Going to school as a couple

Hey! Why don't you understand that I don't like you!
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"I'm home." You called taking off your shoes. "~~~~. How was it?" Your mom asked coming from the kitchen. "It was good." You smiled. "I can tell." "How?" "Your face says it all. You said yes, didn't you?" You blushed.

"Aigoo. My Agiya is growing up. She's finally found the man that she loves." Your mom hugged you tight. "Umma." You laughed.

"~~~~~ is dating L.Joe!" Wooyoung laughed coming down the stairs. You blushed. "Umma, do you think L.Joe would want to marry ~~~~-ah now?" Wooyoung teased. "Oppa." You blushed. "Wooyoung-ah, stop teasing your sister. ~~~~-ah, go wash up. It's late and you guys have school tomorrow." "Yes umma."

You went upstairs, washed up and off to dreamland you went.


"Hey babe, wake up." L.Joe shook you lightly. "Mm. Five more minutes." You mumbled. "No, it's already seven." "What?!" You quickly sat up. L.Joe laughed. You looked at your clock and it was only six thirty a.m.

"Yah. It's only six thirty. L.Joe o- yah! How did you get in here?!" You shouted. "Your mom let me in." L.Joe smiled. "What are you doing here?" You frowned. "Picking up my girlfriend." L.Joe kissed your cheek. "Yah." You blushed. "You're so cute when you blush." L.Joe pinched your nose lightly. You blushed even harder.

"I-I'm washing up." You quickly got out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. L.Joe chuckled. *She's adorable in the morning.*

You were in the bathroom. "Oh goodness. I can't believe that just happened." You looked in the mirror. You hair was all messy and you looked like crap. "Aish. I can't believe he saw me looking like this." You mumbled putting toothpaste on your toothbrush.

You came out and changed into your uniform. L.Joe was downstairs in the kitchen talking to your mom. You came down and went into the kitchen. L.Joe and your mom was laughing about something. You raised an eyebrow in suspension.

"Oh. Agiya, you're done. Come and eat breakfast." She waved her hand motioning you to go over and eat. You went over and sat next to her. "Agiya, why are you sitting here? You're supposed to be sitting next to L.Joe." "No, I like sitting here though." You pouted. "Well I don't. Now go and sit next to L.Joe." "But umma." You whined. "No whining or buts. Now go."

You pouted got up and went to sit next to L.Joe.

"There you go. Perfect." Your mom smiled. "Umma, you meanie." Your mom laughed. "Eat." You pouted then ate your breakfast.

After eating you got up and grabbed your bag. "Umma, we're going nw." You called. "Have a good day." Your mom called back. "We will." "Bye imo." L.Joe waved. "Bye L.Joe, remember to watch after ~~~~." Your mom winked. "Umma." You frowned. "Okay, now go." You and L.Joe left.

When you guys were outside L.Joe intertwined his fingers with yours. You smiled.

You guys walked to school hand in hand but when you guys were almost to school, you stopped. L.Joe also stopped and looked at you.

"What's wrong?" L.Joe asked. "Are we going to let everyone know...about us?" You asked. "Why not? Are you scared?" "Very scared. I don't want any of your fans hating me." You admitted. L.Joe laughed. You frowned. "Yah. I'm not kidding." "Don't worry. I won't let anyone lay a finger on my babe." L.Joe squeezed your hand. You smiled and nodded.

You and L.Joe continued walking to school.

When you guys came to the school gates, everyone gasped. "Look at this. They're all staring." You whispered "Don't worry. They won't date do anything to the cold hearted kingka L.Joe's girlfriend." L.Joe reassured you squeezed his hand and gave him a weak smiled.

"Yo L.Joe!" Someone called L.Joe and you turned around and saw the rest of Teen Top coming your way.

"Whoa. What happened between you two?" CAP pointed at you and L.Joe's hand. "Oh. Uh...we-" "We're officially a couple." L.Joe cut you off, raising your and his hand to show them.

Ricky's eyes almost popped out of his sockets because of the news. "No! ~~~~ noona! This is a lie right? Tell me it isn't true." Ricky shook you. You were frightened by Ricky's reaction.

L.Joe pulled Ricky's hands off you. "Yah. Ricky, you're scaring ~~~~." "Hyung, I'm not talking to you." Ricky pushed L.Joe away. "Yah! Ricky!" L.Joe shouted ready to punch Ricky.

You snapped out from your daze and stood in front of Ricky spreading your arms. "Move ~~~~." L.Joe sneered. You frown. "No." "What? You're not going to move?" "I'm not moving. This is between me and Ricky. We need to talk so please let us talk for a bit. Please?" You pleaded. L.Joe softened and grabbed your hands. "Promise me nothing will happen." "I promise." You squeezed his hand to reassure him. He have you a small weak smiled. You released his hand and left with Ricky.

L.Joe sigh. "You've got to trust her. I don't know when this happened between you

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Chapter 37: Omg I'm so in love with this! Thank you for writing this story!!! Saranghae iheartskpop ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 16: So.. She likes Key?! :O
Chapter 15: HYUNA. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER. L.joe practically has a chance with her since her whole family's on his side....
Chapter 14: Awww poor Key ;-; WOOYOUNG AND IU! <3 Milkyyy Coupleeee ~^.^~
Chapter 13: o.o Byungie.. what are you gonna do?!
Chapter 12: Mhhmmm. That deserves it =_=
Chapter 11: What if there was a plot twist, where the "revenge chick" is actually... IU?! Oh god that would never happen
Chapter 10: Hmm... It's her. I can tell.
Chapter 9: O_O .... -_-" HYUNA?!
Chapter 8: Oh now she knows it's the 'girl' >.<