
Hey! Why don't you understand that I don't like you!
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“~~~~-ah. Please wake up.” L.Joe pleaded holding your hand. He was the only one there because everyone else was busying.

It’s been a month since you’ve been in a coma. L.Joe would visit you every day after school and go home late. He would tell you stories or things that happen. He would ask you for help on his homework. He would talk to you everyday hoping that one day you’ll answer him back. He never lost hope that you’ll come back. Everyone knew that you would come back but they didn’t know when.

It was a Saturday. Gongchan had already woken up. He woke up two days ago. After the accident, appa called his dad in London and told him what had happened. After hearing about the accident, Gongchan’s parents immediately booked tickets to Seoul for the next day. So both of Gongchan's parents has been taking care of him since then. While your parents, Wooyoung, IU, and Teen Top has been taking care of you. Mostly L.Joe though.

L.Joe was reading you a book. It was a tragic romance. He has been reading that book to you for a day now.

“So, the boy and the girl secretly met each other. They were forbidden to but they managed to see each other. They missed each other dearly. They thought that without each other they could die.” L.Joe read then looked at you. “~~~~-ah, aren’t you tired of sleeping? You’ve been sleeping for a month now. Gongchan woke up. Why haven’t you?” L.Joe squeezed your hand. “Please wake up soon. I really miss you. Just like this book, I don’t think I can do anything without you.” A tear rolled down L.Joe’s cheek. He wiped it away.

“~~~~-ah, I’ve been a crybaby lately. Isn’t that funny? I, the cold hearted L.Joe, crying. Isn’t it funny?” L.Joe did a fake laugh. “~~~~-ah, please wake up. I’m begging you. I can’t stand seeing you like this anymore.” Another tear rolled down his cheek.

Your fingers started to move. You slowly opened your eyes. You heard someone sniffing. You glanced over at L.Joe, who had his head down. You slowly lifted up your hand and put in on L.Joe’s cheek. His head shot up with wide eyes. You gave him a small weak smile.

“Byunghun…oppa.” You called softly. “~~~~-ah.” L.Joe’s face lit up. A small weak giggle escaped your mouth. “Don't cry, Byunghun oppa.” You wiped L.Joe’s tear. He put his hand over yours. “~~~~-ah, you’re finally awake. Did you know how much I missed you?” You nodded slowly. “I heard every word.” You smiled.

L.Joe leaned in and kissed your forehead. “I’ll go get the doctor. Don’t you dare sleep again, okay?” L.Joe stood up and pointed at you. You nodded and giggled. L.Joe smiled and ran out to find a doctor.

The doctor came in and checked up on you. “I’m glad to see that you’re up. We’ll need to do some tests on you before you can be discharged. Now just get some rest and don’t move too much, okay?” Dr. Han said. “Yes, Dr. Han. Thank you.” You thanked. “No problem. I’m glad you’re up. You know L.Joe has been here for you all the time. You’re lucky to have him ~~~~.” You blushed.

“Dr. Han, we’re not together.” “Well that’s too bad. He’s a fine gentleman and you don’t find many like him. Don’t miss your chance. Well I better get going now. I have other patients. Again I’m glad that you’re awake. I’ll check on you tomorrow.” “Thank you.” You did a little bow. Dr. Han nodded and left.

L.Joe walked over to you. You looked up at L.Joe. “How are you feeling? Are you hungry? Do you want anything to eat? You want me to do something for you?” L.Joe bombarded you with questions. You held up your hand to stop him. “Byunghun oppa calm down. I’m not a little kid anymore.” You pouted.

L.Joe sat down on your bed next to you. “Do you know how much I missed you? How much I wanted you to wake up?” “I heard every word that you said. Though I was in a coma I heard everything.” You smiled. “Then why didn’t you wake up?” “I guess I didn’t want to.” You stuck out your tongue. L.Joe pushed your forehead gently. “Yah. I’m a patient here. On top of that, I just woke up from a coma.” You frowned crossing your arms. “Tch. I don’t see what’s good about you.” You scoffed.

“What? I’m prefect. Don’t you see?” L.Joe pointed to himself head to toe. “Tch. Yeah right. A gentleman my foot.” You rolled your eyes turning the opposite direction of L.Joe. “For your inf

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Chapter 37: Omg I'm so in love with this! Thank you for writing this story!!! Saranghae iheartskpop ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 16: So.. She likes Key?! :O
Chapter 15: HYUNA. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER. L.joe practically has a chance with her since her whole family's on his side....
Chapter 14: Awww poor Key ;-; WOOYOUNG AND IU! <3 Milkyyy Coupleeee ~^.^~
Chapter 13: o.o Byungie.. what are you gonna do?!
Chapter 12: Mhhmmm. That deserves it =_=
Chapter 11: What if there was a plot twist, where the "revenge chick" is actually... IU?! Oh god that would never happen
Chapter 10: Hmm... It's her. I can tell.
Chapter 9: O_O .... -_-" HYUNA?!
Chapter 8: Oh now she knows it's the 'girl' >.<