Come to dinner on Saturday

Hey! Why don't you understand that I don't like you!
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"Dinner's ready." You called. "Coming." Your dad and brother replied. They walked over to the table. You looked around for Key. "Where's Key oppa?" You asked looking around. "Oh. He went to sleep." Wooyoung replied sitting down. "Without dinner?" Wooyoung shrugged, "I don't know." "I'm going to check on him." You said heading upstairs to the guest room.

You knocked on the guest room door. “Key oppa, dinner’s ready.” There was no respond. You opened the door and poked your head into the room. Key was sleeping peacefully on the bed. You walked over to him. His hair was in his face so you pushed it away from his face. You were about to walk away but someone grabbed your wrist.

You turned around, “Key oppa?” “Don’t go.” Key mumbled “But d-“ “Don’t go.” You sighed, “Okay, I won’t go.” You went and sat down on the bed. “Key oppa, are you okay?”

Key was silent. “Key oppa?” You called gently. ThenKey hugged you by the waist. “Oh. Key oppa.” You jumped a little. “Key oppa.” You said getting up but Key pulled you down again. “Don’t go. Stay, please?” Key pleaded.

You sighed and stayed. You guys were silent. “Key oppa, are you okay?” You asked finally breaking the silence. Key shook his head. “Why not?” “It hurts.” Key simply replied.

You eyes widen and you quickly turned around. “What? It hurts? Where?” 

Key chuckled. “Yah. Key oppa. I’m serious.” You said with a serious face. “Here.” Key pointed to his heart.

You tilted your head with an eyebrow raised. “It hurts right here.” Key said. “How does your heart hurt?” You asked. “Because it’s broken.” “Broken?”

*Aish. ~~~~~~-ah, you’re so dense. Don’t you understand what I’m trying to tell you? I’m trying to tell that I love you. My heart hurt because of you. Don’t you get it? ~~~~~~-ah, please. I’m begging you, please understand.* Key pleaded in his head.

You had a blank look on your face. “I don’t get how your heart is broken? Did a girl break your heart? If she did then, how come you never told me that you liked someone? I would have helped you get her.” You smiled.

Key sighed. *She doesn’t get it.* “Key oppa, what’s wrong?” You asked. Key shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong.” Key faked a yawn. “I’m tired. I’m going to sleep now. Good night.” “Oh okay. Good night Key oppa. Sweet dreams.” You said walking out of the room.

Once you were out, you leaned against the door. *I wonder what’s wrong with him. He seemed too sad. Is there anything that I can help him with? Aigoo. Poor Key oppa.* You sighed and walked downstairs.

Your parents and brother was eating chatting happily. “Oh. Agiya, where’s Key?” Your mom asked when you sat down in your sit. “Huh? Oh. He went to sleep.” You replied. “You took a long time checking on him.” Wooyoung said with a mouthful of food. “Wooyoung-ah, don’t talk with your mouthful. It’s disgusting and rude.” Your mom glared at Wooyoung. “Yes, umma.” Wooyoung said swallowing down his food.

“Come ~~~~~~-ah. Eat so you’ll be able to go to school tomorrow.” Your dad said putting a spoonful of food on your plate. “School, already? But I don’t want to go to school.” You pouted. “Well now that you have enough strength to whine like that, it means you can go to school but be careful. Don’t hurt yourself anymore.” “Yes appa.” You said putting a spoonful of food in your mouth.

“I’m full.” You stretched patting your stomach. “Me too.” Wooyoung laughed. “It’s because you eat like a pig.” You teased. Wooyoung glared at you. You stuck out your tongue. “Yah.” Wooyoung got up and chased after you but you quickly got up and ran.

“Ah. Oppa. I’m going to bed now. Good night.” You ran upstairs to your room. You got into your bed and fell asleep.



“~~~~~~-ah! Wake up! We’re late!” Wooyoung knocked loudly at your door. “Mm. Oppa five more minutes.” You mumbled. “Yah! Hurry up! We’re late!” Wooyoung yelled before running down the stairs. “Mm.” You opened one eye and looked at your clock on the nightstand. Your eyes widen.

“Oh no! I’m late!” You shouted getting out of bed and rushing towards the bathroom. You quickly put on your uniform and rushed downstairs.

“Oppa!” You shouted. “Yah! Hurry!” Wooyoung yelled from outside. You quickly put on your shoes and ran outside. “Yah! Hurry up, you slowpoke!” Wooyoung yelled impatiently.

Wooyoung and you started to run towards school. The gate was a

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Chapter 37: Omg I'm so in love with this! Thank you for writing this story!!! Saranghae iheartskpop ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 16: So.. She likes Key?! :O
Chapter 15: HYUNA. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER. L.joe practically has a chance with her since her whole family's on his side....
Chapter 14: Awww poor Key ;-; WOOYOUNG AND IU! <3 Milkyyy Coupleeee ~^.^~
Chapter 13: o.o Byungie.. what are you gonna do?!
Chapter 12: Mhhmmm. That deserves it =_=
Chapter 11: What if there was a plot twist, where the "revenge chick" is actually... IU?! Oh god that would never happen
Chapter 10: Hmm... It's her. I can tell.
Chapter 9: O_O .... -_-" HYUNA?!
Chapter 8: Oh now she knows it's the 'girl' >.<