Dance To My Heart

You definitely don't feel lucky after what Hyuna said. But you chose to ignore her instead, and communicate with the other students who are in the same studio.


The door opens and...



..two handsome guys entered the room. You are so curious to know who they are because the moment they entered the room everyone is excited to see them.


"Omona!! It's Hoya oppa and Dongjun oppa!!" "They're so handsome~~!! I wanna marry both of them." The girls at the back were blushing at the presence of the brothers.


"Who are they and why is everyone so happy to see them?" You asked the girls behind you. Hyuna heard you and she answered, "The tall and handsome one is Hoya oppa. The short and cute one is Dongjun oppa. They're the best dancers in the academy. And they're brothers."


You are surprised to know that you are in the class with the best two dancers in the academy. "Oh" *I  don't know what to say right now*


You do not know what to do, the girls are busy with their melting hearts and the guys are busy chatting with one another on how they envy Hoya and Dongjun.


"Hi!!" A girl tapped your shoulder, you turned around to see who it was. "Hello" you said. "Hi I'm Hyoyeon!! It's nice to meet you." She smiled at you as if you two are already close. "Annyeong, I'm ------" 


"Come, I'll introduce you to Hoya oppa and Dongjun oppa". Hyoyeon grabbed you and the next you know is you girl are walking towards the famous brothers.


"Dongjun oppa!" Dongjun looked at Hyoyeon and smiled at her. "I want you to meet my friend and our foreign exchange student for 6 months, --------! Isn't she pretty?" *OKAY, I'M SPEECHLESS, DONGJUN OPPA IS REALLY CUTE, NO DOUBT." 


"Hi ---------! I'm Dongjun, the cutest and most charismatic dancer in the academy." He laughs at himself. 


Hyoyeon noticed that Hoya is not even bothered by your presence. *Oh well, I guess he is not interested to know me, but I want to see how he looks like since everyone is going gaga over him.*


"Hoya oppa! Won't you at least say hi to our visitor?" Hoya drops his bag and turns around. "Annyeong". "H-h-h-h-iiiii, I'm -----------" You suddenly felt nervous when you saw his handsome face. 


Something forced you to reach for his hand to shake but he didn't even look at you and went to fixing his things. 




Dongjun shouts "Alright everyone, let's show ------- what we got!"


Everyone went to their cues and performed for you. 


"Wow they're so daebak....." 



As you were looking at them, your eyes noticed someone....



You couldn't take your eyes off of him..

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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 74: KYAAA"!!!!!! HOYAA
Milray #2
Chapter 30: love this! one of my favorites ~~
Chapter 53: Love this story!!
Chapter 63: Gosh!
HyoJun Fanfic..^^
5herL00kAtMe #5
I've read this story thrice in a row!! It's great! Hwaiting! :)
Omg. Thank you so much for all the nice comments~~ I've been busy with school for the past two months. THANK YOU!! <3
New reader here ^^ it's getting good so far :D
DaebakFinite #8
Read it in two days straight. Awesome story! Write more! :D