he did that and backed you up. But a little piece somewhere in your heart.... you wished it was really a friendly kiss.


You and Simon got all the ingredients and started walking home. The super market wasn't that far from your apartment. You shivered a bit. You only had a thin sweater on. Simon saw you and you teeth were chattering. It was really cold outside.

You could pass for a carrot chopper...Why didn't you wear a jacket?” Simon asked

I got it ready..but I was in a hurry...I wanted to go before you changed your mind” you pouted. *Oh..ops..Did she want to go with me that bad..* Simon smiled to himself and put the bags down.

Huh..what are you doing...” you stopped. Simon took his jacket off and wrapped it around you. You blushed a bit.

What about you?” you asked looking at his thin clothes.

It's ok..i don't get cold fast..” Simon said while clinging his jaw tightly. You smiled. You were so touched. *Hes so sweet..* you thought. *No Hana..don't even think about it.. He's a stage 2 flirt!!...and Inati will kill your not his type* you scolded your self.


You guys got home and you and Simon cooked food for everyone. nice to have someone cook with me..” you thought at loud. Simon chuckled. *Opss..did I say that at loud* you smiled guiltily.

Well....don't get used to it..” Simon said.

I know..It's fine..i wasn't going to get used to you anyways..” you frowned and pouted than left to scoop the rice. Simon was dumbfounded.

*What?..Why not?* He didn't mean what he said. He was just teasing you. “If it was someone else would you get your hopes up and try to get used to it?* For some reason Simon was hurt. *She doesn't expect anything from me....why does this bug me?* Simon thought but just shook it off. *Well what am I to her in order for her to expect anything from me?* ...

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Chapter 77: You know what it took me one and half day to finish this story trully this is the most attractive and best story. But sadly it has end. I can't even stop reading it it just to addictive hahaha
NComel11 #3
Chapter 77: Interesting story,Im sad because it is over
YellowClover #4
nice story!
xternalov3x #5
Chapter 77: WOW SUCH A GOOD STORY WRITTEN!! Thank you for finishing the story.. And I can't believe that I just only found the story now! :D
atiqahque #6
Chapter 77: I laughed, cried, cringed, angry while reading this. This is the best. Two thumbs up ^^
rayvhengoldwater #7
Chapter 77: i read this in two days lol
Chapter 77: Q_Q
i can't believe this story is over :cccc
nevertheless, thank u so much for it!
u really did a great job!
muneka10 #9
Chapter 77: So this isnt over right? I love this story and I hope you can give us a lil bit more of simon and dmtn. I really do! =)
Chapter 77: Nooooooooo don't stop!!!!!!!!!