
Dance To My Heart

"-------, is it okay if I sleep with you tonight? Hoya oppa asked me to assist you, and.. I really wanted to have a sleepover at a dorm mates' room. Kkkkk~" Hyoyeon giggles while grabbing a pillow from your bed. "Of course you can." You laugh at her. 


"Hyoyeon-ah, do you know why Hoya oppa sent you here? I mean, besides the fact that he knows that I am injured." You ask Hyoyeon out of nowhere. You are really curious to know why Hoya is concerned for you all of a sudden. "I really don't know, -------- ~ ah. Hoya oppa's been acting really strange since you arrived here. He has never been concerned over a girl before." Hyoyeon answers you seriously while browsing some of your magazines.


"I see. Anyway, do you want some ramen? I have some in my cabinet, and I know you love eating, Hyoyeon." You sort if . "Then let's eat!! I have pork hocks in my bag I'll be right back, it's in my room!!" Hyoyeon runs outside and goes to her room to get her pork hocks. You laugh at her sillyness. "She never fails to make me laugh."


Hyoyeon, runs outside the hallway, is seen by Dongjun. "Hyoyeon~ah, what's going on?" Hyoyeon stops right infront of Dongjun. "Oh Dongjun oppa, I'm sleeping over at --------'s room tonight. We're having ramen and pork hocks!" Hyoyeon seems really happy. Although she loves to eat, she makes sure she maintains her figure. 


"Jjinja?" Dongjun asks, his eyes widened. "But, why are you sleeping over at her room all of a sudden?" "I'm doing a favor for Hoya oppa, he asked me to take care of ------ tonight."


"Hoya hyung?" "Ne Dongjun oppa." Hyoyeon goes inside her room and looks for her bag with the pork hocks, leaving Dongjun outside by the door. 


"Jjang!! I found it!! Kkkkk~" Hyoyeon holds the tupperware full of pork hocks, raising it like she won an award or something. She goes out and sees Dongjun. "Oppa, do you want some?" She opens the tupperware. "Ahhhhh, daebak~!! It smells delicious!!" Hyoyeon is savoring the sweet smell of her pork hocks. "No, thank you." Dongjun replies. "Arasseo, bye oppa!" Hyoyeon rushes to your room.


Dongjun is still standing outside Hyoyeon's room and looks at his and his hyung's room. 


Meanwhile, Hyoyeon is finally back at your room. "-----!! I got the pork hocks!!" "Hyoyeon~ah, can you please cook our ramen for tonight? I would if I could, but...." "Of course!! I shall be your cook for this evening. Chef Hyoyeon shall make us delicious ramen with pork hocks!!"


"I'm going to gain weight if we do this every night, Hyoyeon." You both laugh. Hyoyeon goes to the mini kitchen of your room, cooks ramen and heats the pork hocks. "AHHHHH, the food smells incredibly delicious!!" You smell the ramen and heated pork hocks from your bed. "Hyoyeon~ah, make sure you leave some ramen and pork hocks for me. Kkkkk~" 


Hyoyeon is done cooking your food. She brings a tray for you to eat on your bed. "Here's yours, and this is mine." "Thank you, Hyoyeon." You take a sip of the ramen's soup. 


"So.. --------" Hyoyeon calls your attention while is full of pork hocks. "Ya, Hyoyeon, don't talk when your mouth is full." You laughed at her puffer face. "Mianhe~" Hyoyeon swallows her food. "Do you find anyone attractive in the academy?" Hyoyeon smiles. 


"Uhmm, there is one guy who caught my attention from day 1..." You are hesistant, you know Hyoyeon would tease and you'll blush. "Omo!! Who is it?" Hyoyeon takes a sp of her ramen then looks at you. ".... But you two are close! And I bet you know him well!" 


"Tell me!! I promise I won't tell anyone." Hyoyeon assured you that you can fully give your trust to her.


"It's............." You teased Hyoyeon. "Who?" Hyoyeon is really eager to know who the guy is.


".........Hoya oppa" You whispered your answered. You are shy to say that you are attracted to Hoya so you look down and you continue eating your ramen and pork hocks.


"JJINJA?!!!!!!! OMONA!! HOYA OPPA'S APPEAL IS JUST SO DAEBAK!! EVERY GIRL IN THE ACADEMY WANTS TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!!" Hyoyeon shouted out of excitement. "Shhhhh!! Ya! Someone might hear you from the hallway!!" You cover Hyoyeon's mouth. 



"Don't worry! No one heard me." Hyoyeon goes for the door to check if there is someone in the hallway. She looks left and right and see no one. "I told you no one would hear us." You let out a big sigh. 


But.... Hyoyeon didn't see Hoya who immediately hid behind the wall of your room. Hoya was passing by the hallway, but he stopped because he heard Hyoyeon scream from your room and he also heard what Hyoyeon said. But when he saw that someone opened the door, Hoya ran to the back of the wall.


Hoya leaned back to the wall and smiled because of what he heard. When he feels that Hyoyeon isn't outside anymore, he walked confidently to the other side of the hallway, smiling, where his and his dongsaeng's room is. 


He passes by hearing you and Hyoyeon giggle.




Hello!! Just to make it clear, Hyoyeon will be "YOU"'s closest friend in the academy. She isn't like HyunA. So don't worry, "YOU"'s secret is safe with Hyoyeon~ ^^

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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 74: KYAAA"!!!!!! HOYAA
Milray #2
Chapter 30: love this! one of my favorites ~~
Chapter 53: Love this story!!
Chapter 63: Gosh!
HyoJun Fanfic..^^
5herL00kAtMe #5
I've read this story thrice in a row!! It's great! Hwaiting! :)
Omg. Thank you so much for all the nice comments~~ I've been busy with school for the past two months. THANK YOU!! <3
New reader here ^^ it's getting good so far :D
DaebakFinite #8
Read it in two days straight. Awesome story! Write more! :D